❝𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝔀𝓸 𝓶𝓮𝓽❞

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He was a new student in your school along with his friends. And your teacher asked if who can tour them around, and you being the friendly type, volunteered to be their tour guide. But while walking around the school, this dino capped boy kept stealing glances at you.

At the end of the tour you gave them a welcoming smile and said: "that's all of it, hope you enjoy here at Rintis high!". They smiled back at you then left to go back to their classes, except Boboiboy who had the same class as you. "Umm so... Want to go to the class together?" He asked nervously, with no hesitation you agreed. "Sure boboiboy. So Friends?" You held out a hand for a handshake and he happily accepted the handshake. "Friends!" he replied with his famous grin. And that's the start of your beautiful friendship.


He was the student council president and one of the heartthrobs at school, you barely see him since he's too caught up with being the President and stuff. There's this one time you were currently walking towards the library, holding a mountain of books to return when you suddenly bumped into an unknown person. "Aahh!" You yelled once your bottom met with the ground making a large thump and the books falling around the place. "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry miss. Are you alright" the person said, you looked up to see the person who you bumped into and was shocked once you saw that the person was none other than earthquake himself. He helped you stand up and started picking up your books, "uh it's okay I can-" "no I'll help you" he cut you off before you could even decline. "So where to miss?" He said while holding the books "it's okay I can carry them" you waved your hands but still he would insist to help you. "Don't worry, I'll help and besides these books are heavy" he said, you could only sigh knowing there's no escape to this. You nodded and the both of you began to head towards the library, "by the way what's your name miss?" He asked tilting his head to your direction "I'm Y/N L/N" you replied "oh what a pretty name" he complimented with a smile.


You were taking a stroll around the park when all of a sudden a group of men surrounded you, "Hey there Little missy. Would you like to come with us? We're just going to have fun with you" the bald guy said, licking his lips. "Perverts" you hitched, you were about to beat those guys until they forget their names. When suddenly a flash of red lightning appeared in front of you as well as a boy preferably around your age. "Leave her alone, or face the consequences" his cold vicious tone made you feel shivers in your spine, and in a split of seconds, the group of men started to run away. He turned around to face you, you ready your fighting stance in case he does something pervy but instead, he gave you a faint grin, "be careful around here miss. There are many groups of bad boys surrounding this area" he said then left, "Hey! What's your name!" You shouted at his leaving figure, he once again turns around to face you and said: "it's thunderstorm, what about yours?" He asked, "It's Y/N!" You yelled back and gave him a smile and he left completely. But your face couldn't leave his thoughts.


You were currently heading to the cocoa shop to buy ice chocolate. You head for the counter and said: "one ice chocolate please!" Your sweet voice was heard by dino capped boy in sky blue clothes. He turned around with a cute smile and asked for your order after he finished making your drink you sat at the front of the counter and opened your phone to continue the book you were reading and sipped your ice chocolate. But unbeknownst to you cyclone couldn't help to steal glances at you, you caught sight of him looking at you making him look away with a visible blush. You shrugged and started to read again, after a couple of minutes you paid your drink and was about to leave when cyclone suddenly grabbed your arm. "Uhh hey miss what's your name?" He nervously asked with a flushed face "I'm Y/N" you said with a smile, he let go of your arm and introduced himself "I'm cyclone, I hope to see you again soon". You smiled and left but couldn't help but blush by the scenario that just happened earlier.


He was a trouble maker for short and there's this one time, you were his target. You were about to step inside your classroom with a huge grin and excitement to start another day, but when all of a sudden you fell to the ground because of a string of thread tied to the door, making your classmates turn around to face you and laugh. You stood up with an angry expression wanting to know who made you trip, you glance around and saw blaze laughing his butt off. You stomped your way towards him and slammed your hands into his table making him tremble in fear, " you think it's funny huh?! Well, this is funny!" You punched him on the square face and left the room in deep silence. He sat upright while rubbing the part of his face where you punched him, feeling intrigued with how you handled him "Man, I might just fall in love".


You were walking at the park when suddenly you felt a bit tired, you sat down to a nearby bench and slowly closed your eyes. After a couple of minutes, you woke up from your nap and felt your head leaning on something, you look up to see a sleeping boy beside you while hugging a whale plush. You realized that you fell asleep at his shoulder, you rapidly sat upright making him awake, "so-sorry mister I didn't mean to-" "it's okay, you looked tired so I didn't mind" he said then slept once again. You took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it then carefully placed it on his hand and left. Ice woke up and saw the note it says.

Thank you, mister. I'm Y/N by the way

He couldn't help but smile, he just made a new friend.


You love to go to the school's garden secretly since it was forbidden to go there except for the gardening club. You lookout for some students who might catch you going there, when the coast is clear you dashed towards the garden, when you got there you breathe out a large sigh. Your eyes suddenly glanced at your favorite flower, you crouched down to smell its scent sending you a comfortable feeling. You closed your eyes while smelling its aroma, but when you opened your eyes, you saw a pair of green eyes looking back at you, making you fall back. "AHH!" You screamed the owner of the green eyes stood up with a confused and yet cute look "hi! What brings you here?" He asked tilting his head like a cute kitten which made your heart melt in awe. "Oh no, I've been caught" you mumbled, "Thorn! Where are you?" Another person said, the person looked at you with a hint of confusion and said "Why are you here miss? Other students who aren't a part of the gardening club are not allowed to go here" the person said, you were getting sweaty, thinking of an excuse to get out. "She's my friend Lizzie, I took her here so she can see these flowers I planted," thorn said with a cute smile "oh okay then" the person who was named Lizzie said then left. "T-thanks" you stuttered, thorn helped you up, and with a huge grin and said, "you're welcome". He crouched down into the bush of F/F and picked up one, "Here I can see you adore this flower. You can have it" he said handing out your favorite flower, you smiled and accepted the flower.

"I'm Y/N" you introduced "I'm thorn, nice to meet you Y/N" you both had a handshake and he offered to walk you around the garden.


Solar was gosh dang famous at your school along with his handsome brothers, you were walking around the corridor when all of a sudden you felt the ground shook, you turned around to see Solar being chased by his fangirls. He quickly noticed you who was holding a jacket, he rapidly grabbed your arm and pulled you on the corner "hello can I borrow this? Thanks" he snatched your jacket and covered himself with it, while you let him hid behind you so fangirls couldn't see him. Once you saw the flock of girls surpassing the two of you, solar sighed in relief and gave your jacket back. "Thanks, miss." He said then winked, you just gave him a faint smile and left "AREN'T YOU GOING TO ASK FOR A PICTURE OR SOMETHING?!" He yelled at your leaving figure, you turned around and said "I'm not a fan of yours light head and I'm not interested in you" then started to leave. He smiled knowing there's still a kind of girl like you "dang, I need to know who that girl is" he whispered, and yet again the fangirls saw him and started chasing him again.

Author-chan: how about that, I just finished the first one-shot. So see you on the other side I guess... Byeeee!

Last edited: July 1, 2024

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now