chapter 24 🌓

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(hold onto your hats, cause you're about to get pounded 😉)

it's been three days since your situation with kael walking in on yours and kylo's intimate talk and kylo has been anywhere but where you are. your quarters was cold; no heat besides your own inhabitants it.

kylo had been staying in his study- the cleaning droids had finally picked up his mess after he went back in to destroy it some more. your desire to be around him grew with every waking moment you were without him; making you want to scream at him for turning you this way.

after the intrusion, kylo stomped his way to the same metal door you had been at not long before, knocking loudly and huffing with impatience as the door creaked open; alice's face dropped, looking at a fuming kylo with reddened cheeks, she rolled her eyes and stepped to the side- allowing him to enter her quarters.

kylo seated himself in the open seat; looking at his hands in his lap as alice shuffled to her seat across from him- looking as if she was a mother lecturing her child.

"to what do i owe this occasion, emperor?" alice asks him, laying her hands flatly on her propped up knee.

"what did i say about calling me that" kylo says softly, regaining himself swiftly and adverting his eyes from alice's hard stare

"ah yes..kylo" alice smiles, noticing the small change in his demeanor.

kylo's shoulder tense and he quickly changes the subject "how's the project i had given you coming along?" he finally looks at alice; her eyes are slits and her smile is wide as she plays along with his change in subject.

"just fine, would you like to see it?" alice goes to stand but kylo waves her off; looking out he window beside him.

alice moves in her seat on the couch, making for space beside her.

"come sit, kylo. tell me what is troubling you" alice pats the cushion next to her; making kylo roll his eyes in annoyance, but listen to her orders.

kylo plops next to alice, making her frail body bounce up a bit from his impact with the soft fabric.

"everything...and nothing.." he answers her lowly, unsure of how to place his words that were bumbling in his mind.

alice remains silent; allowing kylo to find the words he was searching for before he spoke again.

"it's worse having nothing on my mind..nothing to think, say, or even feel" kylo turns his head to the window once more- not wanting to see weak in front of the frail old woman in which he finds comfort in "but lately, there's been something. and i hate it; it burrows in my thoughts..constantly"

kylo finishes his sentence before stealing a side glance to alice; her features are soft- nothing like the usual unimpressed features she usually wears in his presence.

"ah, there's something there that wasn't there before" alice smiles; knowing exactly the thing in which he speaks of.

"i don't want it" kylo counters alice's statement- convincing himself of what he says.

alice takes a deep breath before replying "i'm afraid your heart has already made that decision for you.."

"kylo ren doesn't have a heart" kylo interjects; raising his voice slightly- alice remained unfazed.

alice turns her body fully to look at kylo; the tension rising from her impending words.

"no, he doesn't.. but he does" her words cut like a knife; igniting something within kylo.

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