❝𝓛𝓮𝓽'𝓼 𝓒𝓸𝓸𝓴❞

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Boboiboy volunteered to help you in the kitchen today. You said that it was fine but he still insisted on helping you, presently you two are busy cooking your dinner. You were cutting the vegetables while he was washing some more vegetables on the colander. While chopping you hummed a beautiful Melody, soon you felt two arms wrapped around your waist. You look to your side and saw your husband nuzzling his head into to crook of your neck. "B-boboiboy!" You yelped, feeling his breath which tickles your sensitive skin. "Don't mind me, just continue what you're doing" he said closing his eyes until you finished cooking you two stayed in your position.



Quake's a great chef, to be honest. You stared at him in awe, seeing his cooking skills. "Wifey? What's wrong?" He asked you while chopping the onions eyes darted into yours.

Your eyes widen by such sight, "wow! You're so amazing Hunny! You can cut onions without looking at it" you exclaimed beaming a beautiful smile at him. He blushed a little by your compliment and gave you a kiss on the forehead. For the entire time, you couldn't take your eyes off him, his skills are to the max! And you're happy to have such a talented husband like him.



Actually, he just watched you cook, because for the love of Gempa! He doesn't know how to cook even a simple fried egg. (Author-chan: sorry thunder, I still love you though) "thund! Have a taste!" You pointed the spoon at him as he opened his mouth. "Is it good?" You asked he looked at you his other eye still closed, "it's delicious" he gave a small smile making you jump a little. "Is it done though? I'm already hungry" he complained slumping his back. "Just wait for another 30 minutes" he groaned by your statement, then an idea popped inside his head. He grabbed your wrist which holds the ladle "thund! I'm cooking" you said to the lightning "I'm really hungry wife... Can I?" He paused then smirked seductively "eat you up instead?" He continued making you blush intensely.



Cyclone's great in baking honestly, that's why you two decides to make a cupcake business. Right now you two are busy making the next batch of cupcakes, you were mixing the batter, and Cyclone's making the icing. After putting the mixture into the molder you helped him with the icing and fondant. "Here let me help" you took the whisk from his hand and used it to mix the icing, later on, you accidentally smeared some icing on your finger. A playful smirk slowly crept on your lips as you smeared some icing on Cyclone's nose. He was shocked by your sudden movement, he glared at you but soon replaced with a cheeky grin, he also put some buttercream on your cheeks. You two had an icing battle for a while, the room filled with giggling coming from you. "Alright alright... Hehehe let's finish this baby" he said grabbing your wrist. "Hehe alright" you smiled brightly at him, he pulled you closer lips inches away your face turning red seconds by seconds. You closed your eyes then felt something wet and slimy licking your cheeks, you shot your eyes open and saw cyclone licking your cheeks that had icing on it. "Sweet" he whispered sending shivers to your spine.



For the whole entire time, all you did was scream to this fire manipulator. Why? Because he freaking tried to burn the roasted chicken using his own fire! And it's 40000°! "Blaze! That's sugar! Not salt!" You yelled at him, "oh! I thought it was salt" but instead of putting it aside, he still put a pinch of sugar in it. "BLAZE!" "What?" You facepalmed by his antics, soon you decided to push him on the living room instead. "Out now!" You said pushing his back, "why? I want to help" he whined "no! You're just ruining our dinner! Just play video games will ya?" You said then pushing him on the couch "alright"



You were busy making the food while he just stares at you, eyes on the verge of closing while holding his whale plush. When all of a sudden your phone vibrated, "ice, can you watch the bacon for me?" You asked your half-awake husband, he nodded as you left and he lazily went to the stove. He placed his plushie on the table, he flipped the bacon in a different way making him smile proudly at himself. Soon sleepiness once again went to his system, his eyes closing bit by bit not noticing the bacon being overcooked. You were in a phone call when suddenly you sniffed a burning scent, you quickly hung up on the phone and dashed to the kitchen to see ice sleeping and in front of him was your burning breakfast. "ICE THE BACONS!" You yelled at the ice wielder, his senses awoken and was shocked to see the burning pan, he quickly distinguished the fire with his icy powers making you exhale in relief, he looked at you with guilt "i-i'm sorry y/n" he murmured, you went towards him and caressed his cheeks. "It's okay ice... *sigh* just... Stay awake next time" he nodded as a response.



Thorn insisted on helping you today in the kitchen since he said that girls love it when their husbands help them cook. You agreed but still supervising his every move, you didn't want to hurt himself. "Aahh!" He yelled you quickly turn to face him and saw him holding out his cut finger, "thorn are you alright?!" You saw some tears on the corner of his eyes, which made your heart sank. You led him to the faucet and cleaned the wound, afterward you wrapped the wound with a plaster. "It still hurts" he whimpered, you looked at him with pity so you did what any good wife would do. You kissed his plastered finger making him blush a little "there, that should help" you said with a smile.



"HEYAA!! Welcome back to my vlog! It's your most handsome host! Solar!" Your husband said to his cam, seriously? Even cooking he needs to share it with the world. "Today I'll be cooking with my wife!" He said then pointed the camera towards you who had an angry expression. You grunted and looked away, 'he promised to help me. And now he's just posting stuff about him again' you thought. "So wife? What's on the menu?" He asked still holding the camera, "soup le solar's head" you raised your knife at him making him flinch in fear. "Are you going to help?! Or just talk to that camera of yours?!" A venom lacing every word, "i-I'll help" he stuttered in fear, closing the camera afraid of getting served for dinner. "Goodie" returning back to your natural happy self.

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Author-chan: Phew finally finished, so how you doing guys? Eventually here in our country classes aren't starting unless vaccines are made, so I guess we'll be together for quite some time! See ya in the next chapter! Btw request is still open... Bye byeee!! \(≧▽≦)

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now