❝𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓰𝓸𝓽 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓭❞

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Not for ages under 17, scroll down to the next chapter.
(If you're under 17, I can allow you to read through the chapter. But please, do not attempt to do this irl while you're still young. Be free and single while you still can.)


It was P.E class, and your teacher Papa Zola made up this new game that could strengthen your body. But once he explained the rules and regulations, it was totally not what he meant. "Okay remember students of Justice, just pass this piece of paper using your lips until it reached the last person," Papa Zola said, other girls where squealing since they might get their chance to either kiss Fang or Boboiboy.

"I'm against this Teacher Papa!" You stood up raising your hands, 'what if my dino get kissed?!' You thought. "Don't worry babe I'll sit beside you" he said with a cheeky smile, you just puffed your cheeks and crossed your arms above your chest. "Fine" you responded. Later on, students began to line up and just what Boboiboy said he's going to be beside you.

"Ready! Set! Prittt prittt" your fellow classmates began to pass the thin paper using their lips, sweat began to drip from your face. "It's getting closer Y/n" Boboiboy started looking at where the paper is. Shortly Fang passed the paper to Boboiboy, the dino capped boy turned to you ready to pass the paper by his lips.

You closed your eyes ready to take the paper but instead of the rough texture of the paper, you felt two gentle lips collided with yours. "AWIEEEE!!!" You opened your eyes to be met by a closed eyes Boboiboy. Then you discovered he was kissing you, you didn't know that before he could even pass the paper to you he removed it from his mouth so he could take that chance to kiss you. All I can say is that mission accomplished ; >


You two were left alone inside the student council room, to finish another stressing paperwork. You both were sitting on his desk but under it was your hand intertwined with his. "My euphoria, what's the next schedule?" He asked eyes still darted on the file, "umm, there's nothing written here" you checked your notebook. You turned to face him and showed your notebook of schedules, he took a glance at the notebook then to you who was still looking at him.

Then unexpectedly he gave you a cute peck on the lips, then averted his gaze at the notebook. "Okay. I'll report this to the headmaster" he said calmly like nothing happened, while you were silent by what just happened and probably blushing madly right now. "You alright my euphoria?" He asked you looked away and nodded. He turned to his file secretly stifling a giggle.
(Author-chan: nice move)


We all know how thunderstorm acts like a tsundere right? Well, let's just say when you two became a thing he doesn't give you that much affection though you can still receive some warm hugs and a kiss on the cheeks from him, it always leaves him being flustered. (Even though he's the one who kissed you.)

You two were taking an afternoon stroll when you sensed that he was being anxious. "What's wrong thund?" You asked making him stop his pace, he didn't give you an answer. You didn't know that he's was hiding his crimson red face, what a thundychu. He quickly held your shoulders and then smacking his lips into yours, you were taken aback from his movement but shortly followed the sync of his lips. He pulled from the kiss then locking his eyes with yours. You gave him a smile making him realize what he just did.

His face grew redder than a fresh tomato then running away from you. You chuckled by his actions and soon ran after him.


It was your birthday and cyclone gave you this gigantic box. It took you a couple of minutes to open it because it had multiple layers, (he just used many gift wrappers to make it look big :,>)

When you finally reached the last layer it was just a small box. You tore the gift wrapper and then you saw a small ticket saying "A V.I.P pass to heaven?" You questioned then looked at the wind manipulator who was smiling cheekily. He snatched the ticket and scanned it "well how about that, you got the V.I.P pass" he threw the ticket aside and then pulled you into a deep passionate kiss.


He's a bold guy. He would always kiss you in front of many people, even at SCHOOL! Even though we all know PDA is not allowed at school.

You both were walking around the hall full of students when he grabbed your waist and giving you a French kiss. You tried to pull away but he maintained your position, after the kiss you noticed the students glancing at the two of you with their jaws dropped.

You glared at him with a flushed face, he only smirked at you and whispered "why do you look so enraged? I'm just showing them that you're mine"


Let's just say you couldn't interact with him since he's always asleep, so all this time you would just cuddle with him morning till night. (What an endless suffering of boredom) but what you didn't know is that once you fall asleep beside him. He would give you secret kisses, like this one time you wondered why your tongue was sore.

What you didn't know is that he just French-kissed you when you were asleep.


Thorn loves to shower you with affections and he never forgets to give you a quick kiss on the lips. At first, you were shocked by his gesture, you even thought that he doesn't know how to kiss, but his action just put you in shame.

Each time you two are alone he would pamper your face with kisses making you end up in a blushing mess.


You two were hanging out at granddad's shop, you were watching him work while sipping your ice chocolate. After a couple of minutes, he went to your direction looking like a tired grown-up man from his work.

"It's so hot!!" He groaned, "want some?" You gestured him to take a sip from your drink. "Nah it's okay," he said "suit yourself" you then again took a sip from the straw. "I would rather drink this" he grabbed your chin and kissed you while sipping the cold liquid from your mouth.

You could feel your organs doing a somersault by now. He pulled from the kiss and then glancing at you while licking his lips, he stood properly and said "thanks for the tasty drink" he winked at your frozen figure.


❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now