❝𝓝𝓮𝓴𝓸 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻❞

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You were cleaning solar's room when you accidentally spilled some chemicals to yourself. A large smoke covered your surrounding and the next thing you know you grew a cattail along with cute cat ears.


Once he found out you turned into a Neko he kept teasing you. "Awww you're so cute y/n, I could almost eat you up!" His eyes glinting in excitement. I could swear your eyes are now twitching in annoyance. "I'm not cute nyaaaa!" You hissed, "awww don't deny the truth my little furball" he caressed your head making you purr cutely. "You like this huh?" He Smirked at you, you glared at him with a flushed face cursing every part of his body. "Be thankful that I love you" you mumbled while he's still rubbing your head with a smile.


"Quakyy~~ me nyaavv you" you nuzzled your head against his shoulder, he was already blushing by your cuteness he's just keeping his cool but any second he could already faint. "L-later y/n, I still need to finish this paperwork," he said eyes darted on his school paperwork. "Come on~~ let's play nyaaa" his face is beginning to get warmer and warmer than usual. "Come on quaky pwease, nyaaa~" you looked at him with a cute pose and with an adorable look. His heart couldn't take much more of this, he fainted, anime style, making a large thud noise while you panicked and checked his pulse. "So kawaii" he mumbled.


If I were you I would run away from him. Why do you ask? Well, this is why.

He would look at you with his devilish smirk, holding out a maid outfit. "No! Nyaaa!!" You declined shaking your head many times, you tried to escape from him but you're now cornered. "Don't worry Y/n this won't hurt" "NYAAA!!" The next thing you know you're wearing a sexy but also cute maid cafe outfit. (Darn you thunder) "now now, let's play. I'm your master and you're my servant" he said still having that smirk of his "now y/n, what will you do to please me?" His grin grew wider, you blushed intensely "what d-do y-you meanyaaa??" You stuttered trying to cool yourself down. "I want you..." He leaned closer to your face, pushing you closer to him. Second, by second you could feel your heart beating hastily. "To clean my room" "nyaa?" He backed away then looked at you with a smug look "oh did you think I would ask you something dirty?" He smirked to your crimson red face. "Y/n you naughty-" "NYAAA!" Before he could even finish his sentence you scratched his face.


Actually, it wasn't that bad being with this bubbly element. He's super extra duper ultra mega nice to you, welp since you're a half-cat and half-human now. He would play with you or even buy you a scratching post (author-chan: I think he's going overboard). "Y/n catch the laser!" He pointed the laser at the ground, while you're chasing it. Then after that, he gave you a ball of yarn, you enjoyed your day with him especially since he's nice today and didn't make any trouble at all. Once you saw him sleeping on the couch probably tired playing with you all day. You gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before sleeping beside him.


He was actually the last sibling to know you've turned into a Neko. Once he heard the news he ran to you who was now being shrouded by his other siblings. Then jumped and tackled you to the floor, he instinctively wrapped his arms around then yelled "she's mine! Back off! Find your own girlfriends! You isolated human beings!" He licked the side of your face and then glared at his brothers. "Haish whatever, let's go boys" Quake ordered earning groans from the five boys. "But I want to play with Y/n" Thorn whined "find your own Neko girl Thorn," Blaze said. Once the 6 boys left Blaze cupped your face then checked you "are you alright?" He asked with a hint of worry "I'm fine nyaaa~" you answered.


You've been making huge chaos around the house because of that damn Laser pointer, Cyclone been pointing around the house. "Catch it Y/n!" Cyclone exclaimed to you who was now attracted to the red dot. Soon the red dot disappeared "Cyclone! What are you doing with Y/n!" Ice yelled to his idiotic brother "hehehe, I was just playing with her" he reasoned scratching the side of his face. "To your room now" he ordered with his icy glare of his making the wind element nod and run to his room. "Nyaaa~~" you tilted your head to the side which was totally adorable if you ask ice then went towards him. But soon pushed the side table that had this porcelain vase. Ice looked at the broken shards with fear knowing that it was Quake's beloved vase. "Shit I'm dead" he cursed under his breath while you kept breaking everything that is breakable. While ice is busy fixing everything back to normal. Well, it's not your fault actually, you're not in good condition to think properly since you're genetic material has been exchanged with a cat. After an hour you felt bored breaking the stuff in the living room so you decided to check on the ice manipulator, he must be done fixing the stuff already. You went to the couch and saw a tired looking ice, you frowned knowing it's your fault that he's this tired. You went closer to him and looked at him with a downcasted look, ice opened his eyes and saw you who was frowning "what's wrong" "nyaaa" "you're sorry?" "Nyaaa" you nodded still frowning. He pulled you beside him and hugged you tightly, "then sleep with me. Just think it as your apology"


He's been squealing like a school girl every time you look at him with that cute face of yours. Surely he's been melting inside by your adorable face, "You're soo cuteee y/n!! Cuter than me!" He hugged you, pressing his cheeks against yours with his cutest smile. (Author-chan:aaAackkk thorn! You're so cute) he made you wear his clothes then squealing once again "nyaaa, you okay thorn? Nyaaa?" You asked the said boy, his smile grew wider by any second. Then hugging you once again. "Why so cute! You're making me fall in love with you all over again" he confessed, you blushed by his statement and couldn't help but to hug back. He faced you and rubbed his nose against yours, then giving you a quick peck on the lips.


"SOLAR TURN ME BACK TO NORMAL-NYAAA!" You yelled though you actually look pretty cute when you're angry (according to Solar) "nope, let me enjoy your cuteness just for this day" he stated snapping a lot of pictures of you then posting it on IG bragging about how cute you are and how lucky he is to have you. "I'll YEET You if you don't! Nyaaa!" You yelled once again but still, he kept ignoring your complaining still busy taking pictures of you.

Then an idea hit you, you placed your pointing finger on your lips then giving him your cute doe eyes then said "pwease" tiny sparkles emitting your background, a total heart struck. He began to have a serious nose bleed because of your cuteness, he fell to the ground with a track of blood coming out from his nose. You ran to his aid then looked at him with worry "a-are you okay? Nyaaa?" You asked, "I think I'm in heaven.......Best day ever"

Author-chan: eyy another chapter done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, ohh and thanks to ultimatedancer11037 who requested for this chapter... See ya

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now