Chapter 9: Meeting The Sister

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You heard loud voices coming from the courtyard when Klaus led you through the entryway, "Hello sister.", Klaus greeted a blonde female who was arguing with Elijah. The female's gaze fell to you, you saw black veins form under her eyes, her eyes darken as she opened her mouth and snarl at you before charging towards you. Elijah tried to go to you, but Klaus stopped him, "Let her get it out of her system, you know [Y/F/N] won't be harmed, let Rebekah find out the hard way.", he told his brother with a smirk. You had dropped your bags when the blonde grabbed you by the throat and pinned you to the wall, "Who are you?", she growled. Once again your body reacted to defend you, your own eyes crackling and turning bright blue with electricity, without further hesitation you used your hand and your lightning to push the female away from you, watching as she flew into the wall across the courtyard. Klaus was holding Elijah back as he watched what was unfolding before him, you hadn't used your powers to kill, but to simply defend yourself, the female stood up with a flash and began to charge you again. This time you were ready, holding your hand out as Mjiolnir came flying into your hand, holding it as you were ready to swing, except you didn't get to as Klaus got in between you and the female.

"I think that's quite enough sister.", he looked at the blonde and chuckled before looking over at you, "You can put the hammer down Sparky.", he added sweetly. "Rebekah, this is [Y/F/N], [Y/F/N], this is Rebekah, my sister. Now sister, be nice to our guest, she did save my life.", you had began to calm down, the lightning leaving your eyes and your hand holding Mjiolnir came down to your side. "I did it again, didn't I? I am so sorry.", you felt that pang of guilt again, you walked towards the bar in the courtyard and set Mjiolnir on the bar. You leaned on it and placed your head in your hands, taking slow deep breaths, you had to learn to control it, afraid you would hurt someone you cared about. Elijah sensed your despair and made his way over to you, placing his hand on your back gently, "[Y/F/N]? Are you okay?", he spoke to you softly and calmly. You nodded letting yourself calm down while Elijah rubbed your back. His presence alone seemed to help calm you down.

You turned back towards a arguing Klaus and Rebekah, "I'm sorry Rebekah, I didn't mean to do that, I haven't quite got a handle on it yet.", you avoided her gaze while speaking. "What are you?", she asked sharply. You gulped before you started to speak again, "D...demigod. Half human, half God. My father is a God.", you explained. You looked up as the female let out a loud laugh, "You can't be serious, Nik, is she serious?", Rebekah looked at her brother. Klaus glared at his sister, "Indeed. I didn't believe it at first, but Elijah seems to trust her. And listen to her heart, she isn't lying and she's scared by what's happening to her.", he walked away from Rebekah towards a chair to sit. "Then what is she doing here? What does she have to do with anything here?", Rebekah all but shouted. Klaus rolled his eyes at her tone, "Because the witches wanted to use her, we are simply keeping her safe. Plus, our dear brother Elijah, likes the girl.", a smug look crossed his features.

You looked down and blushed, you felt Elijah tense up next to you, "As if you were going to tell the girl Elijah, keeping it to yourself will only get you hurt.", Klaus added for good measure. "Must you torture our brother Niklaus. Why would our brother like someone like her? She's human, if only half as she says", Rebekah snarked. You looked up with tears in your eyes before standing up quickly, you ran up to your room and slammed the door, anger and sadness threatened to overflow from you. You heard Elijah call after you, but you didn't dare look back, the sister was right, why would he? He didn't need someone like you, you would be a burden with all your problems and emotions. You sat with your back against the wall as you let the tears fall, thunder softly rolled outside as a storm began to come in, rain pattering down as you sobbed, holding your knees to your chest. You would soon figure out that your emotions could trigger storms, when you would feel deep sadness and deep hatred and anger, they will trigger storms.

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