❛𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖❜

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(Thorn x Reader)

Earth was known to be guarded by seven elements. Earth, Wind, Lightning, Fire, Water, Leaf, and Light. They were assigned to protect their inhabitants, to produce their citizens' needs. And that's all, but they should never fall in love with a mortal nor find love because if they do. It will only make a huge Chaos.

Y/n was a 14-year-old girl wandering around the forest, she found it wonderful taking a stroll around the forest. Nature was a wonderful creation, and what makes it amazing is that it was Guarded by one of the Powerful elements, Thorn. Ever since she was a child she admired how wonderful mother nature is, she once wished to see the Guardian of Nature. Unbeknownst to her, this might be her chance.

"It's so breezy~" she rubbed her both arms making her body a little warmer. "That Guardian Cyclone must have made this breeze" she mumbled seeing the large clusters of trees follow the rhythm of the wind, soon she felt like someone's following her. But she decided to shrug it off, she again continued her pace. She sat under a huge tree, and it's a wonderful place to rest. Then she heard some leaves shaking "HI THERE!" Another voice said making her scream. "AHH!" "Shh~~ I'm not gonna hurt ya" he reassured while hanging upside down on a branch. He was wearing green and black. "W-who are y-you?" She stuttered in fear, "oh me?" He pointed at himself sitting on the branch. "I'm...-" "Y/N!" He was cut off by a middle-age woman's yell.

"S-sorry, I need to go bye!" She ran while waving goodbye to the green boy. "Y/n huh? Interesting"

(The next day {cuz I'm lazy})

"Hm, maybe that boy is here" she mumbled looking for the boy from yesterday. After their meeting yesterday she decided to look for that boy in green, well since she didn't know who he was yet. And she wanted to know where he came from, "hi!" He beamed appearing from where he was yesterday, "gah!..... Oh, it's just you, you should stop startling people like that!" She scolded making the boy chuckle, he hops off and went in front of Y/n. "What brings you here?" He asked "umm... I should be the one asking the same thing" she said making the boy tilted his head, blinking twice. "Well, I live here!" He exclaimed, raising both arms on the air.

"Huh?" She was confused about a boy living in the woods? That's peculiar. "This is my home!" He said "oh". "So what brings you here?" He asked "I... I want to know your name" she stated. "Well, I'm... Th- I mean Leaf" he introduced, "oh that's a nice name... I guess" mumbling the last part. "You're Y/n right?" He asked his hands behind his back. "Yeah" "great! Come let's play! You're it!" He said then ran "oi! Not fair!" Soon she ran after Leaf. The whole afternoon the two played tag, playing like little kids.

After some time they talked about what their likes and dislikes are. And it seems that they have a lot of in common. "Yeah, I love Carnations too!" Leaf beamed "hehehe, you act like a kid" she giggled by his actions. "Nature is truly beautiful right Y/n?" He asked his eyes darted on an open space showing such a marvelous view of the Forest. "Yeah, thanks to Guardian Thorn!" She said making Leaf turn to face her, with a cute grin plastered on his lips.

After that day they had been hanging out for the past few days, Leaf was happy to meet a new comrade. He never thought that he could be friends with a mortal, but the longer they are together, the more his feelings towards the young lady grew. And that could be bad, his brothers as well saw the events that have been happening and they are not happy about it. "See ya tomorrow leaf!" Y/n said and left. He was happy seeing her and happy that he could spend time with her again tomorrow. "Thorn" a familiar voice behind him called, his eyes widen when he heard his voice. He turned around to see his twin brother, Solar. "Quake needs to talk to you. We all need to talk to you" he said, you can sense he was angry. His arms were crossed above his chest with a disappointed look on his face. "B-brother Solar!" He said, "Let's go now".

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now