Chapter 7: A Day Of Truths

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You woke up with a long and relieving stretch, your eyes scanning the room, soon falling on the empty spot Elijah was the night before, making you smile a bit, he was a gentleman and you admired him for that. Your night was void of nightmares and dreams, the first night since they started. Your body was a little sore from the events of the previous night, everything kept replaying in your mind, a slight blush crossing your face as you remembered the kiss you shared with Elijah. It was an urgent one, but also sweet and full of care, like he was afraid he'd break you. You weren't going to lie to yourself if you didn't say you weren't developing feelings for him and that you didn't enjoy him calling you "little one". You finally pulled yourself out of bed, staying in your pj's as you grabbed your brush and toiletries. You took your time brushing your teeth and your hair before making your way downstairs, seeing if you could find a kitchen.

You ended up taking your time walking down the halls, taking in the decorations and artwork that was high upon the walls. You finally came to a open room and saw Elijah sitting as you approached, "Morning.", you greeted him with a small smile, he looked at you and gave you and open mouthed smile before turning his attention back to what he was doing. You took notice of his eyes taking in your form as he did causing you to blush again, and you swear your heart skipped a beat. "I hope I didn't toss and turn too bad last night.", you said jokingly, knowing you did at times.

"You slept soundly little one.", he chuckled lightly, the pet name once again leaving his mouth. You couldn't tell him or anyone that, that was one thing that you loved, it was your thing. Four years ago when you were twenty-three, you had a special relationship with a guy, it was the type of relationship that many people judged harshly. But you could never tell anyone that, in fears of being judged. You didn't want Elijah to judge you harshly for it. "Okay, good. I tend to move a lot in my sleep. Just glad I didn't try to kick you out of the bed by doing that.", you let out a loud laugh at the memory of you doing that to a friend once.

"I'm pretty sure I could handle you even if you did.", he added with a raised brow. You brought your hand to your mouth to stifle a yawn, "Where's the kitchen, I'm in dire need of some coffee.", you tried to keep yourself from yawning again. Elijah stood up from the books he had been reading, "Come. I'll show you. I know you mentioned nightmares last night, do you get them often?", he inquired as he led you down the halls and stairs to a kitchen area. "Yes, plus very vivid dreams since I was fourteen, so for about twelve years. It'll be thirteen on my twenty-seventh birthday next month.", you stopped in your tracks as you suddenly remembered your birthday, "Fuck! I nearly forgot my birthday was coming so soon.", running a hand through [Y/H/C] hair with a shaky breath. Elijah nodded as you spoke, he sat you in a chair before moving around the kitchen to find you some coffee. He sat down across from you as you waited for the coffee to brew, "Thank you again for last night Elijah. It helped a lot, I haven't had a panic attack in months, but after the events that took place last night, I just got overwhelmed. I'm sorry you had to witness it."

You chewed the inside of your cheek as you fell silent, your hands rubbing together in your lap, you stopped when a hand covered them, Elijah took your right hand into his, "It's okay [Y/F/N], a lot happened. Look at me.", you brought your gaze up to his from your hand in his, "Don't ever apologize. Granted I have never witnessed something like that before. Everything in my mind kept telling me to just be patient and help you. Did it scare me? Yes, but you got through it.", he continued before placing your hand back in your lap and standing to go grab you a cup of coffee.

You smiled a thank you as you took it from his hand, "Do you take cream or sugar in your coffee?" You shook your head, "No, just plain. Helps me focus better and perk up quicker." He sat back down, but taking the seat next to you, your heart nearly leaped out of your chest when you felt his knee graze yours. Elijah must have picked up on it as he turned a concerned gaze towards you, "Is everything alright little one?" You nearly jumped out of your seat, causing him to watch you with surprise etched on his features, "Oh yeah, I just remembered I need to call my mother. I'll be back.", you lied, running for your room, you closed the door and leaned against it, you could hear your heart pounding in your ears as you took a shaky breath. "Why was he having such an effect on me? We just met, but why?", you kept thinking to yourself.

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