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Boboiboy was busy cleaning his room when all of a sudden his granddad called him. "Yes, granddad?" He yelled cocking his head on the door, "can you help me clean the dishes?" He asked but he was still caught up with cleaning his room though. So he thought that he could at least use his powers since you're not there anyway, he didn't want you to know he had powers for some unknown reasons (shall be unveiled later). "Be right there atok!" He yelled once again then splitting into seven. "Alright, Solar, Blaze, Thunder, and Thorn you help granddad downstairs, while me, cyclone, and Ice will clean the room." Quake ordered as they all saluted. And the 4 descended downstairs.

"Solar! Can I use the vacuum?" Thorn asked with his Bambi eyes, Solar smiled and nodded to the green boy which made him really happy and jump downstairs. "I'll help thorn!" Blaze volunteered but of course, we all know once these two join forces it won't end up well. "No, I'll help thorn you help lightbulb over there," Thunder said pointing his thumb at his brother solar. "HEY! I heard that!" "No one cares" Thunder shot, Solar glared at him and turned his back to walk into the kitchen with blaze behind.

Meanwhile, with y/n, she was excited to visit her lovable boyfriend, she was carrying some pastries for the dino capped boy. She skipped towards his house then knocked once she reached the front door, "hm? Who could that be?" Thunder asked his younger brother "I don't know? Let's just open to see who it is" thorn powered off his vacuum and went to the door. He opened it revealing their one and only, beautiful and magnificent girlfriend y/n. His eyes widen once he saw her, "Boboiboy? Is that you? You look odd today" she chuckled at the last part. "Y-y/n? What are y-you doing here?" He stuttered, Thunder noticed this and quickly went to them not knowing who's the person on the door.

"Thorn who was our-...... Y/n?!!!" He exclaimed the said girl was shocked seeing two Boboiboys in front of her. "Oh my... I think I drank too many medicines. Am I hallucinating?" She asked herself putting the back of her hand into her forehead. "N-no" thorn answered, she laughed and soon fainted "Y/N!" The two yelled in unison but even before you could have contact with the ground thunder had already grabbed you by the waist. "Damn! Thorn call quake!" Thunder ordered, carrying bridal style while Thorn nodded and ran upstairs. "What happened -....?? Y/n?" Solar came to the front door to see the commotion.

"Sh-she?... Did... She saw you?!" He asked worriedly, sadly it is their secret was just unveiled. "Where's y/n?!!" Quake said running downstairs to see you, "she fainted quake!" Thunder started giving her fragile body to Quake. "Okay calm down, I'll bring her upstairs and tell granddad to bring us a basin with hot water" Quake requested, the boys nodded and followed what quake said. "Geez, How are we going to explain it to her?"

(40 minutes later)
(Dang my head hurts, my phone just fell on my face {T~T})

You started to open your eyes and saw a blurry figure of a boy in Blue. "Guys she's awake" ice calmly stated making the other boys run to you.

"Y/n! Are you alright?!!" -Thorn

"Do you need anything?"- Solar

"Need warmth?"- Blaze

"What about air?"- Cyclone

" I think she needs space"- Quake

"You heard the boss?! Back it up!" Thunder said pushing his brothers aside, your eyes enlarged by such a scene. "T-there's seven of y-you" you weakly pointed at them, "yeah!" Blaze exclaimed, "YOU HAVE 6 OTHER TWINS?!" You yelled, "no... No actually" Quake scratched the back of his head then sat beside you. "Actually y/n... This is my powers and those aren't my brothers... We're clones more likely" he explained to you.

"Wha-?" "You see babe, we are superheroes" Solar explained adjusting his visors. "Heroes?!" "Yup! We kick alien's butts!" Cyclone yelled, fist-bumping the air. "How?! Why?! When?!" Questions started to flood into your head, "why didn't you tell me?" You muttered, feeling a little bit disappointed. He could have just told you right? You saw that he returned back into the normal Boboiboy. He grabbed your hand, caressing the back of your palms, his head lowered not wanting to look at you. "I-i was scared." He muttered but you could hear it clearly, "I thought... You might leave me if you knew" he added feeling his trembling hands in yours. "You know I wouldn't do that right? I love you too much to ever leave you" your words touched his heart making him flustered.

He explained to you the story of how he got powers and his duty as a superhero. "DANG! Your life is amazing! You should have told me ages ago! I envy you" you said, "hehe why is that?" He asked "your life is full of adventures while I'm stuck as a lowly living human being who never even tried riding a spaceship before" you pursed your lips by every word. "No, you aren't! You're the most incredible person I ever met! And you could try riding our spaceship sometimes" he assured smiling brightly at you.

"Hmm come to think of it... I never knew what kinds of moves your other clones can do. And are they just like you?" You asked your boyfriend. "Actually no. They have different personalities. Why don't you see it yourself?" He said then splitting into seven once more. "Hello, again y/n," Quake said, "ohh~~ so what can you guys do?" You asked swaying your feet back and forth.

"Well first let me introduce ourselves. I'm quake, the boy in red and black is Thunderstorm, the serious one" he pointed at the stoic looking guy who just nodded with his arms crossed. "Cyclone the bubbly one" he pointed at the boy in blue riding his trusty hoverboard. "Blaze... The-" "dumb one" Ice cuts in "hey!" Blaze whined pouting adorably and turning his back on the ice manipulator. "Ice the always sleepy one" "hi... Good Night"

"Thorn our little cinnamon roll," Quake said pinching the natures element's chubby cheeks "quaky~~" he whined "and that's solar the-" "Smart and most handsome one!" Solar said. "Oh, you guys truly have different personalities." You smiled but then quickly faded into a frown. "So that means you guys like other girls. Am I right?" You asked lowering your head. Cyclone kneeled in front of you and raised your chin "y/n just because we are different doesn't mean we don't have in common." He said "yeah whatever we could be or whoever we are... We are your Boboiboy" Thunder said smiling a bit. "Your Boboiboy who fell in love with you... And will always love you" Solar added, wrapping an arm to Thorn's shoulder.

Your face instantly flushed by their sudden confession, it really made you feel happy and warm. Knowing they still love you as one.

╔╦══• •✠•❀•✠ • •══╦╗

"We might be seven but our seven hearts only belongs to you"

╚╩══• •✠•❀•✠ • •══╩╝

Author-chan: OMG I can't believe I finished this half-awake! Alright! One request is done and many to go! Thank you to ultimatedancer11037 Who requested this chapter. Let's enjoy this whole year together!! No online classes anymore!!

Stella: Dude you still need to finish that dating sim.

Author-chan: Nah I can finish that by this year Stella and besides that's just a dating sim not like dating for reals

Stella: Wow really? Isn't it restricted by your age?

Author-chan: I'm a teenager!! And in high school! I can do what I want! I can even marry Boboiboy in my sleep!

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now