chapter 22 🌓

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(hi :) we are backkkkk!)

you stumble; your feet getting caught on the end of the ramp that connected with the floor of the finalizer. although you only had one drink, the drink that kael begging you to drink was straight alcohol and burned your throat as it went down. your blood mixed with the chemicals of the drink; causing the effects of your blurry vision and unsteady steps.

"woah there, y/n" kael grabs your arm; helping you back in line with gravity.

"what was in that drink?" you mumble, your actions foreign to your cloudy brain

"oh, cal milk, it makes the effect of one drink about the same as six" kael shrugs his shoulders, walking next to you incase your body decides to give out again.

you widen your eyes at him; his body disorients- looking like mixed water as your eyes deceive you.

kael laughs and walks in the direction of his room, you trail close to the wall; your hand gliding across it for support. he opens his door and steps inside.

"you'll be okay, y/n?" kael looks at you, concern and humor laced in his voice.

"y-yes.. go. i can do it" you say; sweat starting to trickle down your neck.

"...okay.. i'll see you tomorrow then?" kael asks you, his voice minimizing as you walk farther away.

you wave him off, listening to his door close behind him as you continue the torturous walk to your quarters. you couldn't think about what could lie ahead of you; only focusing on staying upright.

you round the corner; hugging the way closely. you lift your head from the floor when a shadow of a figure appears in the reflection. kylo stands a few feet in front of you- blocking the whole hallway. his feet spread apart and his arms crossed over his chest; eyes blazing with fury.

terror streams through your liquor coated blood, forcing it to diminish as your unconscious mind startles awake slowly.

"emperor" you breathe, trying to control your movements and ragged voice.

"you're drunk" kylo points out; making your body want to cower back

you lift your head more the closer you get to his stature. you stand inches from his chest; the overwhelming feeling to touch him increasing with every rise of his chest.

"where did you go?" he asks you, his deep voice rattles your core.

your brain screams at you to answer; but your throat closes- the squeak of your voice stopping mid breath.

"and who took you?" he adds, his anger magnifying as the silence swirls around you.

when you don't answer once more, his blazing fire has broke through the barrier; his hand wraps around your forearm, squeezing so hard your blood halts in your veins.

kylo drags you down the hallway, the force opens the door and he throws you on the bed; your dress flowing all around you.

you gasp at the sudden contact- looking at kylo with wide, terrified eyes.

"strip. now" he says- looking down at you with such hardness you could barely tell he had a beating heart inside him.

"w-what?" you stutter; nervousness and a drop of excitement stirs within you.

"you heard me the first time; strip" he pulls the chair in the corner to the foot of the bed- sitting and laying his right leg over his left; his ankle propped on his knee.

your breathing comes out in spurts as you reach for the back of your dress; your hands shaking as your adrenaline rush starts at your toes and shoots up to the hair on your scalp. you advert your eyes from his hard glaze.

Little by Little (Kylo Ren x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now