chapter 29 🌔

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(here our lovely rats, enjoy your meal 🥰)

you weren't always the one being hunted; you were usually the hunter. the one that would stalk out the prey, watch as it had no idea what was to come for it- what would drastically change its life forever.

you'd wished you had listened to the twisting of your stomach every time you were near, ignoring the constant nagging of your better self that tried to keep you safe and out of harms way.

you suppose, looking back, no harm was visible. but as you sit in the pitch black of your mind; the red flags appeared in front of you, plain as day. the remarks, the looks, even the way things were done, it was all there. if only you had listened...

if only.

- one hour before-

you had landed back on the finalizer moments ago; a large bouquet of flowers wrapped tightly in cloth rested against your arm as your hand held them at the base. kylo had put it together for you; rolling his eyes as you smiled widely at him, but a light shade of pink emerging on his cheeks.

your heels hit the floor loudly; the bustling of the halls making it less obvious as you walked on the right side of kylo, the flowers bouncing in your grip with every step.

"i need to put these in something so they don't die"
you say, watching as everyone in the halls parted for you to walk through a clear path.

"alright" kylo looks at you from the corner of his eye; giving you the feeling he wanted to say more, but didn't know how.

"would you like to help me?" you keep your eyes trained on the flowers held against your chest.

"...okay" kylo almost whispers, as if he himself felt the weight of the question come off his own chest.

you walk to your quarters, letting kylo open the door for you as you make your way to the counter top. you unwrap the cloth and watch as the flowers spill out. grabbing the large vase, you bring it to the middle of the island. kylo leans against the counter behind you, watching as you work.

"so first, you want to get clean water in the vase, making sure it's to about the middle" you instruct kylo as you play out the motions, showing him exactly how much water to put in with your finger.

"then, you have to clip the bottom of the stems-" you sit the vase back down, grabbing a knife from the drawer and showing kylo exactly how much of the stem to cut "-only about an inch or so" you finish, feeling his presence come closer.

you focus on your hands as you cut off the bottom of each stem, watching kylo's hands lay flatly on either side of your hips on the island you faced. his breath fanned your neck, making a chill run down your spine.

you try to keep your breathing steady, but failing miserably when you feel his chin rest lightly on your collarbone. you take in a sharp breath, remaining focused on the flowers and the glistening knife in your hand.

"s-so, when you're ready, you put a few in at a time- then fill in the flowers however you want them to sit"  you tell kylo, feeling his throat vibrate against your shoulder blade as he hums in response.

you slowly fill the vase with your flowers, carefully placing them in the correct places as kylo slides his hand closer to you. kylo grabs your left hand; moving so yours is placed on top of his- your rings clicking together.

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