chapter 13 🌒

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- kylo -

as kylo lands on the planet eclipse; he squints his eyes, ashes blowing from the wind and into his face. he descends from the ramp and onto the dry broken ground to hear crunching of cement below him. the village is deserted; the wind howls around him, bouncing off the hollow buildings and sounding like the whines of death that took place here. his knights are close by; weapons hung loosely on their backs.

making their way towards the castle, the screams and cries of villagers are alive in kylo's mind, making him close his eyes and try to fight them away. he reopens his them to see the memories of his knights and stormtroopers slaughtering the townspeople coming to life around him. seeing the blood and agony of those victims causes him to yell in frustration, moving faster towards the castle.

kylo pushes the main door to the destroyed castle open; making it fall heavily to the floor in a loud thud. the light from the sun poured in from the ceiling above, making kylo look up. the ceiling was high; a glass stained window adorned the top. figures of crows and trees were etched into the glass; every little detail being new to kylo's eyes. he never noticed just how beautifully designed the royal castle was the first time the first order was present, but then again, he was too occupied to notice.

the sounds of his boots collided with the hard floor underneath him as he made his way through the long damaged walls. trees and the color green had taken over the castle now; mother nature reclaiming what was once hers. a pang of guilt shoots into kylo's heart when he ascends the main stairway, leading to your living level.

kylo stops at the negotiation room first, stepping in to see the furniture in pieces around him, a large desk was slammed against the wall; a large crack overtaking it. he looked around at the destruction in the room, about to depart before his eyes darted to a cracking noise below his feet. cocking his head to the side, he picks up his discovery and examines it; wondering if this could be something to help rebuild you. one of the knights call kylo from a few rooms away, causing him to shove the treasure into his pocket and leave the room hurriedly.

kylo followed the sound of the knights heavy boots smacking the ground before a ringing in his mind throws him off guard. suddenly, sound was lost from his ears as a distant cry of an infant echoes off the walls from far away. kylo stops in his tracks; swiveling around to look for the child, only to find none. there would be no way a child could survive on this planet; or any person for that matter.

"master ren, we must withdraw from the planet now; the oxygen levels are becoming too low" one of the knights snap kylo out of his trance, causing him to snap his head in the knights direction.

"do you hear that? an infants cry?" kylo questions the knight, earning a shake of his helmet.

"no, emperor, i hear none but the wind" the knights replies, looking at his surroundings for any sign of the infant kylo speaks of. kylo huffs in response, making his way down the stairs and to the ship, returning to the finalizer in hopes of bringing you back a treasure worth living for.

- y/n -

you lay in bed, slowly coming to life as you peel your tired eyes open. you had done nothing but sleep; for that seemed to be the only way of easing some of your unbearable pain. you bring your hand up to your face, rubbing your eyelids before turning on your side. the color red catches your attention; standing out amongst the dull colors surrounding it. you sit up; the duvet falls to your hips as you reach for he object sitting on the bedside table. a single blood red rose sits gently between your fingers, the thorns removed prior. you feel nauseous as you remember the past roses that have been given to you; thorns still attached to those. you plop the rose on the bed before facing the table once more. your heart stops at the sight.

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