Chapter 18: Letting Kol In On The Fun

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[Warning: Rough Sex, scratching, and biting.]

You laughed and smiled as you and the three Mikaelson brothers talked, sharing stories, you laughed hard when you told the story of your first bar fight, all three males raised their brow at this, "What? He grabbed my ass for no reason at all. And made inappropriate remarks about my friend's outfit, the dude was lucky he only got a broken nose.", you shrugged, sipping on your water. You were enjoying your time with them, even getting to know Kol a bit better, "What is it with you Mikaelson men and knowing how to make a girl feel good?", you remarked, slapping a hand over your mouth and laughed when you realized how bad that sounded. Elijah nearly spit out his drink causing Kol to laugh at him, "Let me rephrase, "What is it with you Mikaelson men and knowing that you effect women in ways beyond words?"

"Years of experience darlin'.", Kol was the first to answer your question, Klaus and Elijah nodded agreeing with their younger brother. You continued with your stories before dragging each brother to the dance floor individually, dancing to a sensual song with Elijah, a slow song with Klaus, and a happy, upbeat song with Kol, "I am glad to have met you Kol, and gotten to know you a bit better. I have heard the stories about you and your family, even Klaus and Elijah telling me their sides of the stories. I get it, you all do the things you do for each your own reasons. Hell, some of the choices I made in my life has led me here. And I am not ashamed to say I am glad I made each of those choices.", you told him as you danced together.

You were panting and laughing as you led Kol off the dance floor and back to his brothers, "Thank you all for this, I needed this. But if I don't sit down now, I may fall over." Klaus moved this time to give you his seat, sighing as you got off your feet, "Why the hell have you two been hogging her, she's fun.", Kol nudged Elijah jokingly, it was your turn to nearly choke on your drink, making you have a coughing fit, your face turning red at the comment he made. This made you think a bit before leaning towards Elijah, "Lijah? Can we let Kol watch when we play tonight?", you purred into Elijah's ear, smirking at Kol. "Are you sure Little One? We don't want to break you now, Kol can be a bit rough.", he smirked at your suggestion, "I'm sure, I can't explain why the three of you make me feel the way that you do, but you all do. I think my heart has enough room to fit in another Mikaelson brother. You each have your own touch, I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. Because, I do.", you admitted.

They all had their eyes on you as they listened to you speak, you looked at each of them, your face getting warm making a blush cross over your cheeks, "What do you say Kol, would you like to watch? Watch how beautiful she is when she comes undone, and see how obedient she is for us?", Elijah's eyes darkened with lust for you while he asked his brother, Kol's own eyes darkened with hunger and lust, the thought of you writhing as you came undone playing in his mind, "I would bloody love to.", his voice raspy as he tried to keep himself under control in public. "Are you alright with this Klaus?", you looked over at the hybrid, "Yes. If it makes you happy, then I am alright with it. Isn't that right brother, as long as our baby girl is happy?", he ran his hand over your back and looked over to Elijah, "Definitely. If she is happy and okay with it, then so are we.", he agreed with Klaus.

You drank a bit more water, "Are you ready to go home Little One?", Elijah asked. "Yes, my feet are absolutely killing me right now.", you admitted as you grabbed your purse, this time Kol grabbed your left hand and laced it through his arm, Klaus did the same with your right hand, Elijah following not far behind you as the four of you left the club. Elijah held open the passenger back door for you and helped you slide into the back seat with Kol, sighing happily as you slid your heels off, "Here darlin'.", Kol grabbed your feet and laid them across his lap, slowly massaging your sore feet. You relaxed as Kol kept massaging your feet, taking his time, you had to bit your lip a few times to keep yourself from giggling.

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