❝𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓸 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓵 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓯𝓽. 𝓓𝓪𝓭𝓭𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂(𝓼

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Seeing your little baby on the hands of your beloved husband is one of the things that relieved your stress. "Say dada," he said to the giggling little baby boy, "ma...ma" "no, dada" "ma...ma" you can see the frustration on his face. You chuckled by his expression, "don't laugh at me wife" he pouted cutely. "You just look adorable with that frustrated look of yours" you stifled a laugh at the end. You neared them and sat beside the dino capped male. "He just won't say dada" he whined, holding the baby on the air. "Don't worry, he will soon say dada" you encouraged the frowning male. "Okay," he sighed in defeat. You hugged your two most Precious treasures, cherishing a wonderful warm hug together.


Not going to deny, he's much more mother material than you do. When it comes to babies he's a pro, while doing chores he's also carrying the baby. His right hand was holding the baby, his left hand was sweeping the floor and his right foot was dusting some ornaments. "Quake let me help just a little please" you practically begged, ever since you gave birth to your healthy baby boy he never lets you do chores. "No, it's okay wife I can manage," he said, you let out a sigh and a grunt. "Can you at least give me the baby?" You asked, "sure" he gave you your son. Then went to the couch, "oh, and y/n he still hasn't had his bottle, exactly 12 pm you need to change his diaper, and at 3 pm he will cry for milk" he said making your jaw drop. How could he possibly know the schedule of the baby?

The best mother of the year goes to... QUAKE!


He's really anxious about this kind of stuff. He doesn't really know what are the easiest parts of how to take care of an innocent baby. "Damn it! How to open this f****** baby bottle!" He's been pulling the lid of the bottle for the past 30 minutes. "Thunder?! How are you doing there? Can you please hurry! The baby is getting more and more cranky" you yelled from the living room. "I'll be there a sec!" He yelled back, after 40 minutes he finally came to where you are. You were cradling the baby in your arms as you averted your gaze at Thunderstorm who was mostly covered with baby milk and holding a messed up baby bottle. "Uh, what's that?" "Isn't it obvious? It's milk!" He half yelled "I think you overused the powder"

"It's hard to make alright!"


Cyclone loves to take the baby out in the park for some fun. And of course, you would join them, he still needs supervision. "Y/n! Can we play at the swing? I promise to really take good care of him!" He pleads with his puppy eyes. "Okay okay," you replied making him jump and took the baby from your hands and brought it to the baby swing. (Author-chan: don't worry the baby is 1 year old) you couldn't help but smile by such a scene. Seeing the happy faces of your two beloved ones, later on, cyclone took out the baby from it's supporting swing chair and then raised it into the air making the baby giggle adorably. Then hugging him, his cheeks pressing against the baby's soft ones.


You were busy washing the dishes when your eye caught a glimpse of your two boys in the backyard. You looked at them and saw your baby sitting on a high chair while blaze is... Holding a chicken?

"(Baby's name) remember, when taking care of a chicken don't forget to feed them, and if they don't want to eat then burn em! Or turn them into fried chickens" he stated as the chicken on his hands trembled in fear, I guess it understands what blaze just said. "Oh and also, if you want to prank your uncles tell me. We can do it together!" He beamed with determination on his eyes. You literally facepalmed, hearing everything blaze said. "Idiot as ever"


Ice been trying to stay awake while holding up the bottle for his little baby. He's been dozing from time to time but tries to fight the urge to sleep. His eyes were now on the verge of closing when suddenly was interrupted by such a loud cry. He panicked and saw the baby crying which made you ran downstairs, to check at (baby's name). "W-what happened?!" You worriedly asked "i-i don't know," he said you took your baby and cradled it in your arms. While ice kept his eyes open and darted to the two of you, the baby soon stopped crying and finally have fallen asleep. "See he's finally asleep. It wasn't that hard ice" you said but then noticed that he was already asleep.


He's been caught up playing with your baby "(baby boy's name) say... Papa" he said to his mini-me. "Pa...pa," the baby said making Thorn grin widely then looked at you, "you heard that y/n?! He called me papa! He's so cute! Just like you!" He said still having that cute doll eyes of his. "Uwaaahh!" "Waahh!! What happened?!" He panicked once the baby started crying. "Y/n what should I do?!" Desperate for an answer, "y/n he wouldn't stop crying!" Now Thorn's also crying not knowing what to do. "Uwaaa!! Y/n help me!! Huhuhu" he cried. "Really how many babies do I have?" You asked yourself. "Maybe he's hungry Thorn," you said then gave him a baby bottle. He took it and fed it to the baby "you're right! He stopped crying" he said returning back to his usual cute self. Then babbling non stop about how adorable your baby is.


You left you, baby, to Solar, because of an urgent meeting. Without you inside the house made him feel pretty lonely but soon replaced by such happiness remembering that he still has b/n by his side. The two enjoyed a wonderful father and son bonding, they both shared a warm bubble bath, even dancing in the living room, and then a 1-hour siesta. But the entire time he was taking pictures of him and b/n. Then posting it on IG and of course, his fangirls will comment on how a great dad he is. You were now exhausted because of the meeting, it's been hours still they've been going on with the presentation. All of a sudden your phone vibrated and saw that Solar sent you a text. It was a picture of him and b/n, then it had some words in it saying.

"WE LOVE YOU, MOM! TAKE CARE!" Which really made you feel recharge once again.

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now