❝𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓨/𝓷❞

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Boboiboy is kinda paranoid with everything you do. Like chopping vegetables, helping at the shop and many more, every move you make the more he thinks about any possible outcome that could happen any minute. "Let me chop that for you" he took the knife out of your hands and will insist on doing it instead of you.

"But I can-" "nope, you sit tight and I'll finish this for you" he cuts you off not letting you refuse. He's overprotective that it kinda annoys you, it makes you feel incapable of doing such basic chores. All-day long you would only sit down on the couch letting him do the work.


He's that guy who would do anything just to keep you safe. Even proposing a rule just for you, The "don't hurt Y/n" rule. To be precise once someone intends to hurt you mentally or physically they'll be sent to detention or even worst KICKED OUT.

You flipped out once you've heard about this and tried to talk things out about this new rule of his. But instead of ending this ridiculous new regulation, he was more determined to continue with it.


The 'I-don't-care-what-happens-to-you' type, but confidentially worried about you. He acts like he doesn't care but trust me, he will do anything to protect you. Even if it means murdering- (sToP rIgHt ThErE bUd)

"Hey Thund, I'll be playing with the trio if you need me" you pointed at the trio who was doing some pranks or whatsoever. "Tsk, why tell me? You can go whenever you like! It's not like I care or anything!" He blushed with his head lowered and arms folded. You blinked twice and shrugged soon walking towards the trio, once you face your back Thunderstorm who was watching you averted his gaze at the trio, sending them deathly glares as a threat.

They gulped and nodded nervously. (Ya ain't pranking Y/n this time bois)


The guy who acts kind but secretly a... YANDERE- I'm kidding.

But yeah he acts like a yandere, whenever he senses danger around you he would threaten those who are a threat to you. But he secretly deals with them, he doesn't want you to know this side of him (and here I thought Thorn was the Yandere)

One time Adudu tried to hurt you and all when out of the blue Cyclone was already in front of him, gripping onto his collar with a sadistic look. "Whatcha think you're doing buddy?" His smile was menacing that it sent shivers to the alien's spine (wait DoEs He HaVe OnE?)

And that's when adudu knew... He fucked up. He ran out of their sight dragging his loyal robot with him.


"Y/n! Try one of these cupcakes!" Thorn beamed holding out a tray full of cupcakes. Your eyes sparkle in delight seeing such magnificent frosted cupcakes. You were about to take one when Blaze beat you to it, "wait a minute, this better be not poisonous Thorn!" His voice made thorn cry a bit.

Your idiotic boyfriend started to scan the mouth-watering cupcake, you wanted to take one but he would either slap your hands away from the tray or snatch it away from you. He started to peel the paper as he digs in his teeth for a bite.

"Hmm, no poison in this one" he commented and ate the whole thing "which means I can eat them?" You asked with your puppy eyes. "Uhh No, I'm going to try all of them just to make sure there aren't any poison or chemicals inside" and so he did which leads him to eat the whole thing. And you? Ready to pull his soul out of him. "They are all safe I think. Good job thorn" Thorn grinned but little did blaze know... "So Blaze..." He flinched by your menacing voice. He peers over his shoulder seeing the angry expression on your face. "YoU'vE cHoSeN dEaTh"


"Ice... I... Can't... Breathe!!" You tried to reach for air but definitely failed. With ice embracing you, there's no way out. You tried to pry him out still no use of it "lemme gooo" you whined with a soul pout on your lips. "No, if I let you go. Someone or something might hurt you" he reasoned sheepishly. "That's your full reason?!" He hummed in response. "So what you're meaning to say is, you're planning to hug me in my entire life?!" He nodded and tightened his hug.

You sighed in defeat, you can't say no to this adorable being.


In your relationship, he's supposed to be the one who needs protection. I mean who would want to see this precious cinnamon bun to get hurt, am I right?

Technically you're the one who protects him from danger. Thorn doesn't like it one bit, he wants to protect you in some way. He doesn't want to be the baby in the relationship, it kinda makes him feel little of himself, so whenever you get bullied or in some other way of getting in danger. He's there to rescue you, "I don't want my sunshine to get hurt. Please let me protect you once in while" with his fully genuine grin, your heart almost jumped out of your chest.


"Solar I'm going to hang with the girls now" you yelled behind his door "okay have fun sweetheart" his words made you curious. It's very peculiar indeed. "Are you sure? You're not going with me? Like usual?" You raised a brow "no, just have fun" your eyes sparkled in delight.

For the very first time, Solar won't be with you ruining your fun and being overprotective and all. You secretly celebrated, soon his doors opened revealing him, he hugged you and at the same time kissing your forehead. "Just be careful okay" you nodded and soon left. Once you're out of sight, in a speed of light, Solar dashed to his computer.

As he checks your location, earlier today he secretly placed a tracker on your back. "You'll never leave my grasp"
(That was kinda... Yandere)

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Author-chan: Heyaaa! Once again I have successfully finished another request from mochaccitae sorry for the delay I was actually been distracted from watching lots of anime series. I just finished Gakuen Babysitters, now I'm looking for a new anime to watch any suggestions on your minds?

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now