❝𝓢𝓽𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝓲𝓷 𝓠𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮 ❞

2.8K 90 107

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Throughout the endless (torturing) quarantine, the two of you would be Netflixing all day. Any genre will count as long as he's with you, although horror movies are an exception. To be honest you two haven't even bathed in a month, who cares anyway? YOU TWO ARE STUCK INSIDE THE HOUSE!

But still even with the pandemic going on you two found something that can interest your boredom (I don't know what I'm writing anymore)



When it comes to Quake let's just say... RESTING IS NOT ALLOWED INSIDE THE HOUSE! Yes, you read that right. Because of Corona he's been pushing you too clean up the house 24/7 of course with him by your side. He wanted the house to be hella clean. He didn't want any dirt resting on the furniture.

You tried to reason with him about his obsession with cleaning but it didn't end well. His passion for cleaning became worst, and I mean it. Even the smallest particles he wanted them shiny as a diamond. (GOOD LUCK READER-CHAN!)



He's been staring at you every day. Well except if you're in the bathroom, his gaze sent chills to your spine. You decided to shrug it off but still... His eyes are glued to you.

"You know I'm wondering" Thunder uttered who was sitting in front of the dining table his gaze directed into you with his face resting on his palms. "W-what is it?" You asked trying not to sound scared, "they say the world is turning awfully ugly these days but when I look at you... I say the world is still gorgeous as heck" you blushed by his compliment while trying to act cool.



You two became TikTok addicts. Every single minute you two would make different kinds of TikTok videos. Which brought you two to become popular, you both didn't really care about the virus going on, as long as you two are healthy it's good enough to survive.

"What TikTok video should we do next?" You asked, "Let's do... SAVAGE LOVE!"



"GET ME OUT! LEMME OUT! I WANT TO LEAVE THIS HOUSE!" He yelled who was being pulled by you. He was trying to escape the house when everybody knows that it's forbidden. "GAH! B-BLAZE! ST-STOP! Y-YOU C-AN'T GO OUTSIDE!" You used all of your strength to pull him inside.

But no he kept his grip on the door frame, trying to escape from your grasp. You can't blame him, being stuck inside the house can make you crazy (I feel you blaze). "LEMME OUT! I WANNA SEE MY CHICKENS!"



He thought it was a blessing having a pandemic and being stuck in quarantine. Why? Because he can cuddle with you 24/7 and you can't say no because you're not allowed to leave your house. Not until that freaking virus is gone.

"Can't we play some board games?" You asked the boy who had his arms wrapped around you. "No" he replied and gone back to sleep. No can do there's no escaping, so you just decided to get your phone beside you and check out your IG.



"We're going to die Y/n! Huhuhuhu! We're going to die!!" He cried knowing about the deadly virus. He's been crying a lot lately whenever he reads or watches about other people dying about the coronavirus. He even hid himself inside your closet with his blanket wrapped around him like a little baby.

It scared you at first knowing he was gone missing but then was relieved knowing he was just hiding. "Don't cry, Thorn. I'll protect you, now don't cry my little cinnamon roll" you reassured, as you hugged him and pat his back. It made him feel safe in your arms which brought him to sleep and then you carried him to bed "Finally that's over" you sighed and laid beside him.



"SOLAR WILL YOU JUST STOP!" You yelled at your lover who was crazily obsessed finding a cure for Corona Virus. "J-just... A little... More!" He said with his hands trembling while holding the beakers. "SOLAR STOP! You'll just get yourself in trouble" you tried to reason with him but still, he won't listen.

"I'm telling you Y/n! I'll find a cure! And they'll see! They will all see how great and smart I am!" He screamed with determination. And that's when it hit you, he lost his marbles. "That's it! I'm bringing you to an asylum!"

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Author-chan: hi guys! So this is a request actually and I can't remember who requested for this chapter. Just comment below if you're that person and I'll tag you. I know I was inactive for quite some time, and yes I have my reasons why. (Here comes the ranting) first, I was busy with my YouTube channel, second I was finishing my half-finished sketches in Ibis paint, third we had a simulation for the online class which I ditched (IT WAS BORING ME!) And fourth I was just really lazy. Hehehe, I was supposed to update weeks ago but I lost some motivation and ideas that's why I stopped.

Stella: Oh hell no you didn't!

Author-chan: shut up Stella! I really hate you you know?

Stella: awww I love you too

Author-chan: whatever! Let's end this chapter here, I hope you guys like this one because this just came out of my head recently. Thanks for reading and WE REACHED 7K+! THANK YOU!! I wish you all the very best! Let's all survive this year and kill zombies next year! Bye-bye!

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now