chapter 25 🌓

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(it's deadass chapter 25 already? lmao enjoy!)

you made your way back to your quarters; breathing still uneven as you walk into the bathroom. your mascara was smeared under your eyes lightly, causing your eyes to look baggy. your hair was unruly and your smile was spread ear to ear as you replayed your intimate moment with kylo in the hallway. your stomach leaped at the thought of someone seeing you; making a giggle escape your lips.

you wiped your face free of any imperfect makeup residue and brushes through your hair- putting it in a braid to your right side and throwing it over your collarbone. once satisfied, you took one last glance in the mirror before turning and exiting; making your way to the conference room.

the thought of seeing kylo again made your heartbeat skip; feeling like a school girl about to see her crush as you walked down the long corridor. the knights outside the door came into view and your palms started to sweat. they both nodded to you; greeting you and opening the french doors wide for you to enter.

the doors open and your eyes land on kylo immediately; his hard features collide with your soft ones- like the sun shining on concrete; bright enough to bring light, but hot enough to burn. you take your seat to the right of him, nodding in response to the multiple greetings you were receiving.

hux waited till you had finished fixing yourself comfortably in your seat before clearing his throat- gaining the attention of the many men that usually surrounded the table- and started his presentation. you listened closely as he flipped through pictures and blue prints over the hologram in the middle of the table.

you hadn't realized the shift in temperature on the skin of your hand till warmth swiped over your fingernail, making your eyes jerk down to your lap. your posture weakened; kylo's hand was placed over your clothed knee softly, using his pinky to inch closer to your hand that rested on the top of your thigh. you glanced to his face momentarily, watching as his features displayed no emotion to his movements as he squinted at hux with an intense stare.

his movements were slow; careful even, as if you were a deer in the woods- too scared to spook such a beautiful creature away. his pinky grazed your knuckle, making a small smile creep to your lips- biting it with your teeth, you savor the moment as his pinky and ring finger curl against yours, interlocking themselves between your knuckles.

you tilt your head down just enough so no one could see your crimson cheeks as kylo moves more of his palm over your hand, grazing your knuckles with his callused fingers. finally, he flips your hand over and loosely laces his fingers between yours, leaving just enough room for air to pass through the middle of your palms. your heart explodes with emotion; the little things he does makes you feel as if you are on cloud nine, floating around on a pillow of every loving act he has performed for you.

"empress?" hux grabs your attention, making you jump slightly.

"yes?" you clear your throat and look at hux intently, trying to hide the fact that you were zoned out.

you try to pull your hand from kylo's, but he halts you; tightening his grip on your fingers, keeping you in place.

"the stormtroopers, are they ready?" hux's annoyance clear in his tone

"yes- they always are, what are they needed for?" your voice matches hux, making him roll his eyes.

"battle, empress. we are to take part in a negotiation with another planet, and the stormtroopers will need to be prepped and ready incase such matters must be attended to" hux informs you, clasping his hands behind his back.

you lift your eyebrows; surprise hitting you like a truck as you look to kylo for confrontation to hux's words. kylo looks at you; giving truth to everything you needed to know before he turned his vision to hux. you pull your hand from his, the heat from your embrace being snatched from your palm as the cold air replaces it.

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