Chapter 17: A Deserved Night Off From Drama

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You looked at the three pairs of eyes from the across the bar, "I need a night off from this fuckin' shit.", you let out a deep sigh, your foul language made Elijah raise a brow at you, "Language Little One.", you bit your lip and nodded, "Sorry Sir." "I agree with [Y/F/N].", Klaus commented. You looked at the three of them, "I know this club just a few hours between here and Baton Rouge, me and [Y/BF/N] went there a few times to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It has great atmosphere, drinks and dancing.", you offered a suggestion, "I don't know 'luv.", Klaus looked at you. You pouted softly at the brothers, "Oh please, I need to get out for a bit, I have all this energy and no where to spend it. Please 'Lijah.", you put on your best puppy dog eyes, resting your face between your hands to convey the innocent look better.

Elijah chuckled softly at your expression, "Fuckin' hell, how can I say no to that face? Help me out here Niklaus.", he looked over at his brother, "You don't brother, you give into it.", he laughed softly, Kol looked between the three of you with a confused expression, you giggled softly. "Of course you will not leave our sights at all times, including Kol's. Understand me?", he looked at you waiting for a response, you nodded. He turned his gaze toward Kol, "She is here under our protection, that even includes you. She is to not leave your sight at all tonight. Nothing is to happen to her, am I clear brother?", Kol rolled his eyes before agreeing, "I don't see why I have to, but fine, whatever, yeah." "Oh thank you.", you squealed happily, leaning up to kiss both Klaus and Elijah on the cheek before running off to take a shower and get cleaned up.

Kol cast a confused, yet surprised look at his brothers, the notion finally making him realize why his brothers were so adamant about your safety. They both had feelings for you, and the faint marks on your neck that he had noticed earlier, made him also realize that you were their's. Granted the whole situation confused him, what you were and why you were there in his family home definitely made him curious. "So, you two and her?", he asked his brothers, pointing his finger between Klaus and Elijah, then to where you were just standing. His brothers nodded, "But how?", he added, they both shrugged, "No bloody clue Kol, she just kind of showed up.", Klaus explained.

You took a bit of time trying to figure out what to wear, finally settling on a cute red dress, it fell right above your knees, the back was open, showing just the right amount of skin. You dug around in the closet for shoes before choosing the heels that Elijah had gotten you. You pulled your hair back and off one side of your neck, pinning it stay, you put on a little bit of eyeliner and mascara that made your [Y/E/C] eyes pop. Satisfied with how you looked, you smiled at your reflection before grabbing your phone and tossing it into your purse. You knew the brothers could hear you coming when you found them in the same dining room that you sat with Klaus and Elijah a few nights before. All eyes turned to you as you walked in, a slight blush came over your face, "How do I look?", your voice just above the whisper.

Elijah and Klaus smiled sweetly at you, meanwhile Kol just looked at you with wide eyes, you laughed softly at him, "You look ravishing 'luv.", Klaus crooned from his seat. You made your way to Elijah's side, softly placing your hand on his shoulder, he snaked his arm around your waist, his face looking up at you, "You look absolutely beautiful Little One.", you smiled down at him. The pet name made Kol raise his brow again, "What's with that? 'Little One.'?", you blushed a bright pink causing his brothers to chuckle, "We'll tell you when you're older Kol.", Klaus quipped, Kol rolled his eyes. "Are you ready?", Klaus asked you. "Yes, I have the address for the club on my phone for you.", you answered.

You sat in the backseat with Kol as Klaus drove the group to the club you suggested they have a night out at, you had spent most of the drive leaned forward talking to Elijah over his shoulder and giving Klaus directions. Kol took this time to sneak glances over at you, he could smell the power that radiated off of you, even though it wasn't as bad as it used to be since you learned to control your abilities, but he could also smell the human half of you, and it was making him hungry. He took a deep breath and turned to look out the window, watching the scenery fly by. You let Klaus know they were getting close to the club, taking this time to sit back, smiling over at Kol, "Sorry if I was a bit rude earlier. I just didn't know what to think of you when we bumped into each other.", "It's alright darlin', at least you know how to be cautious of strangers in New Orleans.", he assured you.

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