Chapter 15: Never Try To Steal From A King

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You awoke slowly that morning, your muscles slightly sore from the events of the previous day, smiling to yourself. You looked over at the nightstand and saw that there was a note, "Baby Girl, Elijah and I stepped out to manage a few things, we shall be back shortly.", the note was signed by Klaus. You slid your legs over the edge of the bed and stretched with a big yawn. Your bags were still at the edge of the bed that you now shared with Elijah, another smile grew on your face as you remembered that he called it "our" room, meaning he was now sharing his with you, as you were now his as well as Klaus'. You wasted no time in unpacking everything, setting aside a plain black tank top and some cut off shorts to change into for the day, grabbing your brush as you began to run it through your hair. You made your way to the kitchen after you brushed your teeth and freshened up to wash away the sleep from your face.

Your smile faltered when you left the kitchen with a cup of coffee and entered the courtyard, there stood four men, you didn't know any of them at all. Their attention fell onto you, your heart pounded as four pairs of eyes began to grow dark and four pairs of fangs bared themselves, "You really shouldn't be here.", you spoke while setting your cup on the bar. You heard the men growl and begin to charge at you, you smirked as your own eyes flared bright blue, sparks of lightning running down your arms and settling into your hands. One man made a move to grab you, but you moved out of the way quicker than he anticipated, one hand landing on his shoulder and the other grabbing him by the hair as you yanked hard, his head come off with a squelchy pop, blood splattering across your face and your front. This action caused the remaining vampires stop in their charge, a dark grin spread across your lips as you looked at them.

You never took your eyes off the vampires as you dropped the dead vampire's body and head at your feet, "Like I said, you really shouldn't be here.", you voice low, warning them once more. "Well Marcel wants Klaus' weapon.", one of them spoke his eyes looking you over with a dark smirk, you laughed loudly before you were suddenly standing in front of the one who spoke, your hand crashing through his chest and wrapped around his heart, "Tell Marcel that he will never have what Klaus has.", you snarled at the remaining two vampires before they ran, you watched the vampire before you fall to the ground dead, his heart in your hand. You watched as you let it fall from your hand onto the body at your feet. You ignored the blood that coated your hand as you moved to grab your coffee, gulping it down, nearly slamming the cup back down.

The brothers had heard the commotion come from the compound as they arrived back, both of them looked at each other with panic in their eyes as they rushed inside. "Little One?", Elijah called out when him and his brother entered the entryway. You stayed silent as you stood at the bar looking at the two dead vampires in the courtyard, the brother's eyes took the sight in when they came into the area. Soon stopping as they saw you there, blood splattered across your face and one hand covered in blood, their eyes falling on the dead vampires, one with it's head separated from the body and the other with it's heart beside it. "Marcel's men. I warned them that they shouldn't be here.", you remarked. "What did they want?", Klaus asked, both brothers walking to you. "Apparently Marcel wants your weapon. Whatever that means.", you looked at the dead vampires unemotionally, you felt no guilt from killing them.

"He thinks I'm using you as a weapon.", Klaus sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I am a weapon, but only when I want to be. I would be useless otherwise.", your voice low. Your eyes met his, "No you wouldn't be 'luv. And I wouldn't dare dream of using you as a weapon.", he was pained that you thought you were being used as a weapon. "I will pay Marcel a visit, show him that he can't just have his men come in here and harm you.", anger laced Klaus' voice as he spoke. "Not right now please. Am I pissed that he has tried to kill me twice? Yes. But I will get back at him for it soon, but today I just wanted to get up, have my coffee and then spend some time with both you and show you something I found in my time in Baton Rouge.", your own voice wavered as you spoke, anger and anxiety bubbling just below the surface.

Klaus' anger ebbed away when you spoke, he would never admit aloud that you tamed the beast that was inside him, you were the light in his darkness. "Now if you boys don't mind, I need a shower and another cup of coffee.", you leaned up to kiss both brothers on the cheek, "I will return shortly." Their eyes watched as you walked away. "We need to do something to keep unwanted vampires from entering this compound Niklaus.", Elijah turned towards his brother, "Way ahead of you brother, I made a few calls earlier this morning, I'm getting the deed of this place put in [Y/F/N]'s name, even if she is only half human, no vampire can enter without her invitation, it should be done in a few hours.", Klaus assured his brother.

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