Chapter 4: Meeting The Elders & A Lightning Storm

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You finally made your way to where Sophie wanted you to meet her at, you sighed deeply as you saw her at the entrance to a cemetery, you didn't hate them, but they just made you uncomfortable. "Thank you for meeting me here, the witches meet here since it is consecrated ground.", she explained leading you through a wrought-iron gate. You nodded in understanding, walking with your hands in your pockets, your body had felt like it was buzzing with electricity since your meeting with Elijah, you didn't bother asking what it meant just yet, so you pushed the feeling to the back of your mind.

She stopped in front of a crypt, "Head on in, they are waiting for you.", she spoke quickly, so much so you nearly missed it. You got a nagging feeling in your gut, something was telling you to run, but she had answers and you couldn't leave without that. You were met with a three older women, "Hello [Y/F/N], we've been expecting you, I believe Sophie has told you what we can you to help you ascend. I assure you with the proper training we can get you there.", the one in the middle explained. Again that nagging feeling came back, you clenched your hands into fists in your pockets as you listened to them speak. "We have been told that you met with Elijah Mikaelson today. We would like you to not speak to him, what we are doing here is for the greater good.", the female to the left advised, you were slightly taken aback by this, that nagging feeling stronger than before, this time you couldn't ignore it.

Thankfully right then your phone went off in your purse and you pulled it out to answer, not recognizing the number, but a feeling inside you told you the answer, "Sorry, it's my mother, mind if I step out to take it?", you lied to them, they nodded as you stepped out of the crypt, Sophie nowhere to be found. "Hello?", you answered as you walked a bit from the crypt. "[Y/F/N]. I am afraid I will needing your assistance this evening, seems my brother has got into a bit of a situation. The other vampires do not know who or what you are, so you will take them by surprise as we help out Niklaus.", the sultry accent spoke, you knew immediately who it was, Elijah. But how did he get your number? You didn't ask, "Message me the address, I'll be there as soon as I can.", you assured him, "Please don't be late, we'll have to do it after the sun sets.", he spoke once more before the call ended.

You were far enough away from the witches that you could make a clean break from the cemetery, your feet carrying you as fast as they could without drawing attention to yourself. You finally made it back to your hotel room and showered and changed into something that you could move freely and comfortably in, you had a feeling that tonight would be a fight. You never fought vampires before, but you were going to be with Elijah so you knew everything would be okay. Pacing back and forth as the sun began to set, your phone pinged and you nearly leaped over the bed to grab it from the desk, it was the message you had been waiting for from Elijah, the address you needed to meet him at.

You only carried your phone with you since the address he sent you was only down the street from where you were staying at. Elijah stood a bit a ways from what looked like a compound, placing his finger up to his lips as you approached him, a silent nod was your answer. "What's going on?", you whispered softly enough for him to hear you. "They captured my brother, I don't know how, but we need to get him out, Marcel thinks he can take Niklaus and expect me not to do anything, which I bet that is what he is counting on.", he explained as he began to approach the building, you following close behind. He held out his hand as you were both in an entry way, moving you quickly and quietly into the shadows, "Stay.", he mouthed to you. "Nice of you to finally show up.", you heard a voice speak as Elijah walked out of the doorway and into what looked like a small courtyard. You could see as it was Marcel, and behind him a man was on his knees in what looked like to be pain, his wrists chained, as well as a metal collar with another chain around his neck, you could faintly hear growls coming from him, "That must be Niklaus.", you thought to yourself.

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