Chapter 11: Familiar Faces

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It had been close to a month since you left New Orleans and the pain behind, today was your birthday. You had made friends in Baton Rouge, you even had a job at the hottest bar in town. You became good friends with the owners and manager, thus them letting you have your birthday off and throwing a small party for you at the bar. Dressed in a tight, strapless back dress, you let your [Y/H/C] hair down in soft curls, since you always wore it up for work. Light makeup on your face and black stilettos graced your feet, making your legs seem longer. [Y/BF/N] had called as she finished setting up for the party at the bar, "Thanks [Y/BF/N], this means a lot.", you grinned from ear to ear, "You're welcome sweetie, happy birthday. I love you girl!", you could hear the smile in her tone, you ended the call after telling her you loved her back.

[Y/BF/N] was the first person you met in Baton Rouge, you told her of your troubles one night at the bar you now worked at, you even told her your secret, she was there for you when you had panic attacks, and she even answered her phone late at nights when you had the really bad nightmares over the past month. She was your rock, even trying to get you to answer the phone whenever Elijah tried to call you, but each time you declined the call. It was too painful, you just couldn't talk to him, she soon understood and stop pushing it, even declining some of the calls for you whenever your phone was out of your reach. She was the one who suggested to throw a party on your birthday this year, so you could forget your pain and start anew, she kept telling you that you deserved it.

You had ended up pacing in your new apartment from being excited for your party. You were turning twenty-seven, you jumped when your phone rang, sighing when you saw it was your mother, "Hey Mom!... Thank you!... I promise to be careful.... I love you too.", your smile never faltering. But soon did when your phone pinged a message, it was from Elijah, "I know you don't want to talk to me, but please just let me say Happy Birthday. Please be careful." Your heart swelled at the message, he remembered your birthday. But that happiness became sadness when you remembered how you had left, that night never far from your thoughts.

"You ready?", [Y/BF/N] asked you before you both entered the bar, you nodded and smiled big. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!", screams filled the bar as you walked in, your friends and regulars were all there. Tears of happiness filled your eyes, [Y/BF/N] pulled you in close and hugged you. The night was off to a great start, music filled the air and the drinks started being poured. You had done a bit more research on what you were and realized you couldn't get drunk, sometimes it sucked, but other times came in handy in drinking games. You impressed many of your friends and the regulars when they saw that you could out drink them. You danced around the dancefloor, all eyes were on you as your moves were graceful and fluid, you felt like a goddess, everyone was in awe of your dancing.

You laughed with your friend as the song ended and you came off the dancefloor, "I need a smoke. Come with me? You know I don't like being out there by myself.", [Y/BF/N] asked you, before you could answer had grabbed your hand and pulled you out through the employee exit to the employee smoking area. You always went with her as she didn't like going outside by herself on the night shift since there were reports of animal attacks in the area. "Thank you so much for this. I appreciate it so much.", you let out aloud giggle, your body was flushed from all the dancing. You sat beside her and took off your heels, groaning as you rubbed your feet, "Sweet fuck, these heels hurt.", you swore. "Maybe so, but sweetie you look damn delicious in them. If I wasn't straight I would totally take you home tonight.", she said with a wiggle of her brows. Yes she was straight, but she had fun play flirting with you, the patrons loved it, brought them back for more drinks.

"I would have to agree with her.", a deep English voice came from the darkness in front of the smoking area. Your heart rate picked up as you instantly recognized the voice. Your eyes widened when the figure stepped out of the shadows, your heart rate picking up even more, "Hello again Little One.", he voice low and raspy. "Elijah?", you squeaked out. Your friend looked at the man then you, it all clicking in her head, remembering what you told her. "Do you need me to stay [Y/F/N]?",nshe asked. You shook your head no before she stood and made her way back inside the bar. "Are you really here Elijah?", you placed your heels back on your feet and stood, making your way towards him, slowly reaching out to him, afraid he would disappear like he had been doing in your dream.

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