❝𝓓𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻❞

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*╔═══❖•ೋ° °ೋ•❖═══╗*


Who would've thought that by a single blink of an eye the person you treasure will be gone. And there he was holding a h/c haired female's cold corpse, mourning for her death. He blamed himself for not fast enough to protect you from dangers that lurk around, he felt like his heart was stabbed multiple of times seeing her DEAD. "I'm sorry, I promised to protect you but I..... I failed... I failed you y/n! I failed you!" He sobbed, hugging her body closer to his. "I will avenge you Y/n... Vengeance shall be mine" he muttered under a deadly tone, rage starting to fill his system. The skies started to darken, thunders roaring from the sky, as he looked up his eyes glowing fiery red, his hair turning pure white and his white streak becoming black... "I will kill them all" and that's how Boboiboy reversed was born.



He never thought of seeing you lifeless inside his office, his body trembled to see you dead on top of his table with a knife on your chest. He fell to his knees, feeling like his soul had been pulled from him. His face became pale, tears started to fall like waterfalls. Yanking his hair sobbing louder, he vowed to protect you but here he is. Failed to fulfill his vow, he felt like a human being with no life. Because his euphoria just died in front of his eyes.



Never in his life had he shed a tear. But look at him now, crying like there's no tomorrow for his dead lover. His emotions got the best of him, he couldn't act like everything was fine now, since Y/n died. He laughed, laughed like a maniac, but there were still tears in his eyes.

"I'm an idiot... I'm AN ASSHOLE IDIOT!" He yelled to himself then falling to his knees, burying his face to your stomach, "wake up y/n! WAKE UP! Please tell me this is just a prank of yours. Please wake up" he sobbed, but there's no more chance of waking her, cause she's long... Gone.



He was holding your lifeless body, his shoulder supporting your head while he was holding your hand. "C-come... *hiccup*... Y/n... D-don't f-fool around... *hiccup* w-wake.... *hiccup* up" he cried. He still couldn't accept the fact that you're long gone. Thunderstorm was beside him all along patting his back saying "it'll be alright cy". "S-she's alive! Sh-she... She must b-be... J-just k-kidding" he retorted, wiping his tears with his arm. He hiccuped once again and looked at Thunderstorm and pulled up a fake smile "she's alright thunder... I know she's alive" he stated. But we all know he's just being delusional.



After knowing what happened to his lover he began to rampage. Dashing to her location, pushing every person that gets on his way, not minding the fact that he hurt them. But that's not the case at all, because what he's feeling right now is 10× more painful. Once he saw where she was, his eyes widen and ran to her, carrying her body in his arms. Soon his tears began to fall, he laid her body into a nearby bench and turned around to face the crowd behind him with his fiery raging eyes. "WHO DID THIS?!" His voice sent shivers to their spines, making them lose their colors out of fear. "I'M ASKING WHO DID THIS TO HER!!" He yelled like a madman, no one answered, and later on the place was soon covered by giant flames. Covering the entire area, his wrath can't hold on much longer. So I presume they had to suffer such an extreme burning feeling.



He could only kneel in front of her dead remains, having a shocked look with tears in his eyes. Silence enveloping the whole area, and he could hear faint noises from the battlefield. He couldn't care less about it, all he's senses were blocked. He felt his life just turned cold, everything went cold (of course damn it! He's ice!). He lowered his head letting out small hiccups and sobs, but shortly he stopped his eyes glowing under his bangs. Soon behind him started to freeze, minutes passed and everyone behind him and his surroundings was now covered with thick ice.



"Why is he still sitting beside y/n?" Cyclone asked his brother Solar. "He... He... Just let him be".

"Don't worry y/n! I'll be staying beside you until you wake up!" He beamed with his infamous smile, "Quaky said you're just sleeping so I want to be the first person you see once you wake up" he whispered. "So... Please... Wake... Up" his voice starting to crack, "I know you're alive... You're just sleeping right?" He sobbed "then we're going to plant many flowers again right?" He muttered holding her cold hands. "So please wake up" he pleaded tears streaking his cheeks, "please".



"Tsk, attempt number 97 failed" he clicked his tongue in annoyance, soon the door creaked open "so-solar?" It was little Thorny "What is it thorn?! I'm busy!" He harshly said, then going back to his work. Continuing his experiments. "Solar... You need to rest" he said but he didn't listen, "Solar you need to accept she's gone" still no responses. "You need to stop pushing yourself so hard... She's dead... You can't bring her back"

And with those words, Solar stopped. "Stop blabbering... I CAN REVIVE HER!" He yelled slamming his hands on his desk full of chemicals. "If I continue... I might... See her... Smile again" he broke into tears slumping back to his swivel chair. Thorn went closer to him and hugged him, "It's okay Solar... She's in a better place now" he whispered, Solar cried to his chest letting out the pain he's been keeping. "Thorn... I want to see her so badly... I want to see her... I want to hug her... I just want her" he cried once more, he just rubbed his older brother's back. Then averting his gaze at the woman laid on a bed with wires connected to her. Her body was cold and pale, and Solar was still hoping that maybe someday his attempts on reviving her will succeed.

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Author-chan: another request is done! Thank you for the person who requested this. And also I have some announcements. I might not able to publish every day due to many online activities at school, and also because I've been planning on finishing all of the requests and then publishing it at the same time. So I hope you guys understand for me being inactive for a while but don't worry as soon as I finished all of my (fUcKiNg) works for the student council I'll be finishing the requests then publishing it all! Then maybe I could publish every day again!!

Stella: Oh! So I'll get someday offs after all!

Author-chan: (-_-) you're an OC, you don't do anything much. Just talk and talk

Stella: I know that don't rub it in my face

Author-chan: I'll deal with you later... For now bye bye!!

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now