- bad girl -

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Cari's pov

With her, till the end of time, there has been an unmatched level of comfort. No one could ever emulate the timeless warmth my girl radiates. It's evident in everything she does, the way she holds herself and the way she speaks. She's so polite and well spoken. Her accent is so cute and her smile brightens every room she walks into.

Shannon's my warmth, and I don't know what I'd do if she decided that I'm not the person for her. Her warmth affects me, plays with mine and together I feel were better then apart. Her warmth affects me, makes me blush. Half the time its spontaneous which I think is what I love most of all. It's like she doesn't even mean to do it and it just happens.

'You're my girl. No one else's, just mine.' Her strong hands cup my face, our foreheads pressing together before she kisses my forehead. Leaning back down to then join our lips. Sucking on my bottom one gently making my heart beat rise rapidly.

'Hm...I don't know, Syd's been looking pretty tempting recently.' I like being able to play with Shannon's emotions. Give her yet another reason for her to cause the tint on my cheeks. Instead she looks at me as if those were words I should've fully had a clue would cause too much hurt or jealousy on her heart.

I watch her go white, as if it's something that's a genuine fear to her. Suddenly it's like I'm out of the game, as if this was our last party.

'Hey. Um...' I try to ease things, pulling her down into the grass with me, but she lets go of my hands and rolls over instead of staying on top of me.

'Shannon?' I'm feeling guilt, but I don't know how to make that known to her.

'You know I'd understand...'

'Shannon. We're not doing this, I love you. You are the only one.' It's as if there's a wall between us now. A big old wall that I can only really see her through.

'She's rich, and pretty and she's...Cari, she wants you. You know it.' I've never heard Shan talk this way before. 'She's the tomboy you've probably always fucking wanted.'

Why is she doing this? Do I admit to the truth?

'Okay Shannon.' I look deep into her blue eyes wondering if they'll sour once I say this. 'I'll be honest with you, I have thought about it a lot, but I love you and I'm not like my ex. I know how much it would hurt you.'

'Kiss me.'

Of course, I don't hesitate. I let her cup my ass, I let her tongue graze past mine. I let her bite my tongue slightly, I let her press a little too hard on my ass.

'Your my property Cari. You're not going to go around thinking about Syd like that. She's your manger. Let me guess, that's the whole appeal of it. Is it a seduction type thing? You wanting to feel like a bad girl?' She makes her way further down my neck. Biting and sucking hard so I knew that she was leaving marks.


'You are a bad girl.' Five minutes later we somehow end up in the bedroom. Shannon's wild and I don't know what to do with myself. Its been a while and I was unprepared for this.


You would've thought for two people who are in love, that clothes would've been discarded. Bodies would've been pressed together. Moans would've left our mouths. No.We didn't end up making love till our bodies exploded. I didn't end up shaking underneath her. We just...we got into pj's and went to bed. We didn't speak. We just went to bed.

'Cari. What the hell? You had a good weekend clearly.' Is the first words I hear from the handsome girl in the airport. Time seemed to slip away too quickly and honestly by this point it was what I needed because things between me and Shannon aren't feeling right anymore.

'I don't really want to talk about it.' Maybe Shannon had made the purplish marks obvious for a reason.

'Not gonna lie, it kind of hurts.' Syd giggles at herself and I wonder if what we're doing is inappropriate at this point. 'Is she your girl or just a booty call?'

'I haven't been in love for a long time.' I lie. Tucking my phone right into my pocket as a text from 'wife' pops up.


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