Chapter 19: A New Kind Of Hybrid

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[Warning: Character Death, Angst, Violence]

You spent the next few weeks spending time with the Mikaelson brothers, each individually and all together, as well as going over plans with Klaus on how to handle yourself against Marcel's rogue vampires and the witches. Elijah made it his priority to give you proper fight training, he assured you that you were perfectly capable of handling yourself, but he just wanted to make sure that you were ready for anything if you were to find yourself in a fight by yourself. His training was tiring but helped you get your extra energy levels under control.

Today Klaus joined his older brother in training, since you had gotten used to Elijah's techniques, Klaus was a new variable in fighting since he was a hybrid. You were doing well, but you let yourself get distracted and thrown onto your back, Klaus smiled down at you before standing up next to Elijah, "Don't get distracted Little One. You can't afford to.", he chided you, you sat up, "Yeah I know. I'm sorry Elijah.", your brow furrowed, you stood and brushed yourself off. "I'm not trying to be harsh, I, we just don't want anything to happen to you is all.", he assured you, he looked you over before chuckling softly to his brother. You looked at him confused, "What?" He shook his head and pulled a twig from your hair, "Nothing, you're just adorable when you're flustered.", he admitted.

Klaus joined in with a small chuckle himself, agreeing with his brother, "You're getting better on your techniques. I'm aware you can defend yourself, but it never hurts to get better.", he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, resting his cheek against your head, the three of you turned and looked out over the lake you were training by. You sighed softly, one of your hands resting on Klaus', your other hand finding Elijah's and interlocking your fingers through his, he brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles gently. "Thank you both. This certainly helps spend my excess energy.

You and the brothers stood there and watched as the sun set, "It's beautiful.", you remarked on the pinks and reds of the setting sun. Klaus and Elijah smiled, you never noticed that they were looking at you when they agreed with you, to them you were more beautiful than any sunset they had seen, more beautiful than any sunset that will be. Training was done for the day and you needed a shower. The drive back to the Mikaelson compound seemed to go by quickly, greeting Kol with a kiss on his cheek as you made your way to your much needed shower.

The brothers conversed about the days events as you showered, you finally returned to them after you finished, you were dressed in a tee-shirt you snagged from Kol, you donned your favorite socks that had wolves on them, a gift from Klaus and wrapped in the small blanket Elijah bought for you. They grinned as you waddled into the room with the blanket wrapped around you tightly. They would never get over how badass and adorable you could be, you were kicking vampire ass one minute and the next you were being as adorable as could be. You sat on the couch next to Elijah, laying your head on his chest, he wrapped his arm around you. You closed your eyes as you listened to the brothers talk and soon fell asleep, your body and mind tired from your fight training.

The dream started off as it normally did, you were standing in a storm, but it soon became dark. There was a new power to the dream, a darker power, it wasn't your's, you were sure of it. You saw a female figure approach you in the storm, you only recognized her as one of the Elders you met once a while back. "You've been dirtying yourself with the Mikaelson men. And you ascended without our training, you will get hurt, if not worse, die.", she sneered at you. You could feel the anger that rolled off her, and the anger in her voice, "Why should I listen to you? Last I checked, I am grown woman who can do as she pleases, and I learned to control my abilities on my own.", you replied dryly. "Without our training, you think you have control, but you don't. You will come to us for help. Or you will die for siding with the Mikaelsons.", she started chanting, you fell to your knees grabbing your head and screaming, the pain was unbearable.

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