chapter 6 🌑

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after your wedding, you were taken back to your quarters to change for dinner. you were put into a beautiful sequence black dress, a cape flowing over your shoulders, tiny jewels sparkling in the light. your wedding ring hung snugly on your nimble cold finger, twisting it around every once in awhile.

"empress y/n, we are ready to go" a women with hair the color of ink calls to you, making you take a deep breath, striding to the exit. alice was gathering her belongings, readying herself to travel back to where she had come from.

"alice" you look to her, grabbing her delicate hands in yours, looking at her with true serenity. "thank you, for everything. may you stay safe in your travels" you tell her, smiling a gorgeous smile.

"ah yes, thank you, dear child. I hope to see your beauty with my own eyes again some day." she puts her palm to your cheek, giving you a caring smile.

she looks to the women around you, awaiting for your departure. "I think our empress deserves a proper opening, do we not agree?" alice asks the women. they all nodded in allusion. alice moves from her spot and to one of her items she was carrying.

she pulled out a medium sized box, unclasping the top, and handing it to you. you looked at her with confusion. she waves you on, telling you to open it. when you released the lid, it fell to the floor. you had to take a seat on the edge of your bed to keep from passing out. your fathers crown lay peacefully in the velvet lining of the box, freshly cleaned. you took the crown out, examining it carefully, memories of your father flashed in your brain, making you tear up.

"something of your past, for the empress of the future galaxy" alice nods to you, holding her hands to her chest at your response. you fought to hold back tears of joy, never knowing if you'd ever see the beautifully constructed crown again.

alice grabs it lightly from your hands, standing in front of you; she places the crown directly on the halo of your head, the power you feel from it surges into you, a warmth trickles down your spine.

you look up to her, seeing as now she has backed away, the women around you gasping at the sight. red jewels glow in the light, the black gold that adorned it made you look as powerful as you were.

the walk in the halls this time was not a burden on your shoulders; you walked with strength, dignity, and dominance. the knights outside the heavy dining area doors spotted you first, bowing their heads, as they greeted you.

"empress ren" they say together, opening the doors for you to enter. the chatter instantly died down, full attention on you. you did not mind them staring, you knew they knew where it came from and what they were looking at; your crown.

kylo drank your appearance in, ranking up and down your body slowly. you hoped the crown had made an impression on him, good or bad.

everyone instantly stood from their seats, bowing to you and giving a low greeting. you kept your eyes on kylo, a seductive look plastered on your face as you made your way to sit next to him at the head table.

"new dress?" kylo says, expressionless, without looking your way.

you smile, looking straight ahead "yes, and expensive"

"oh? and where did you get the credits for this, my dear." kylo glances your way momentarily, mockery thick in his voice.

"I did not. you did, supreme leader" you challenged him, shutting down any hold he thought he had over you.

kylo's fists clenched together tightly, his lips pulled together in a tight line before he moves one hand to your thigh under the table, crawling his fingers into the slit of your dress, pointer finger taping the top of your knee lightly.

"expensive...very well tailored.." he says between each tap of his finger, the skin on your leg igniting with fiery red heat. slowly, he brushes the slit of your dress to fall further apart on your leg.

"very well tailored" he finishes, lifting his hand from your leg and back to the cutlery on the table, continuing to eat his food.

the heat had vanished from your leg, leaving it cold and with a few goosebumps. kylo sees the change, smiling to himself.

"remind me to thank the old woman for her work" he says, bringing the fork to his mouth.

hearing him speak of alice this way makes your blood burn in your veins.

"her name is alice. and she deserves the upmost respect from you or anyone in this place" you snap, causing a few guests to look your way.

kylo pauses, the guests having since looked away from you now. sitting down his silverware, he leans closer to your ear, his hand yanking your wrist.

"do not disrespect me in front of our guests" he sneers, releasing the tight grip he had on your wrist, surely leaving a mark to come. "next time, there will surely be punishment.. my dear wife" he leans back into his chair, making you radiate with anger.

once dinner was ended and the guests made their way to the hangars to retrieve the ships to their home planets, you and kylo were to stand at the door, thanking everyone for coming. you gave small smiles, as kylo shook hands with some and nods to others.

once the last guest had left, you and kylo were now alone in the hallway. neither of you daring to say a word to each other until you moved to leave.

"no" kylo said, stopping you in your tracks. "we're not done yet" he strides toward you, large steps and loud boots colliding with the floor stopped your heart momentarily. once he reaches you, he grabs you by your neck, slamming you into the wall behind you. you move your arms to his chest to push him away, but he did not budge.

kylo tilts your head up by your jaw, so you are now looking into each other's eyes.

"one day you will learn your place here. I have given you so many chances, yet you never learn" he pushes your head more into the wall, his palm constricting your airway more.

you laugh a dry laugh, mocking him. "you must not know the planet i came from then, dear husband. I will not be your submissive wife. I am a person. I am royalty. you may have taken my planet, you may have killed my family, but you did not take my soul..and I will never let you live without knowing it" you spat at him, causing him to study your face with a blank expression.

"you know I can take whatever I want" he says to you, releasing your neck and and striding out of the dining area hallway. leaving you with a heaving chest and anger boiling inside you.

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