Chapter 1: Beginning The Journey

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You woke up in a cold sweat when a clap of thunder rolled through the sky, the flash of lightning that accompanied it lit up your room brightly.

You were dreaming, stuck in the eye of a storm, except the lightning was coming from you, it didn't hurt, it seemed like it was a part of you. For some weird reason or another this didn't frighten you, it seemed to make you feel comfort, safe , like a father would hug their daughter to calm them when they are upset.

You sat up and turned on your bedside lamp, wiping you face, sighing softly while looking out of your bedroom window at the storm that boomed outside. You've always loved thunderstorms, seeming to find comfort in them whenever the lightning flashed and the thunder boomed, to you it felt like home, like it was part of you. Mother always told you that you got that from your father, you never knew him as he died before you were born, or that was at least what your mother told you, deep down you had a feeling that wasn't true one bit.

Your fascination with thunderstorms led you to many myths from all cultures, but you were drawn to Thor, the God of Thunder and the Norse pantheon. You could not explain it, it just felt right, it made you feel like something was missing. Little did you know that you would soon find the truth to who you were and more importantly who your father is. You soon found yourself falling back asleep, but it was a restless sleep, the dream turned into something more dark, more sinister, monsters filled the storm you were in, fangs and claws slashing and gnashing out at you. You screamed in the dream as you felt a darkness take hold, you fought it as hard as you could, but to no avail it soon consumed you whole.

The sun shone in through your window, letting you know it was now dawn and the storm was gone. You groaned as you woke, the dream left you with a headache, and you could have sworn you saw a spark leave your fingertips, but that couldn't be possible, it was just your imagination, it had to be you kept telling yourself. You winced slightly as your alarm went off, grabbing your phone from your bedside table, you dismissed the alarm and stood. "Y/N? Are you awake sweetie?", you mother called from outside your door, she gave a light knock before she opened the door and walked in. The way you looked after last night's restless sleep worried her, "Another nightmare?", she asked with concern etched into her facial features. You nodded as you rubbed your temples, "The headache is worse this time.", you said softly, trying not to talk too loud as your head pounded. You always ended with you waking up with a headache, the doctor's could never figure out why that happened, mother always told you that your father had suffered from the same affliction. A wave of nausea washed over you, nearly making it to your bathroom before you vomited. Your mother came in and held your hair back as you got sick, this time the heaving was worse than before, your hands whiteknuckled the toilet bowl as you vomited. Tears streamed down your face as you sat back and wiped your mouth, "Mom, what's happening to me?", you sobbed softly, pulling your knees up to your chest.

Your mother looked at you with tears in her eyes, "There's something you need to know, I promised your father I wouldn't tell you until you were ready. But you deserve to know, especially now that the nightmares seemed to have gotten worse.", she spoke with a soft tone as she knelt down in front of you. Confusion etched itself onto your facial features as she began to explain, "Your father, he didn't die before you were born. He returned to his home, how can I say this? Your father is a god. The dreams you are having, your father had them.", she said, you almost wanted to laugh, that couldn't be possible, gods weren't real, they were just myths. She swallowed hard before she continued, "Thor is your father. I know it seems crazy, but it's true, that's why you love thunderstorms so much. The storms are a way for your father to talk to you, that's why they always calmed you as a baby. I met your father a few years before you were born, he was hiding from his brother, we didn't know that it would happen, but it did. He left right after you were born, he had to go back to his home, to Asgard.", tears fell down her cheeks as she spoke, her heart was filled with regret from keeping this from you all these years, "I'm sorry baby."

You helped your mom to her feet when you stood, pulling her in for a hug, "It's okay Momma.", you sobbed softly as you both held each other. She pulls back and cups your face, "There's a witch in New Orleans that has more answers than I can give you.", she explains, "I believe it's time for you to know more about your real father." You nod gently as you look at her soft smile, "I will always love my sweet little lightning bolt.", you giggled softly at the nickname, she had called you that ever since you could walk, you never seemed to go slow and was always moving your feet. "I love you too, Momma."

You spent the next few weeks packing up some stuff to take with you to New Orleans, your mother helping you, telling you what she knew of your father. Luckily it was the summer so you had this time before your senior year at college to get all the answers you needed and be back in time for when classes started. You took time to say your goodbyes to friends and your mom, this was going to be the first time away from home and away from your mom. You  both cried when she dropped you off at the airport, hugging each other tightly, neither one not wanting to let go. You kissed her cheek one last time before boarding your flight out of the state. This was the beginning of a journey, one that would lead you to finding out who you truly were and knowing more about your father.

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