❛𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕥𝕪 ❜

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(Author-chan: in this chapter, Boboiboy has no powers, so yeah he's just an average teenager)

It was a cold night and Boboiboy decided to walk along the sidewalk, not minding the cold breeze. Not until his tracks led him into a dark alley, "damn where am I?" He cursed under his breath. "Well well well, what are you doing here kid?" A voice I presume around his age said. He turned around and faced the person, and was shocked once he saw five scary looking boys.

"U-uh sorry I gotta go" "leaving so soon? You can't leave until you give us some cash" the guy holding a baseball bat said. Boboiboy step backward scared of what's going to happen, "hehehe sorry guys but I didn't bring my wallet" he said with a hint of fear. "No money means no surviving" the guy that had an afro hair. He started to back away and started covering himself once he noticed that they were going to attack.

But before they could even lay a finger at him the front guy was kicked into the wall, "it's (codename)!" Boboiboy removed his hands away from his face and saw a girl wearing a black helmet along with a leather jacket, tube and pencil skirt, and a leather knee-high boots. She looked dashing and cool, she kicked those gangsters butts with no sweat. He could only gape at her fighting skills, "cool" he mumbled eyes shimmering in amusement.

After a couple of minutes the unknown girl defeated the gangsters, she turned around to face Boboiboy and paced towards him. "Hey, you! Are you alright?" She asked he couldn't answer for he has been trapped in trance. "Hey! Hey!" She waved her hands in front of the black-haired boy, "u-uh yeah, I'm... Fine" his stuttering took the best of him. "Alright, see ya around then, and be careful they are the black raven gang. Don't wander around here like a lost duck" She bid goodbye and went to her motorcycle that came out of nowhere. "Umm... Miss! What's your name?!" He yelled at the girl's moving figure "just call me (codename)" and then powered her motorcycle on and rushed off.

(Next day)
Last night's incident couldn't leave his thoughts, that girl who saved him. He needs to know who she is. Presently he was walking towards his school with his friends but was stopped once they reached the gate and saw the popular group of cheerleaders bullying a girl wearing giant circular glasses, by the looks of it she's a nerd. And of course, this heroic boy just had to confront those bullies. "Oi! Stop messing with her!" He yelled at the group of girls "why would we listen to a nobody like you?" The preferable leader of the cheerleaders said "because he said so" Fang butted in making the girls ran away. Fang's hella famous among girls really, "hey are you alright?" Boboiboy asked "yeah, thanks but to be honest, I could have handled them without your help," she said fixing her glasses "I'm boboiboy" he introduced and held out a hand, she gladly accepted the handshake and replied, "I'm Y/N". Then left, "well that was rude" Gopal trailed "hey I think I know that gal" Ying pointed out "yeah she's the smartest girl in our class. Even she defeated us in the examination ranking" Yaya added. Boboiboy became suddenly interested in that Y/N girl.

Every time he encountered Y/N he would always glance at her, not that he's interested in her but maybe yeah. But because there's something peculiar about her, he just can't put his finger on it.

(After class)

As soon as the bell rang, the dino capped boy dashed out of the school premises and returned to the alley he was waiting for the mysterious (codename). Hours have been passed and not a single shadow from her was seen, he was about to give up when a familiar motorcycle stopped in front of him. "Hey, you! From yesterday! Why are you here? Didn't I tell ya not to wander around here" she scolded getting off from her motorcycle. "Y-yeah, I was looking for you. I wanted to thank you for yesterday" he said "and I still didn't catch your name" he quickly added. "First you're welcome and second sorry my identity is a secret," she said, "I won't tell anyone I promise!"

"Sorry but its a no, see ya later Dino boy" she teased then hopped on the motorcycle once again "it's Boboiboy!" Shouted and (codename) secretly smiled behind her helmet. That day forward, he began to wait for (codename) even though he would take hours of waiting and a short period of time hanging with her. They began to be close, though her identity was still a secret and he called her by (codename). Soon enough he began to crave to find out her individuality, he tried so many times to take that helmet of hers but failed miserably.

He knew he had to give up eventually, since she's too quick to block his attacks "this is the 15th this week, I'm telling ya. You'll never know who I am" she playfully smirked after hitting him on the head. "You're so cruel" he cried anime style. She chuckled at him while he cutely pouted, "if it isn't (codename) and mister dinosaur" a familiar voice said, their attention turned to the person who spoke, (codename) only readied her fighting stance while Boboiboy, on the other hand, is deliberately backing away. Soon after they started fighting again, and Boboiboy hastily fought back " I didn't know you could fight" (codename) said to Boboiboy. They were now fighting side by side, it was all going well.

Not until the guy with an afro hair took his baseball bat and was about to attack Boboiboy. He closed his eyes waiting for the impact, but nothing happened he opened his eyes again and saw (codename) covering him from the attack. She was fine thought her helmet got a crack in it, "tsk, this is useless now" she hissed then turned around to face the afro guy and removed her helmet. She kicked him in his stomach making him lose conscious.

"(C-codename)?" His voice stuttering, afraid to know her identity. He noticed she had H/L H/C hair. She slowly faced him, there he was surprised. He couldn't form words once he saw her face. 'Why her?' 'Is this for real?' 'How come she looks like this?' Questions kept on going on his head. This was too much for him, "i-is t-that really you??........


"I guess I've been found out"

Author-chan: sorry if this chapter is bad. I really had an amazing idea for it, but it turns out this way. But thank you for reading! Oh, and do you guys like angst? Because I have this great idea for a one-shot so just comment down if you like angst because I do! Bye byeeee!

❣𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂: 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼❣ {Boboiboy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now