Chapter 10: Running Away

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You moved around quickly, grabbing your bags as your jammed your clothes into them, tears continued to roll down your cheeks and the rain came down harder. You didn't stop packing when someone knocked, choosing to not answer, "[Y/F/N]? Please talk to me, don't listen to Rebekah.", he talked through the door, "She's right though Elijah.", you snapped, a loud crack of thunder rolled through the sky outside. You still didn't look up from your bags when the door opened, "What are you doing little one?", you snapped your head towards him, your eyes quickly flashing blue, "I asked you not to call me that, and I can't stay here. I don't belong here.", you turned back to your packing, "That sounds like a goodbye [Y/F/N].", Elijah's eyes filled with sadness, he didn't want you to leave.

You didn't respond as you shouldered your bag and pushed past him, quickly making your way down the halls and stairs to the courtyard. You ignored the smug look Rebekah had on her face when you made your way through the courtyard. Elijah was stunned into silence and was frozen in his spot for a moment before he chased after you, soon catching up to you and grabbing your wrist gently, "[Y/F/N] please don't leave. You don't need to.", you heard the pain in his voice. You turned to face him, you were biting back anger and sadness, and there was so much of it, "Why? I don't belong here, your sister is right, why would someone like you like someone like me? Why?", you nearly screamed, the wind began to pick up, causing your hair to whip around your face, "I'm human Elijah! I don't belong here. I can't burden you, I just can't."

The sudden shift in the weather made the siblings look up at the storm above the compound, "At least someone agrees with me.", Rebekah commented while she turned her attention back to her drink. A loud crack of thunder boomed as you heard her, never letting you gaze fall away from Elijah, "I'm sorry Elijah, I just can't be here. I have to go. Maybe someday we will see each other again. Maybe you'll find someone who your sister approves of.", you added the last comment through gritted teeth. He looked back at you, holding your hand tighter, "Please [Y/F/N], don't go. I...", he stopped himself from finishing his sentence. The storm calmed down to a soft downpour as the tears began to fall again. "Goodbye Elijah.", you tiptoed up and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, "Thank you for everything.", you pulled away, he let your hand fall out of his grasp, his heart ached as you walked away from him and out of the compound, a tear falling down his cheek.

When you were safely away from the compound and out of his hearing range was when you let out a loud sob, it almost wracked you to the point where you thought you would fall to your knees

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When you were safely away from the compound and out of his hearing range was when you let out a loud sob, it almost wracked you to the point where you thought you would fall to your knees. You let yourself fully feel when you got into your rental car, sobs wracked your chest as the soft downpour turned into a torrential downpour, the wind also picking up. You barely knew Elijah, but you let yourself feel things around and for him that you hadn't since your previous relationship. He made you feel safe, plus he didn't judge you or your humanity about things. He made it feel okay to be yourself, in the few days you got to know him, probably in ways he never let anyone else get to know him. At least that what you were feeling and thought, "He doesn't need me, he's stronger than I will ever be. He has probably had women fall for him years before me, and he will years after I am gone. He doesn't want someone who is broken like me.", the negative thoughts invaded your mind.

You stopped crying long enough to start driving out of New Orleans, trying to put distance between yourself and the city. You called your mom and told, well more like lied to her, saying that the witches pointed you to another witch in Baton Rouge. You drove all night until you came to a hotel just on the edge of the city. You fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow, letting whatever dreams or nightmares come to you. It felt like there wasn't anymore pain you could feel then what you were already feeling.

The dream started differently then it always had, there was no storm. This time you were standing in a field, the sky blue and clear, "Why did you leave little one?", the voice came from behind you, you knew the voice and who it belonged to. Your heart raced as you turned and faced a hurt Elijah, pain and sadness etched into his facial features, "I had to. You could always find someone better.", you answered his question. "I don't want anyone else [Y/F/N], I just want you. Please come home." His form disappearing after he spoke one last time. That was how the dream happened and it went on for the next month.

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