Chapter 8: Getting To Know The Hybrid

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You stepped back into your room, closing the balcony door behind you. You rummaged through your clothes, you needed to go shopping today, another sigh leaving your lips. Grabbing your wallet and phone, you finally made your way towards the entryway of the compound, "And where are we off to 'luv?", a voice came from the stairs as you crossed the courtyard, you froze in your spot and looked at him a bit nervous, "I have to go shopping. I didn't bring enough clothes with me on this trip.", you explained, "I hope you don't plan on going alone. We can't have Marcel nabbing you while you are out there. I'll join you.", he put on his leather jacket as he spoke before leading you out of the compound.

You weren't sure what to make of Klaus just yet, but he made you feel the same way Elijah did, safe and happy. You wouldn't know until later that he had heard the conversation you had with his brother. You had no idea you coming into New Orleans when you did would change all three of your lives. Klaus was all smiles as he showed you to all the shops around New Orleans, keeping you away from the shops the witches owned. "How do you know Marcel?", you brought up in the conversation you two carried as you walked. Klaus' facial expression changed when you brought it up, "Don't worry your pretty little self with him.", he said quickly and sharply. "I'm sorry, it's just that he had you, even though from what I have heard that its quite impossible to capture you.", you managed to talk just above a whisper.

He let out a deep sigh, "Well if you must know, he was my son. I sired him many years ago. The New Orleans you see today, me and my family built it up. We lived and thrived here until my father came to hunt down me and my siblings once again. We all thought Marcellus was dead until I showed up. He took over what I made, and I simply wanted what is rightfully mine back.", his face showed no expression as he told the story of how he saved Marcel when he was a boy, how he raised the boy and then turned him. You stayed silent, not sure how to respond, all this stuff with vampires was all new to you. He sensed your tension as he took your hand and laced it though his arm, smiling sweetly at you, "But, no matter now. I have my kingdom back, my brother at my side and a new friend to help make sure nothing happens."

You were surprised by how Klaus was with you, you were told he was ruthless and malicious, but to you he was sweet and kind. "So tell me 'luv. What did my dear brother do to make you so nervous?", he already knew the answer, but he wanted to know what you would answer. You avoided his gaze as you tried to figure out what you would tell him, "It's not your brother that makes me nervous, it's just with everything that happened. It feels like my body is just buzzing with electricity, just like your senses are heightened with what you are, it's a bit same for me. It's hard to explain, I wish I could. I just got overwhelmed by everything.", you told him bit of what you told Elijah, leaving out the other bits of the conversation you shared with Elijah. Klaus stopped the two of you at a small outdoor cafe, "Grab a coffee with me. We need to go over a few things before we head back 'luv.", he wasn't really offering, a part of you did fear him, for what he was capable of doing.

You sat down at a table across from Klaus, your eyes looking everywhere but at him, "Do I make you nervous 'luv?", he smirked at your actions. You nodded silently before you let your gaze fall back to him, "Good. It just wouldn't be fun if I didn't." You weren't sure what exactly to say to him, it was a bit easier to talk to Elijah, because he was a bit more approachable than his brother. Klaus had an air about him that exuded so much cockiness, so much that made you feel so small next to him. "What things did we need to go over?", you voice wavered a bit, your hand shaking while you brought your cup up to your lips to take a drink. Klaus kept his eyes on you, you seemed so sweet, he could sense the power you had radiating off you, even if you didn't. "Well, for one, Marcellus giving up like he did was just too easy. Especially after he had his little witch help him capture me.", his facial expression showing anger as he spoke of this witch.

"Something about it just didn't feel right. I sense you hate witches, to me they are a bit suspicious. Suddenly wanting me to help them stop a supernatural war, them not wanting me to involve myself with your brother. Last time I checked I am a grown woman who can do as she pleases.", your own anger flaring up talking about the witches. "I am not a weapon for someone to use for their own advantages. At least you agreed to let me do this on my terms.", you added. "I must tell you a story, to explain why I hate witches as much as I do.", Klaus began. He told you about his mother, who was a witch, made him and his siblings into the first vampires, adding in about his father, Mikael, who became a vampire, hunting down his own children. You noticed the hatred and anger in his voice and his expressions as he spoke. He continued on explaining how his mother tried to kill him and his siblings, calling them abominations, but he had eventually killed her for good.

You were getting an insight into who Klaus was and why he was the way he was, "I think I get it now.", you began to give your own insight on what Klaus told you, "I have a feeling that many people don't get you, or understand why you do things the way you or why you do them.", you gave a small smile to him. He looked up from his hands with a smile, "I told my brother I liked you 'luv." You blushed softly, your cheeks a light pink, he was having the same effect on you as his brother does. "We must head back before my brother worries that I went on a killing spree.", he chuckled a bit. You finished off your coffee before you stood and followed him back to the compound, helping you carry your shopping bags, "Thank you Klaus." He nodded and smiled a welcome to you.

"What is going on? Why am I feeling this way towards them? Why did Klaus have the same effect on me as Elijah does?" , you thought to yourself, not sure of your emotions.

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