Chapter 13: Coming Home

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You spent the day doing what needed to be done for your return to New Orleans, you and [Y/BF/N] shared a teary goodbye. You snuck in a nap as Elijah drove back to New Orleans, he snuck a few happy glances at you sleeping. He smiled to himself, happy, he hadn't let himself feel like this in years, and he was glad he finally did with you. It was the afternoon when you finally arrived home with Elijah, "You can go over to Rosseau's while I put your stuff in our room, I will meet you there shortly, I want to make your arrival a surprise for Niklaus.", he kissed you long and deep before pulling away with smirk, you knew that look from him, he was planning something delicious for you.

You agreed and made your way to Rosseau's, taking in the sounds of people as you sat at the far end of the bar, "This is for you.", a blonde set a drink in front of you, her name tag read "Cami." "But I haven't ordered yet.", you said with caution, she chuckled softly, "The gentlemen at the other end of the bar bought it for you.", she explained. Your eyes met the fiery gaze of no one other than Niklaus himself. He smirked and waved at you, you wondered how you didn't notice him when you first entered. He stood and made his way to the seat next to you, "Thank you for the drink Niklaus.", you took a gulp of your drink, his eyes looked you over before letting his eyes meet yours, "You're quite welcome 'luv. I must say I am glad you are home.", he leaned close, his face inches from yours.

"So much for surprising you brother.", a voice came from behind Klaus, you met the dark, fiery gaze of Elijah. "I know, but I just couldn't wait to see [Y/F/N]. You weren't the only who missed her you know?", he told his brother, Elijah sitting in the seat on the other side of you, your heart raced a bit, you weren't going to deny that both them having an attraction for you was hot. Klaus raised his brow and Elijah watched you as you turned your attention to your drink, you felt your face become hot from their attention. "So I managed to capture the attention of two of the oldest men in the world, what ever shall I do?", you mumbled to yourself jokingly. "Well 'luv we can always just show you. Isn't that right brother?", Klaus' voice rasped into your ear, causing goosebumps to break out over your skin and a shiver to run down your spine. "Oh yes indeed Niklaus.", Elijah's voice rasped into your other ear, intensifying the goosebumps and shivers.

You took a deep breath and let a small spark of lightning travel down your fingers and watched it travel around the empty glass you held, the brothers watched your hand, "[Y/F/N]? 'Luv are you alright?", Klaus asked with concern, you looked up with a smirk on your lips, "I'm better than alright, I'm just glad to be back is all. Don't worry, [Y/BF/N] helped me get a control of this.", you held up your hand as you watched the trail of lightning travel back down your arm and disappear. "I don't have to worry about hurting anyone I care about, and it will only hurt those I intend it to.", you added as you turned your attention to Elijah, "Can we go home now?", you made pleading eyes at him. He tilted his head at your expression, "Of course Little One. Plus we have to give my dear brother here his surprise.", he looked over at his brother with a smirk.

You nodded as the brothers stood up with you from the bar, each taking one of your hands and lacing it through their arms, you noticed gazes from the other bar patrons and grinned to yourself. The brothers led you back to the compound, taking in the new decorations around the courtyard, "It seems y'all did a bit of decorating while I was away.", you commented on the new sitting furniture. "Well of course, I wanted to make sure our home was suitable for you, so it could be your home too.", Klaus spoke with a proud smile. "Little One, go to our room and find Niklaus' surprise, read the instructions carefully.", Elijah whispered into your ear lowly. A new shiver went down your spine as you did what you were told, you face felt hot with excitement.

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