Chapter 6 : Panic Attack

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Elijah sped off to who knows where and came back just as quickly in a new shirt, "Let's go.", he began to guide you out of the compound back to the hotel to gather your belongings, you invited him to help you so it be done quickly. You sighed softly as you set your bags down in a room that he let you choose, "Do not be afraid to let me or even my brother, despite how he acts, if you need anything.", he offered with a nod before leaving you in silence. You crossed the room and closed the door, finally making your way into the bathroom and stripped off your now torn shirt and the rest of your clothes, knowing you had to throw away most of them. You stood there as you set the water to a temperature you liked, a small moan escaped your lips as the water hit your back, soon loosening the knots in your shoulders. The water turned pink as you washed off the blood, soon running clear as it was finally all off your body, you watched as some scratches on your hands and arms healed, "Well that is certainly new.", you let out a soft chuckle.

You stood there for what seemed like hours before the water turned cold, causing you to shiver. You shut off the water and stepped out and wrapped yourself in a towel and went to rummage through your bags for some clothes. Managing to find some pajama shorts and a tank top, since you needed to go shopping and do a little laundry you were out of undergarments, you groaned at this, "Well fuck me sideways!", you didn't know you had said that out loud until you heard a voice in your doorway, "Only if you ask me nicely 'luv.", a smirk was plastered to his face, causing you to jump a bit. "For fuck's sake, don't do that.", you added an eyeroll. The eyeroll made him chuckle softly, and Elijah stepped up beside him, "Leave her be brother, she's had enough trouble for one day." You smiled at Elijah, you could have sworn a look of jealously crossed over Klaus' face before he turned and walked away.

"I'm sorry about that. He can be a handful, but he is my brother. May I come in?", he asked you. You gave a quick nod as you unpacked your belongings, looking down at your small pile of dirty laundry, trying to figure out what to do with them. "Everything alright little one?", concern crossed his features again, you bit the inside of your lip and nodded, "Yeah, it's just that I have been here not even a few days, I have to throw out my favorite shirt and pants, and I have dirty laundry. I only planned to stay for a few days, so I didn't pack a lot of clothes.", you gasped softly as you felt a panic attack creeping upon you. You had started suffering from them from the age of fourteen, when the vivid dreams and nightmares started. Your breathing become a bit shallow as you tried to calm yourself, Elijah noticed your distress as well as your heartbeat picking up, "[Y/F/N?], he stepped towards you, "Talk to me."

You sank to your knees as your vision became spotty and your breathing more erratic, "P...panic attack.", you chocked out between breaths. He knelt down in front of your, cupping your face so he could see your face, "What do you need me to do?", he wasn't sure what he needed to do, he never knew anyone who had a panic attack before. "Do something that will make me gasp and hold my breath, like something that will make me catch my breath and begin breathing normally again.", you tried your best to explain. He watched your face as you tried hard to breathe, struggling to catch your breath, he took a leap of faith and suddenly crashed his lips to yours, the notion completely surprising you as your eyes widened. He pulled away and you sighed deeply, your breathing now getting back to normal, "T....thank you.", you whispered to him. He nodded as he took his hands away from your face, pouting softly as the contact left. "Do you need anything else?", he spoke softly as he helped you to your feet, "Do you mind staying until I fall asleep. I tend to have nightmares, my mother used to do it when they were really bad.", your voice nervous and wavered a bit, a small smile graced Elijah's lips as he helped you get into bed, "Not at all.", he sat with his back against the headboard as you curled up beside him, laying your arm across his waist, taking a deep breath, "Thank you again 'Lijah.", you slurred sleepily. He whispered you a welcome and a goodnight as he listened to your breaths become soft while you slept.

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