❛𝕀 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 ❜

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(Deaf! Reader X Blaze)

It was another boring day at school for Blaze, also known as the bully of the school. He practically beat the hell out of someone, whenever he feels like it. He was yet again doodling on his notebook as the teacher continues his lesson.

"Today we will have a new student" the teacher announced, noisy chit chats began to fill the atmosphere. "Miss L/n please come in" he gestures her to come inside. A girl probably around 16, with H/L H/C locks, stood beside the teacher, clutching her bag strap.

The teacher pats her shoulder which made her flinch, she grabbed a tiny whiteboard from her bag and started writing using her marker.

After a minute of writing, she turns the board around and it says:

"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n. and I'm deaf" this put everyone on the edge of their seats. Blaze stared at her with a blunt look and tsked. "Okay, take your seat" the teacher pointed at the chair in front of Blaze. (A Silent voice reference) Y/n saw the boy behind her seat and gave him a warm smile, which he returned with a fake one.

Y/n took a seat, a girl beside her poke her arm, and gestured her to bring out her whiteboard so they can communicate. The first period turned out normal, Y/n gained a lot of friends and had fun even if she's different from the rest of them.

While walking through the corridors with her new friends she caught a glimpse of a familiar face. There she saw Blaze abusing a guy with huge glasses, she stomped her way towards them, behind her was her friends stopping her. But of course, she couldn't hear them.

Blaze was laughing his butt off when Y/n smacked his head. "Y/n!" Her friend pulled her arm from behind which made her step back. "What the freak?!" He looked at her furiously. Y/n began to do sign language which meant, "How dare you to hurt someone incapable of fighting?!".

Blaze looked puzzled by what she did, he wasn't aware it was sign language. He grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her close to his face, "are you courting your death?!" Y/n stared at him dead on the eyes, she showed no fear. It took a moment of silence until Blaze decided to let her off this time. "Tch" he pushed her aside and left with his hands inside his pockets.

"Y/n!! Are you okay?" Her friend asked using sign language. She nodded eyes fixated on Blaze who was pushing away those who are in his way.

"Is he always like that?" She asked using sign language "yes, that's why he never had any friends" her friend answered. That's when it hit her, that's why he acted that way. He lacks friends.

(Next day)

"What's this?" Blaze looked at the bento Y/n was holding out then looking back to Y/n who's been smiling brightly at him. She pointed at her mouth meaning for him to eat. "Wait! You heard me?" He asked, folding his hands across his chest.

She nodded and pointed at her ears. She was wearing hearing aid today, "okay I don't know what's that and I'll definitely not accept your food" he gave back her bento and left. But she ain't going to give up so easily.

She followed him around the school, some students were gossiping about them and some others just glanced at them with curiosity.

Blaze stopped his pace and faced the female, he went close to her making her back away until her back touches the wall. "Why the hell are you following me?!" She lowered her head, pressing her pointing finger against each other.

He stepped backward and said, "stop following me and stop acting like you care!" And completely left. She didn't feel down but instead determined, determined she would get him to open up somehow.

Day by day the more she became more attached to him. She noticed he wasn't that so bad, by sneaking up to follow him she would see his other sides she didn't know he had.

"Are you going to continue following me like a creep?!" He spat on her face, she nodded with full of determination. "Why?!" She pointed at herself then to him and then clasping her hands. "What!?". She grabbed the tiny pad tied around her neck and wrote:

"Let's be friends!" He glanced at her then glancing back at the words she had written. "No" he shoved her paper and left as usual.

The week had gone by which it felt like forever. Y/n had been always tailing Blaze, there's no minute she wasn't with him. Until then Blaze started to get used to her being behind him all the time, it's not like she was disturbing him or something. But it made him feel weird having someone beside you all the time, it was truly new for him.

Soon enough they began to interact with each other. It was super awkward at first, but still, Blaze would always say:

"Just because I'm talking to you doesn't mean we're friends!"


"I only talk to you because you're my classmate!"

Y/n would just smile and giggle of how cute he is whenever he's shy and blushy.

However, being with Y/n kept him having negative thoughts about giving friendship a chance. What if she's just befriending with him because she needed something from him? And what's worst is he's feeling something new.

He's been feeling butterflies roaming around his stomach and he's starting to act awkward around her.

That's why he began to neglect her again. Y/n was confused with his unusual acts, it's not very unusual. It was just he's acting like when they first met.

And there goes both of them again, as usual, Y/n would be following behind him. But it seems the more she gets close to him the hastier he's been pacing.

She tried to catch up with the dino capped boy until she had enough of his ignorance. She grabbed him by the wrist which stopped him "let go" he mumbled, loud enough for her to hear. (She's wearing her hearing aid alright?) She shook her head as a refusal.

"I said let go!" He shoved her hands with a nasty look in his face. Y/n had enough and threw a rather weak punch towards his chest. But it was pointless, he was agile enough to block the attack.

However, she didn't stop hitting him. In my range I say they look like a couple having a quarrel :3

It didn't take 10 minutes until she decided to stop. A thought came to her mind, maybe not all people require a friend to be by their side. She tried to speak up but her words sounded like a broken robot.

"I just wanted to be friends" is what she wanted to say. Somehow, Blaze managed to understand what she meant. He clenched his fists and pinned her to the wall. "I told you I don't want to be friends!" His voice cracked "because..." He trailed off

"I want to be more than just friends"

Author-chan: I just got out of my grave, and started to write again. Oh and Thank you LaraKat13 for your extraordinary request! To be honest I find it quite interesting writing stuff about a reader with disabilities. And for those other requests, I haven't posted, I'm sorryyyy... I'm still finishing them all at once and I'm pretty caught up with my other books and online classes will start soon. I hope you guys understand, that's all for now. I'll see ya soon!

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now