Chapter 2: Finding & Getting Answers

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It was a long and tiring plane ride from El Paso, Texas to New Orleans, Louisiana, or at least it seemed like that to you. You didn't mind riding in a plane, being in the air seemed calming to you, but it always tired you out for some reason or another. It was night when you arrived at the airport, you were given information for a Jane Anne Deveraux, she was the witch your mother mentioned could give you the answers you needed about why you were born and more about your father. You grabbed your luggage and made your way to the rental car desk and paid for the rental before making your way towards The French Quarter, there seemed to be an air about the area, something you didn't really know how to explain, but it made you anxious all the same, it set you on edge and made you put your guard up.

Soon you pulled into the parking lot of a small, quaint hotel on Bourbon Street when you saw a group of people gathering in the middle of the street a ways from where you were, something in you clicked as you warily made your way towards the crowd, that's when you saw her, Jane Anne, she was dead, covered in blood. The girl knelt next to her looked up at you, "Who are you?", she asked in a defensive tone, you raised your hands to show you weren't a threat, "I'm [Y/F/N] [Y/L/N], I was supposed to meet her tomorrow, she had information on my father.", you explained yourself to the group, you had to assume they were all witches, since Jane Anne was. The girl nodded, "She told me, I'm sorry you have to see this.", she stood up shakily, "I'm Sophie Deveraux, Jane Anne was my sister.", she explained to you.

You heard a few whooshes and the air move a bit around yourself and the group, you turned and faced a man, he startled you enough to cause you to take a step back, "Marcel.", Sophie spoke, her voice tinged with anger. "You all know the rules, no magic in The Quarter.", he said with a smug look on his face, something about him made your blood boil with anger, you couldn't explain, but it did. "I just came to get her, and to bury her.", Sophie said from beside you, you had slowly made your way to the side of the group, the group of men with this Marcel eyed you and you didn't like it. "Leave her, it'll remind you all to follow the rules.", he spoke one last time before leaving, if you had blinked you would've missed it, they weren't human, but what exactly was the question.

"Who was that?", you finally found your words and asked Sophie, "Marcel Gerard, he owns the Quarter.", she answered. You wanted to ask why there were rules for no magic and what he was, but it wasn't the right time. "I'm sorry for this, do you need me to do anything?", you asked, concerned etched on your face and apparent in your voice. Sophie shook her head slowly, "No, but I will need to speak to you soon. Meet me at Rosseau's in thirty minutes.", she said, her gaze never leaving her sister's corpse.

You agreed to the meeting with Sophie, finally getting a hotel room, you changed into some comfortable clothing, a simple black tank top, skinny jeans and your black boots, you were meeting a witch, you didn't want to be too overdressed or too underdressed. You googled the address for Rosseau's and made your way there, meeting Sophie as she was about to enter the bar herself, "Follow me, I want to pray for my sister, then I can give you some answers, because I am sure you have some." Sophie unlocked the door and walked in, you followed behind and stood to the side as she locked the door back. Following her through what looked like a kitchen for the bar and out to the alleyway behind the bar, she climbed down the stairs and lit a few candles on a barrel, there was also a small framed photo of Jane Anne. The door slammed which caused you to jump and look back, when your gaze came back towards Sophie you saw two men, two of the same men who were with Marcel earlier that night.

"What? I can't pray for my sister?", Sophie barked, tears forming in her eyes. One made a move towards them but the other was seemingly plucked out of thin air, you gasped and covered your mouth when you saw him thrown onto a piece of metal that was on the roof eave, his skin turning grey and veiny as he died. This caused the one that was still alive to turn away from you and Sophie and go to investigate when he fell to the ground dead, a tall man in a black suit stood in his place with the man's heart in his hand. You weren't sure what was going on, but you couldn't take your eyes off of him, his short hair slicked back, his black suit sharp and impeccable, you weren't sure who he was, but something in you wanted to know. You knew he wasn't human for sure, it scared you a little, but he did just save your life and Sophie's from Marcel's men.

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