Chapter 5: Two Brothers

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Elijah led you to a small dining room off to the side of the courtyard, his hand on the small of your back, and his brother following behind closely. Marcel and his vampires left the compound quietly, and air of victory about the vicinity. Elijah poured three tumblers with alcohol, sitting down at the table with a sigh, he had lost his overcoat in the fight, his tie now loose and the arm of his black dress shirt ripped. His brother sat down beside him, blood on his neck as he smirked up at you, "Now 'luv who might you be?", his English accent was just as smooth as his brother's, you watched him carefully and swallowed hard, "I'm [Y/F/N] [Y/L/N], you must be Elijah's brother, Nikalus if I am correct. The Original Hybrid?", you said carefully, not sure how he was going to react. "Correct, you know your stuff for sure, you can call me Klaus, but now I must ask' luv. What are you exactly?" You sat down in the chair at the table across from them, your gaze went to Elijah and he gave you a nod as if to say it was okay for you to tell his brother.

You chugged down your drink, the warmth of the alcohol calming your nerves just a bit followed by a deep breath, "I'm a demigod, my father is a God.", you spoke evenly as you laid Mjiolnir on the table in front of you, "I am sure this will give anyone a clue on who he is. This is my father's hammer, Mjiolnir." You watched their faces closely, waiting for a response, you nearly jumped out of your seat when Klaus let out a small chuckle, your gaze coming up from your empty tumbler to watch him as he stood up from his seat and walked over towards you, this caused Elijah to stiffen in his seat a bit, if you weren't mistaken, you would say he was quite protective of you already. "Now 'luv I know you aren't lying, otherwise I would have known if you were.", he said as he propped himself on the table close to you making you sit back a little and gulp, "I wouldn't lie about something like this, plus no one in the compound could have missed what just happened out there.", you said dryly, looking at him deadpan while pointing your thumb over your shoulder towards the courtyard.

Your comment and facial expressions made Klaus smirk at you once again, "I like this one brother, she certainly has sass.", he looked over his shoulder at Elijah, this comment made him relax slightly, but only slightly. "Elijah?", you say as you looked over at him, "Yes dear?", he responded, his eyes looking away from his brother to you, "I need you to know that the witches knew about our meeting, I swear on my father I didn't say anything. They told me to stop speaking to you, which to me seemed very suspicious, and they kept talkin about them properly getting me to ascend to stop this supernatural war you're involved in. But I assume what just happened to me outside was my ascension. Something doesn't seem right about it at all, they just seemed too calm about it, and not wanting me to talk to you.", you told him about the meeting with the witches that Jane Anne originally set up, you did indeed find how the witches talked to you suspicious.

The brothers watched you intently as you spoke, "No need to worry [Y/F/N], we will make sure that the witches don't interfere with whatever you need to do and with what you are.", Klaus spoke up, "In fact, I may have some use for you. You may be able to help me get the vampires and the witches to fall in line, remind them who the King of this city is.", he added. You raised a brow at him before standing, "You want to use me? Wow! I guess they were right about you, you just use others to get what you want no matter the cost.", you said harshly, regretting the words as soon as they left your mouth. You mentally slapped yourself for it, you were taken by surprise when you found yourself pinned to the wall, a hand clamped around your neck, Klaus' face had changed, black veins formed under his eyes as they flared a golden yellow rimmed in black, "You will not speak to me this way!", he growled in your face, your bodies natural reaction was to defend yourself, your own eyes flaring bright blue, the whites and irises completely disappearing, the air around you crackling with electricity. Your hand come up in between your chests, using your strength and a small bolt of lightning to send him back, your eyes finally going back to their [Y/E/C], you looked at Klaus and then your hand, then to Elijah who looked at you slack jawed, "Oh my god! I am so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen I swear.", tears filled your eyes as the guilt panged through you, you couldn't explain why you felt bad, you just did.

You were completely taken by surprise when Klaus let out a hearty chuckle, "Oh, I definitely like this one Elijah." You wiped your cheek where a tear had spilled down, "I swear, I didn't mean to, j...just please don't hurt me.", you all but whispered as Elijah walked over to you, you watched him warily as you took a step back, only to find yourself against the wall once again. "You will not hurt her Niklaus.", he said sternly as he looked at you, "Are you okay little one?", he asked you, you gulped softly, taken aback by the pet name, making you blush slightly, your cheeks turning a light pink, you couldn't find your voice to talk as you feared it would come out garbled so you just nodded. Klaus pulled himself up off the ground, smoothing down his shirt, "Fine brother, but I still need her help with Marcel, he doesn't just give up that easily."

"I will help, but it has to be on my terms.", you managed to find your voice, making sure you didn't sound fearful. "Fair enough 'luv.", he nodded. You looked up at Elijah, concern still etched on his face, "Shit! If the witches find out I ascended without them "properly" training me, who knows what they will do.", you used your finger to make air quotes. "Retaliate most likely. You are more than welcome to stay here at the compound with us, our sister will join us in a few days.", you heard Klaus' voice from behind Elijah, who nodded in agreement. "What about my stuff at the hotel? And sweet fuck do I need a shower.", you swore as the dried blood on your hands started to make them itch and flake off. "I'll shall accompany you back so you can gather your belongings and you can shower here. But we must be quick, I am also in need of a change of attire.", he frowned as he inspected the damage of his dress shirt.

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