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They're all going home together using Haechan's limousine, well technically it's his family's. His mother gave him a car so that they all can go home together because they're so close just like real brothers.

"So you're Jieun, right? I'm Jeno." He flashed his smile at her

Then another guy pushed him away. "My name is Haechan, just tell me if anyone hurts you I'll break their bones."

Jieun chuckled at the both of them. They all look- fun and friendly. Except fot him, Huang Renjun.

"I'm Chenle, I'm sure Jisung already mentioned about me before."

Jieun chuckled. "Yeah, he said he's friends with a dolphin."

"I'm Mark, I'm the oldest one here." He said

Jieun nods, smiling at them all. There's only one more person left who hasn't introduce himself, and that's him. Jieun turned his head towards him, and he didn't even pay attention to her. He's looking out the window, looking at the beautiful views of the kingdoms they pass through.

Haechan, who's sitting beside her, saw that she's staring at him with curiosity. 

"His name is Renjun, he doesn't open up to people easily so that's why he's like that." Haechan whispered

Jieun nods, understanding what Haechan just said. Weirdly, even if he's not doing anything he's still very attractive to her. He had those looks, the looks that could kill you in an instant. But that's what makes him attractive to her.

"You're all going to my house, right?" Haechan asks

Jaemin nods. "Yeah, don't worry Jieun we'll drop you off first."

Jieun smiled at her brother. "Do you all live together?"

Jisung chuckled at her. "No silly, we all live in different kingdoms."

"Yeah, except for me and Mark-hyung, we live in the same kingdom." Haechan said

Mark nods, smiling at her. "Yeah, we're step brothers."

"I live near Jeno-hyung's kingdom. We all reside on Mount Olympus though." Chenle added

Jieun nods. She's still curious about many things, especially about him- Huang Renjun.

"Renjun's the only one that lives in the opposite world from us, but he visits us everyday." Jeno said

Jieun turned her head towards him, and he turned his head back at her. He stared at her, but not long after that he break the eye contact, not even saying a word to her.

That's how he always been, cold.


"Huang Renjun, where have you been?" His father asks

Renjun turned his head towards his father, giving him his usual cold look. "Haechan's place."

 "You should prepare yourself, you're going to be the king soon."

Renjun ignored his father's words, walking back to his room without even looking back at him. He never wanted to be the king, not even once. But he's being responsible, because that's his job. He's the only descendant from their kingdom that could be the heir and the next king.

He sighs, opening his bedroom door. His room is filled with many luxurious items, well probably because he's the wealthiest among them all. He lied down on his bed, rethinking all of his life decisions. 

Sometimes he just wanted to run away. But he felt like he had so many responsibity towards his kingdom and towards the rest of the descendant of the major deities. He sighs, running his fingers through his hair. 

He was about to grab his phone, when he heard someone knock on his door. He sits up, clearing his throat. "Yes?"

"Your highness, your father called you to a family dinner."

Renjun nods, walking towards his closet to change his clothes into his formal clothes. "Alright, you may leave now."

That's how his life is, always controlled by his father.

That's how his life is, always controlled by his father

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