Chapter 12: Birthday Night Fun

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[Warning: Smut]

He stood still as your hand landed on his chest, "Yes Little One, I am here.", he responded by placing his own hand over yours, your eyes looked up to his, they were filled with pain, need and want. You didn't try to stop yourself when you wrapped your arms around his middle, breathing in his familiar scent, you had missed him, you did in fact miss him calling you Little One. He wrapped his arms around you just as tightly, his hand cradling your head to his chest, "I would be lying if I said I didn't miss you Elijah.", you sighed, you came to terms with the fact that you had feelings for him, but you were scared that maybe he did move on after you had left. "I missed you too.", he whispered into your ear, it was almost a growl and it brought shivers up your spine and a feeling swept down through your body and settled between your legs deliciously.

You gasped when Elijah's lips traveled across you ear, "I haven't stopped thinking about you. So much to the point of need.", his voice even lower, letting his tongue travel over your earlobe before bringing it between his teeth and tugged gently, a low growl came from deep within his throat. You let your head fall to the side to give him access to your neck, "Please let me have you Little One.", he pleaded as he trailed soft kisses down your neck, soon finding your sweet spot at the bottom of your neck, a small moan escaped your lips. "I haven't stopped thinking about you either.", you voice low, licking your lips as you moved your head to look up at him.

You moved your hands up to cradle his face, leaning up to place your lips against his, he quickly responded by pulling you even closer to him, his own hand running through your hair before grabbing a handful at the base of your skull and pulled your face back, this caused you to moan and bite your lip as you opened your eyes. His eyes were dark with lust and need for you, "I need you Sir.", you purred, his eyes darkened even more when you addressed him as that. "Call me that again, please.", black veins were starting to form under his eyes, he closed them and took a deep breath and they disappeared before looking at you again. "Sir. Or would you prefer Master?", your voice smooth and teasing, letting yourself smirk as you now realized the effect you had on this man before you.

He let out a deep growl as he crashed his lips back onto yours, the kiss was full of desire and unfulfilled need, the hand that wasn't in your hair moved down your back before he roughly grabbed your ass. This caused you gasp, letting his tongue slip into your mouth, letting your tongues both fight for dominance, his winning almost immediately. Your hands moved to the nape of his neck, this gave you access to tug at his hair there. He groaned into your mouth and you soon grabbed his bottom lip between your teeth and tugged, making him growl more. You both pulled away to breathe, your chests heaving as you panted softly, "Let's get out of here Little One.", he kept you close, "Close your eyes for me please." You obliged, when you opened them you were pushed against a car, his hips pinning you as he went back to kissing your neck, "Let's go back to my place.", you managed to say.

He kissed your lips once more before opening the passenger door of the car you were pinned to, he helped you into the seat. He suddenly appeared on the driver's side, then he got in and started the car, you leaned over the console to begin kissing his neck, giving him directions to your apartment, he tried to keep himself in control and focused on driving, "I can't wait for you to have me.", you purred into his ear, letting your hand trail up his thigh, teasing him. He growled, "Keep doing that and we won't make it to your apartment, I'll pull over and have my way with you right now.", he said sternly. "Is that a threat Daddy?", you purred even more, you enunciated the word "Daddy", letting your hand travel up his thigh higher, you knew you shouldn't tease like that, but you couldn't help it, you wanted to see how far you could go.

You squeaked when he pulled off the road onto a darkened side road, turning to you and grabbed you by the neck, not too rough to really harm you, but enough to arouse you, "I warned you little girl. Get in the back seat now!", he ordered, removing his hand from your neck. You grinned to yourself internally as you climbed into the back seat, Elijah took his time getting out and opening the driver's side back door, he grabbed your feet, pulling you towards him roughly, "You just had to be a little brat didn't you?", his voice filled with lust, leaning down and running his nose up your neck, he held your hips to his and grinded himself against you. You let a mewl fall out of your mouth, your head falling back to give him more access to your neck, "You can have a taste if you want Daddy.", you ran your hands over his shoulders, he nipped at your neck with blunt teeth.

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