- Angelic -

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'I think features are the way forward. We've got to push the project somehow and I think I'd be able to reach a further audience.' My voice quivers a little at the end of my sentence. This sort of thing is hard for me. It feels inauthentic and rude, almost, as if I'm asking for too much.

The only person who is providing me reassurance right now is Alayna from across the room. She's sat against the wall, slumped on her bean bag with her laptop balancing on top of her legs. Looking up every now and again to give me a small nod of acknowledgement every now and again.

Honestly, part of me felt like it was easier to be the independent, business minded when I was only marketing my music to the couple thousand or so who were supporting me. It felt easier to make connections when it was just a couple thousand then to the amount it is now. I can't do small, intimate concerts as much, yet I don't have enough fans yet to move to arena shows.

The EP is supposed to, hopefully, get me to the point where I could support an act on a arena tour.

'That's a smart idea!' Rose jots down some notes on her laptop, a wide smile on her face. 'I've got some contacts who'd probs let us do that for a lower price as well. How do you feel about doing some Instagram take overs? Those could really help as well.'


'The EP, it'll come out on the 16th August.' I'm telling her as I put her dinner in front of her. Stealing a kiss afterwards. Ever since the conversation we had about kids- everything seems to have changed. Were growing a lot more affectionate, my body seems to be craving her more and we seem to be having more sex then I've ever had in my life. 'Um...I know I'm not very public about our relationship, but I really want you there with me at the release party.'

Her eyes widen slightly as she tucks into the food.

'I honestly thought you wouldn't ask, and of course I'll be there baby.' I love the way she's been using that word as a substitute for my name a lot recently. 'And the food is incredible, but I can't wait to eat you later.'


'Cari. I-' of course she's dropped her laptop and put it to the side. This hopeless little, jaw-dropped, perplexed look on her face as she hurried to reach me in the doorway. I love seeing her like this, the look of lust on her face that speaks louder then words. I love the way that her eyes seem to bulge out of her head slightly when I'm wearing more 'revealing' stuff around the apartment.

Let's just say that we've been taking this whole 'we could have a baby' situation a lot more seriously now. Hoping for a 'happy accident.'

'Let me. Okay?' When her tone is low and persuasive, I know I've got to her. Biting my lip as her hands unclasp the strap of the black bra I was wearing. Shannon's hands make the short trip to rest on my collar bones as she yanked our bodies together. 'I'm gonna kiss you now till we end up on the bed.'

My eyes go wide at her words. Looking at the proximity of our bodies and how fully clothed Shannon, disappointingly, still was.

'You'll need to close your eyes, or something, so I can kiss you and make that happen.' But its hard when I liked seeing her like this. As much as her dominance truns me on, I had to be able to see the look on her face. I had to see in her eyes that things had become harder for her. I needed to see her abs tense up slightly underneath her little shirt.

'And you need to take these off first...so there's no inconveniences as to...speak?' I motioned to my lace plants, seeing her lick her lips as she looked down. 'Babe. Do you like them?'

Seeing her draw a line with her eyes from my chest to my waist made me blush. I get yanked forward as she dropped to her knees.

'Yeah, but I don't think we're gonna get to the bed, baby girl.' The way she had pulled me made my knees buckle slightly underneath myself. Thank god for the grip that my lover had on me. None of it really helped when she kissed over the top of my pants. 'I love being able to smell how much you want me.'

(Didn't really feel like writing a full smut tonight, but believe me, there will be more smut in the story)

She gets in the shower after having had her way with me. It's been funny to me, how ever since the whole conversation, things seem to have changed between us. There's more love, so much love. The way Shannon touches me is different, it's like she holds the whole world in her hands.

She's my escape, she takes me to paradise and I love her. I love her so much.

'Baby!' I hear her voice that breaks me out of my trance. Still led on the bed with the covers surrounding me slightly. My smirk never leaving my face as I got up and made my way into the bathroom. Seeing her motion for me to come into the shower with her. I'm naked after all anyway. 'Thanks for being with me.'

I get pulled into her arms and then under the water.

'I never thought I'd get to love someone like this.' Everything about the way she spoke made my heart speed up a little bit. 'Like, so equally. Were on the same page about most things and I just...I really love you.'

'I really love you.' I stroke her hair gently, massaging the soap out of it. 'So, so much. All you've showed me is so beautiful'

We played some boardgames, relaxed with each other and then went to bed. Her head is laying on my chest and we're talking about anything and everything. I feel this huge feeling in my chest and I think I could explode from happiness.

'Your my, my , my kind of women.' I sing along with the song and Shannon looks as if she's about to cry. I can see it in her face as I reach out to take her hand in mine. Then I remember, shoot, she's never heard me sing before.

'Oh god. I'm with an angel.'

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