❛𝕒𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕀𝕔𝕖❜

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Today Y/n decided to take her lazy ass Boyfriend out for the day since all he does is sleep all day. And this guy needs sunlight, he's super pale from staying indoors. (This is so me)

"Come on ice! Hurry up!" She exclaimed, pulling the sleepy boy. "Can we just stay at home?" He murmured rubbing his tired eyelids. "Nope! And come on this is just for today!" She cheered, Ice could only growl knowing he won't be sleeping today. Whilst walking though he kept feeling drowsy, y/n removes her hand from her boyfriend causing ice losing his balance.

She heard the loud thud and saw Ice sleeping on the floor. She couldn't help but facepalm, she crouched to wake him up however he was already in deep slumber. She breathes out a huge barrel of air and grabbed both of his hands and carried him using her back. "I'm going to punish this polar bear once he wakes up!" She muttered under her breath. Then out of the blue, he tightened his grasp unto her and nuzzled his face into her neck, his cold breath tickled her skin causing all of her blood rise up to her face.

"Mhmmmmm... Love you" he whispered which worsen her blush. She pulled herself together and started walking with ice on her back. "... Where's my I love you too?..." He mumbles, his breath spreading across her neck.

"I-ice" she stuttered. "Come on... Just... One I love you too" he glanced at you with a soft smile on his lips. Dozens of butterflies started to roam inside your stomach just by seeing his cute smile. (*SQUEALING*)

"Come on baby~~" he teased, with a cheeky grin. "Did you caught solar's flirty disease?" He pouted by your question. "Is that an insult?... Will you just say I love you too?" He pleaded. "Fine... Love you too" he looked unsatisfied by her response. "Say it like how teddy bears do" her eye twitched by his command.

"What-" "say it" he demanded "*sigh* honey~... I love you too~" she said with an embarrassed face. "Cute" he complimented "w-whatever... Let's just go!" She started dragging him towards the ice cream parlor, unbeknownst to you he was blushing madly.


"What flavor do you want?" The cashier asked, smiling brightly towards both of them. "Uhh, I want a F/F sundae please, and Ice what do you want?" She asked her drowsy boyfriend. "Y/n popsicle please" he said the cashier giggled at his words, your face heated up again, and nudged his elbow. "Ice!" "O-oh, I mean I want a strawberry sundae" his eyes shot open after blinking a couple of times.

After getting their orders they sat down into an unoccupied seat next to the transparent wall. The two started to scoop a spoonful of their sundaes and putting it inside their mouth. Letting the cold sensation melt inside their throats. "Mmm~~" y/n moaned in satisfaction.

With her being distracted by her loving sundae she didn't notice how the ice looks at her. Not a minute later then she saw him "hm? You want to taste mine?" You scooped a spoonful and directs it towards his mouth. He nodded but except taking the spoon he licked her cheek that was smeared with ice cream.

"Sweet" the female was yet again defeated by his bold actions, she glanced away, with a red face.


The two were now strolling around the park, hands intertwined. The whole atmosphere was calm and nice, it was truly a perfect day to stay outdoors.

"Babe look at that" he pointed towards a certain tree. Her eyes followed the direction and saw nothing. "But nothing was-" once she turned to face him, her lips collided with his. Her eyes widened in surprise, in an instant her face started heating up.

He pulled away from the kiss and stared at her with a satisfied grin. "I-ice!"


"That was a tiring day~" she groaned, flexing her muscles to relieve some tired joints. "Yes, I can't wait to go home" Ice stated, Y/n stretched out her hand for him to grab, he stared at the hand then to Y/n.

"Shall we?" She questioned, giggling on the process. But instead, him taking her hand he swept her off her feet and carried her bridal style. "I-ICE?!! W-what are you d-doing?!!" She stuttered. "Carrying you home, of course" he chuckled at the last part.

"But I can walk" she bluntly stated. "Yeah I don't care, and besides I think you owe me a reward for coming with you" he smirked seductively. "What kind of reward?" Little did she know ice was thinking something... Weird.

"You" again she was in a blushing mess. She's now very sure that this boy had caught solar's flirty disease. "Lemme gooo~~" she whined trying to escape his grasp unluckily he was holding her too tight. And before she could even say another word, Ice dashed towards their home to get his reward. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Bonus scene:

"Fuck those two are moaning all night," Blaze thought, his eyes were drowsy and had evident eye bags. He sat up aggressively, kicking his blanket into the mid-air. "How many rounds are they fucking doing?!!" He asked himself.

"Probably 69 rounds" Moon said who was busy writing her new chapter. "M-moon?! What the hell are you doing here in my room?!" Blaze hissed. "Thorn's sleeping and I might wake him up so I'll stay here... I can see those two are having a good time" she smirked, eyes glued to the phone.

"ughh can't sleep" "then do you want to do something exciting? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" moon asked. "You thinking what I'm thinking? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" the two looked at each other, as their brows cock up and down.

"Yes" Moon said seductively. "LET'S PLAY UNO!" The two yelled In unison.

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now