Chapter 16: Meeting The Youngest Original

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Klaus and Elijah took care of things with Marcel and his vampires while you took care of making sure no unwanted vampires enter the compound since the building was now in your name, even if you were only half human, vampires couldn't enter without your invitation. The only vampires that had been invited in were Elijah and Klaus. The brothers were away for the day, you took this time to do a little shopping, your attention was on your phone, letting your mother know you were safe and fine, also telling her that you wanted to stay in New Orleans when you bumped into someone, you apologized profusely as you bent down to pick up a few items you had dropped when you bumped into them. "It's alright darlin'.", the man spoke with an accent as he helped you pick up your items. "I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention.", you mentally slapped yourself for not paying attention while you walked. The male chuckled, "Again it's alright. Here let me help you.", he offered, you raised a brow, "I got it, it's fine.", unsure about the male.

"Where are my manners, Kol Mikaelson. And you are?", he offered his hand out to you, your eyes widened and your heart skipped a beat, swallowing hard. Another Mikaelson, was this the Kol Elijah had spoken of before? Now the accent made sense. You took a deep breath and took his hand, not letting him know that you knew who he was, "[Y/F/N] [Y/L/N]. Thank you for the help Kol, but I got it from here.", you took your hand back from him after you introduced yourself. "No worries, it was a pleasure to meet you [Y/F/N] [Y/L/N].", he smiled at you once more before turning and walking away. You felt shaken a bit, you had met another Original, Elijah and Klaus' younger brother. They very rarely spoke of the male, but when they did it was in passing.

You sighed softly as you made your way back to the compound, wanting to get into the safety of the walls before anything happened. You were shaken from your thoughts when you heard an accented voice come from behind you while you were in the entryway, "Now I know why I can't enter. Darlin' do you mind inviting me in?", his gaze angry as he spoke to you, "Seems my brothers were being smart, putting a human's name on the deed of the place. You do know who lives here don't you?", he asked, "Yeah. I also happen to live here.", you remarked dryly, debating on if you should let him in, "And I know who you are Kol Mikaelson. The youngest Original.", you smirked, letting him know that you knew who he was, "You knew who I was when I introduced myself. Perfect, now please invite me in darlin', I need to have a few words with my brothers."

You rolled you eyes at his bravado, "Come in Kol. And for fuck's sake behave yourself please.", you invited him in. "Now where are Niklaus and Elijah?", he asked when he sauntered in through the door, "Out, taking care of things with Marcel.", you explained, setting your shopping bags on the ground before making your way to the bar to pour yourself a drink, "Marcellus? He's still alive?", Kol raised a brow, you nodded, "Very much so, asshole tried to kill me twice. Klaus didn't like that very much." "Now why would he try to kill you?", now he was intrigued by you, curious. You looked at him, wary of answering his question, not sure if you should when a voice sounded from the entryway, "[Y/F/N]?", you heard Klaus' voice call for you.

"She didn't come alone, brother.", Kol spoke as he turned to face his brothers entering the courtyard. A deep growl filled the air, Klaus suddenly grabbing the male by the throat, "Kol!", his voice deep as he looked at his brother darkly. "Hello Niklaus, smart move with the human.", Kol's gaze fell to you, you looked at him and shrugged. "He didn't hurt you did he?", Elijah asked as he held you at arms length, looking you over. "No. He just told me he needed to speak with you and Klaus. He's your brother.", you answered honestly. Elijah swallowed and nodded, "Yes he is. Now Kol, what are you doing here?", he turned to his brothers, Klaus had let him go, but standing between you and him, keeping an eye on him. "I got word of someone in town, someone powerful the witches are looking for. They're looking for a demigod, like that's a real thing.", he rolled his eyes at the last part.

Klaus and Elijah shared a look before looking at you, Kol followed their gaze to you, "You?" You stayed silent as all three males looked at you, "I need a drink before I begin answering any questions.", a soft sigh fell from your lips as you poured yourself another drink, chugging it down before you spoke, "Yes Kol. I'm the one the witches are looking for. I've been hiding from them. Hasn't been easy, but your brothers have been a big help. To answer your question from earlier, Marcel thinks I am Klaus' weapon.", you voice even as you spoke before you chugged down the rest of your drink. "Surely you aren't a demigod as they say, demigods only exist in stories.", Kol was still skeptical to this claim. "Shall I show him 'Lijah?", you looked at Elijah with a smirk, he knew what you were going to do and nodded.

Klaus and Elijah backed up, leaving a space between you and Kol. You quickly closed the space, "This might hurt a little bit.", your voice low as you let your eyes flare a bright blue, the sparks appearing and running down your arms and to your hands before placing it on Kol's shoulder, "Oh I am very much real dear Kol, and don't ever doubt it again.", you pushed his shoulder hard, your smirk never disappearing as he flew back a few feet, Klaus let out a loud laugh at his brother's reaction, "Be glad she went easy on you, Rebekah and I learned the hard way." Kol winced as he straightened himself, the sparks of electricity you had sent into his shoulder slowly going away. You certainly were something else and that intrigued him a bit more now. "Welcome home brother.", Klaus chuckled again as he clapped a hand on Kol's shoulder, all three men following you back to the bar. You found yourself pouring another drink, chugging it down, even though you couldn't get drunk, you enjoyed the warm feeling the alcohol made when you drank it, you leaned your elbows against the bar as the three brothers stood on the other side facing you.

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