- I need to taste you -

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Sometimes I wonder if she even understands how much it affects me when she gets like this. If she knows how no one else I've been with has ever taken the time to seduce and tease me the way she does. Our bodies pressed together the second that we enter the hotel room, quickly slamming it shut after.

No girl had ever been as good as Cari when it came to foreplay. Even the drive back to the hotel felt like part of it. One of my hands draped on the steering wheel whilst the other was being pulled further up Cari's thighs and to the place she needed it the most. She left it over the top of her vulva. Clenching her thighs every now and again as she turned to me at the red light. Her heavy breathing more then obvious as the red light bounced off her face.

She was so sexy. The way she drew a line across her upper lip with that sweet tongue of hers had made me have to stop myself from pulling over. Her eyes were wild and staring wide at me. Scanning my body from the seat next to me. Cari was such a tease. Discarding her t-shirt the second that my eyes had to go back onto the road.

I liked it, the way things reversed themselves immediately once we were alone. She knew it was wrong to distract me like that and I can see that she knows that through the looks that she's giving me.

'A bralette huh?' I smirk at her before bringing my fingers up to get a feel of the black lace. Feeling her lips part close to mine as she flicks her eyes downwards towards her chest. I liked the idea of her seeing me touching her and seeing my caramel skin on top of her paler skin.

'Yeah...it's usually one I'd wear with a pant suit.' The way she laughed after she told me that caused me to roughly join our lips together again. Pressing her boobs with the palm of my hands as my tongue played with hers.

There's silence, my hands play with the dimples at the bottom of her back as my tongue graces her neck. Kissing her repeatedly whilst I feel Cari's hands unbuttoning my trousers, pulling the zip down before letting go of my waist. Watching me as I step out of them and toss them aside.

Times like this feel special, overwhelming, and calm in the same moment. The way her hair falls around her bare shoulders catches my eyes and I find myself sucking my lip into my mouth. Exhaling heavily as my hands meet her chest again, holding her whilst my fingers latch onto her bra strap.

It's just a bra strap, just like how it's just Fletcher standing in front of me, but somehow it felt strange to me when I unclasped it. Carefully brushing her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. Nights like this have been frequent recently, so I'm surprised at how taken back I am by it. My mouth immediately turning dry at the sight of her warm boobs in front of me.

'I can never get tired of you looking at me like that.' My face get's cupped in Cari's hands. Tilted upwards a little so my eyes have been torn away from her chest. The corner of her lips curling into a sweet smirk. 'You turn me on, so bad.'

I can see in her eyes that she's 100% correct. I do turn her on so bad and she makes me so unsure of just how I want to love her this time. All I could do was lick my lips in response, not really knowing what to say in response- I'm aware of the ways I affect her.

'You look so innocent.' She tells me. Her fingers are in my hair, the space between us now tiny. I can smell her arousal and it's making me want to lick her, but I know patience is a virtue and that it will be a lot better if she begs me to go down on her. 'I love it.'

Her plump lips end up on my neck. I end up being the one to undo her trousers this time yet don't end up pulling them down because the things she started doing were making me loose any recognition of time. Moaning her name a few times whilst her kisses move to my bare chest.

I feel her hand intertwine itself with mine. Cari breaks away from me, smiling whilst leading me over to the small double bed.

'Baby.' I'm shaking and we haven't even really done anything yet. Judging by the look she just gave me, I guess she understood all too well that I was feeling too many things right now.

'My love.' I feel Cari move so she's behind me. Holding me tight. 'I want to top you. Feel you trembling underneath me.'

'I need to taste you.' The power struggle always turns me on more then anything, I can see that it does the same to Cari the second that she just stares at me with her perfect mouth agape.

'Let me fuck you first.'

a.n- Not too sure where I'm going with this one. I wanted to play with the idea of switching between being more 'vers' and I'm not to sure how well it worked. If anyone has any tips, please do share. Writing is my hobby so I'm still learning.

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