chapter 3 🌑

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you sat on the cold dark wooden floor with the ruined furniture scattered around you. time froze as you stared blankly at the wall, aaliyah was crouched in the corner, picking up little bits and pieces of glass that had connected with the floor.

"aaliyah.." you croaked, your voice horse from screaming.

"y-yes, princess" she laid the pieces she had picked up in a box she found for trash.

slowly standing, you used the wall for support, scared to touch anything after what just happened. you didn't want to make the problem worse.

"my father cannot see this" you say, trying to find any dignity left inside you before moving to the door. walking out, you heard aaliyah mumble a "yes your highness" and the door closed behind you.

your breath was still shaky as you trudged forward towards the main living area of the castle. as you got closer, you heard the murmurs of voices behind the dining room doors

"no. we will not join you, we are our own planet; our own way of living. we will not enlist our people with yours" your father states rather smoothly.

hearing shuffling and the sound of screeching chairs motioning the standing of bodies, you dart back down the corridor to your left, shielding yourself from anyone's vision as the large French doors slide open, servants holding the doors open widely for the guests to exit.

the man with the red hair from earlier emerges, head bent to the left and his back facing you, he is whispering to the person next to him but not very gracefully, as you could hear the full conversation

"you know what we have to do?" he questions, the person next to him is out of your vision, but you can guess it is someone important

"she will hate me, but if it is what has to happen, it must" the voice you have heard before sounds. instantly feeling anger boiling in the pit of your stomach, heat slowly vining up your legs, towards your hands.

once they were out of sight, you heard rustling in the dining area. you unweave your feet from the heat that is slowly settling itself back into the floor and make your way to the French doors

inside sat your father, head in his hands as he looks down upon papers scattered on the top of the mahogany wood table.

"y/n" he states plainly, motioning for you to enter. you close the door behind you and stand a good distance away from him. the room is quiet and the tension is thick enough to cut through. you have never been this close to your father for no reason, the only time you are close is at royal engagements and even that is a good six feet away.

"father..are..I.." you fumble with your words, unsure of what to actually say to him. you have never had a full conversation with your parents, only short one worded responses to whatever they are saying.

"y/n" your father turns his chair fully towards you, signaling he is serious in whatever he has to say. "I fear something is going to happen. I do not know what, or when it will happen, but I believe the first order is planning an attack of some sorts on our planet" he finishes, pulling one of your hands into his, clasping it softly. you gasp slightly, unsure of what has possessed your father. he has never showed you any affection your whole life, and now you can definitely say, you are terrified.

"wh- what?" your mind is racing, everything seems to be spinning as you try to regain the strength you were taught to bear everyday.

"my daughter, I need you to know, if anything happens, you cannot let eclipse fall to ruins. you do what you must, you are strong, so strong. your mother and I have known this for quite some time now. you do not know the power that runs deep within your veins. it is necessary that you remain grounded, do not lose your head." your father pours out, splashing your face with emotions you have never seen him express. you were lost for words, emotions you have never known to be real are laid out in front of you, and you have no idea where they go.

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