Chapter 3: Meeting an Original Vampire

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You woke to the sound of the hustle and bustle of Bourbon Street and the sun coming in through the window beside the bed, you sat up and stretched with a yawn, strangely you felt completely rested, for the first time in months. Grabbing your phone and checking the time, "Shit!", you jumped out of bed, you were almost late to meet Elijah. You grabbed your toiletry bag from your suitcase and rushed in brushing your teeth and hair. Grabbing a plain dark red tank top, pulling on some cut off shorts and your favorite black boots. You ran a hand through [Y/H/C] hair as you grabbed your purse and the note from Elijah, typing in the address he left you into your phone.

It took you a while to find the address, it was a small, cute little outdoor cafe, you saw that he wasn't there yet, you sighed in relief before you felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned and came face to face with Elijah, "I uh.... I got your note.", you held it up as you spoke shyly, your heart raced slightly, you weren't sure what was going to happen, he was an Original vampire after all, would he kill you? He nodded with a pinched smile, trying to be polite, he wasn't for sure who you were, he wanted to talk and he needed to know why Jane Anne brought you here around the same time his brother got there. "I'm [Y/F/N] [Y/L/N]. Sophie told me who you were. You're Elijah Mikaelson.", you said, trying to keep your voice steady, you didn't want to show you were a little scared in that moment, a little scared of him. "Then I assume you know what I am as well?", he inquired with a raised brow, his eyes watching your face, watching your expressions, he could hear your rapid heartbeat, you were scared. You took a deep breath and nodded, "In your note you wanted to know who I am, what I am and why I'm here. I told you who I am, now onto the other inquiries. How should I know if I can trust you?", you stopped walking and turned to face him, "I leave it to you to decide whether to trust me or not.", was all he said.

You walked in silence for a bit before you came to a bench and sat down, you ran a ran your hand over your face as Elijah sat beside you, you took a deep breath before speaking again, "As to what I am, I'm a demigod, half human, half God, my father is a God. As to why I'm here, I'm meant to stop the war between the vampires, werewolves, and witches. I have to bring peace to the city, stop the fighting or a darkness will consume everything.", you managed to keep your voice steady, but you keep your face facing straight ahead, watching people walk around, wondering who were all witches and vampires. There was a silence between the two of you before Elijah spoke, "That would explain why you smell different from a regular human. I sensed you weren't completely human, but I couldn't explain why." You felt your face grow hot at his comment about your smell, then you remembered vampires have heightened senses, including smell.

You nearly jumped when your phone rang in your purse, pulling it out and read the name, "Mom". You looked at Elijah and he nodded an okay, you took a deep breath before answering, "Hey mom..... Yeah, New Orleans is beautiful..... No, Jane Anne, she...she's dead...... I met with her sister Sophie..... Yes mom. I know. I know. I'll get the answers I need..... I love you too.", you ended the call and slide your phone back into your purse before turning your attention back to Elijah. "Now you know why I'm here and who I am. How should I know you won't kill me? Sophie told me about your family, you're ruthless and feared.", fear crept into your voice and your heart race picked up.

Elijah chuckled softly before looking at you, "Despite what some people say and think, I'm not as bad as my brothers Kol and Niklaus. I won't kill you, but make no mistake, if anyone threatens my family, they will regret it.", he answered honestly before standing. You stood up as well, "Wait, if you're a vampire, how can you walk in the sun?", you were genuinely curious, you read that vampires burned in the sun. He raised his hand and you saw a ring on his finger, "Daylight ring." You both began walking again beside Elijah, "You said I didn't smell like a normal human, what do humans smell like to vampires?", you asked, hoping you didn't come off as too forward, but you were curious since you found out vampires were real, "In humans we can smell their blood, but with you there's a different scent to your blood. Almost dizzying really.", he answered your question with a straight face. Dizzying? What did that mean exactly?

You both walked for a while before his phone rang, he answered and talked quickly and angrily to whoever was on the other end, you tried not to eavesdrop. He hung up quickly and cleared his throat, "I apologize, a family matter came up and I must go. It was a pleasure to meet you, [Y/F/N]. We'll probably see each other again.", he spoke weirdly and turned to walk away. You checked your watch, it was almost time to meet Sophie, you were surprised by how much time you spent with Elijah. By the time he left you, you weren't as scared of him as you were before, in fact you couldn't stop thinking about it, and about how his said the scent of your blood was dizzying. You shook your head, "What am I thinking? He's a vampire. He could probably kill me without breaking a sweat.", you thought to yourself. But you just couldn't stop yourself from thinking about the Original Vampire.

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