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The almighty Huang Renjun walks on the school hall, alongside with his friends, The Dreamies, that's what they call themselves. They're the most popular and well-known people in their school, and around the kingdoms. Being the most powerful ruler among all of them, they are often feared by many, especially Renjun. But that doesn't stop them from getting many fans, even Renjun.

Renjun walks towards his class with his hand shoved inside his pocket, walking with his cold aura, not even paying attention to the girls who are drooling over him and his friends.

Suddenly, someone accidentally bumped into him. Thankfully Jeno was behind him, so he didn't fall to the ground. Renjun groaned, glaring at the guy who just bumped into him.

"S-sorry, Renjun I didn't mean to—"

"Don't ever fucking say my name. Piss me off one more time,"

He grabbed the collar of the guys shirt, making the guy look at him straight in the eye.

"I'll directly send you to the underworld without any doubts."

Everyone around him gasps. The underworld is one of the most feared place ever, except for him of course because that's where he lives.

He let go of his shirt, pushing him off, walking back to his class.


"Jieun, let's have lunch together!" Yejin said

Jieun smiled at her. "Sure, I'm hungry anyways."

The both exited their classrom, walking towards the cafeteria. She's currently in her first year of high school, a freshmen. She can easily make friends with others though, mostly because Jaemin is her brother. But she's quite outgoing too, so she wouldn't mind having lots of friends.

When they both arrived at the cafeteria, all eyes are basically heading towards them. People began whispering about her, the new student, Na Jaemin's little sister. Jieun feels quite uncomfortable, but she tries to shrug it off.

Jaemin who noticed the whole situation stands up from his seat, walking towards his little sister. He smiled at her, and she smiled back at him, waving her hand.

"Hi sister, how's school so far?" Jaemin asks, ruffling her hair

Jieun smiled, turning her head towards Yejin. "Great, as long as I have my friend since we were babies, Yejin, I'm fine with it."

Yejin chuckled, playfully hitting her hand.

"Alright then, you can always join my table if you want, I'm with my friends."

Jieun shook her head. "Nah, I only know Jisung because he's my classmate. But I'm not really close with the rest of them, so I think I'm just going to eat with Yejin."

"Alright then, see you later sister."

They ordered their food, and then they took a seat near Jaemin's table. Jieun glanced at her brother's table, her eyes meeting Jisung's. She smiled at him, waving her hand. Jisung smiled back at her, waving back.

"You're close with him?" Yejin asks

Jieun nods. "Yeah, he's my classmate for like- 5 years."

She took another glance at them, but this time another guy caught her eye. He looks very attractive, especially with that messy uniform. He sits in between Jaemin and Jisung, and he's the only one that doesn't talk. She kept looking at him, not realizing that she's basically drooling over him.

"Jieun are you even listening to me?"

Jieun turned her head towards Yejin, shaking her head. "No sorry I was—"

"Drooling over someone? Damn, it's your first day here and you're already crushing one someone. Which one is it- Lee Jeno? Or is it Haechan?" Yejin asks, teasing her

Jieun snickered at her. "I'm not crushing on him, okay. He just caught my attention, that's all. I don't even know his name."

"Yeah right, if you ended up liking him he'll be your first ever crush." Yejin said

Jieun turned her head towards him again, staring at his cold yet attractive face.

"No, he won't." Jieun said, turning her head back towards Yejin.

"We'll see about that."

alright that's the first chapter adfgdgfiald so i'm going to make renjun into a coldass bitch in the beggining so bare w it please;)

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alright that's the first chapter adfgdgfiald so i'm going to make renjun into a coldass bitch in the beggining so bare w it please;)

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