Chapter 14: The Big Bad Wolf Gets A Taste

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[Warning: Smut, blood sharing.]

You finally found the room that Elijah told you to go to, finding a bag on the bed, your heart raced as you opened the bag and your jaw dropped a bit. You pulled out a mini skirt with a matching crop top, your hands found some thigh high socks at the bottom of the bag, there was a note with them, "The heels are in the closet. Get dressed in this, then come into the living room where me and my brother will be awaiting your return. And Little One, don't wear any undergarments.", the note read and was signed with Elijah's name. Your face turned a bright pink as you finished reading the note and looked back at the clothing, gulping softly. You stripped out of the clothes you were currently wearing and changed into the outfit Elijah left for you to wear, remembering to leave off your panties and bra. You slid the thigh high socks on and went to the closet and found some black heels, ones that would break your neck to walk in if you didn't already wear heels like this on a daily basis.

You looked yourself over in the mirror in the corner of the room, the mini skirt was short enough to where if you bent over you could see your ass, and the crop top was almost sheer, you could barely see your nipples through them. You slipped the heels on and began to make your way to the living room, your movements graceful as you walked in the heels. You peered your head around the doorway and saw the brothers conversing, but you knew that they knew you were there. You slid your hand up the doorjamb, letting your crop top ride up to show a bit more skin and cleared your throat to grab their full attention, both pairs of eyes landed on you. Elijah's eyes darkened as he looked you over, Klaus' jaw nearly dropped at the sight of you, "Like what you see boys?", you purred as you let your arm fall to your side and slowly made your way into the room.

"You look absolutely delicious Little One.", Elijah purred back, "You are right brother, she is stunning.", Klaus commented, his eyes never looking away from you when he walked towards him and his brother. You smiled at their praises, biting your lip softly, Elijah beckoned for you to come to him. Your hips swayed as you walked to him, grabbing his hand that he had held out for you, "Spin for us baby girl.", you blushed a deep red as you spun for them, "Oh my, brother she does look delicious. I hope you really don't mind sharing her with me.", Klaus kept his gaze on you while he spoke to Elijah. "Of course not Niklaus, she wants us both, isn't that right Little One?", Elijah's eyes dark with want. You stood still, your hand still in his as you looked at Klaus, "That's right. I can't deny that I am attracted to the both of you, and it wouldn't be fair if I did. You both make me feel things I haven't felt in months.", you explained.

You let your gaze fall back to Elijah, "Go to him, make him feel like you made me feel last night.", Elijah told you, his voice raspy and a smirk plastered on his lips, "I want to see you come undone for my brother as you did for me.", he added, his voice lower. Klaus never averted his gaze from you, "Yes Sir.", you said to Elijah before walking over to Klaus, he held his hand out to you, and you slid your hand into his as he let you sit on his lap, you facing Elijah. He let go of your hand to let both of them graze over the exposed flesh of your thighs above the socks. A shiver ran down your spine, the feeling his touch on your thighs rushed up to your core. Your head fell back as a small moan escaped your lips, slowly grinding your hips down against his, wanting friction where you needed it the most. You heard a growl came from behind you as you did this, his hands moving farther up your thighs.

You bit your lip to stifle a moan, "Nu-uh Little One, let us hear those beautiful moans.", Elijah said from his seat, his eyes blown with lust as he watched the two of you, he grew hard at the sight of you. Klaus pulled you back, your back flush against his chest, his right hand moving from your thigh to go up your crop top, his fingers barely grazing your skin. He hooked his feet around the inside of your feet, he spread his legs, which caused your legs to spread with his, giving Elijah a view of your wet pussy, causing him to gasp sharply at the sight of you. Elijah rubbed himself over his pants, "Doesn't she look beautiful brother?", Klaus spoke beside your ear, his voice almost a growl, "She does indeed.", Elijah growled out. Klaus continued moving his right hand up your chest, his fingers ghosting over your nipple, hardening as he did, his left hand moved your skirt up, his eyes changed as he caught the scent of your arousal, Elijah's eyes changed as well when he caught the scent.

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