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Darkness, that's all she could see even when she opened her eyes wide open. It's also very cold, she could feel the coldness of the room to her bones.

She stared at the guy in front of her in agony, wanting to go out from this place. 

"No please, let me go." She pleads, earning a laugh from the guy

He crouched down in front of her, looking straight into her eyes. The guy chuckled at her fearful expression. "Why should I?"

"Please, at least don't hurt him." She pleads again as tears began to fall from her eyes

The guy nods, standing back up. He took his knife, staring at her with a perverse look on his face. He smiled at her, smiling in a sinister way. 

"Please, don't hurt him." He cooed

He then laughed, looking at the girl in disbelief.  "Look at yourself, Na Jieun. Pathethic, powerless."

Jieun shuts her eyes in complete despair. The boy then brush the sharp thing to her neck, making her open her eyes immediately. 

"Looks like your loverboy just lost the fight, what a pathethic pair." 

"Fuck off, you're even more pathethic. You're sick in the head." She spat

The took the knife away from her neck, raising one of his eyebrows. 

"Oh really?" 

Jieun soon regret saying that, the next thing she knew is he pressed his knife to her neck as her blood soon drips out from her neck. She whimpered, feeling the extreme pain on her neck.

He then stopped, throwing the knife away somewhere accross the room. He laughed again, but his laugh is not like those fun laughs, his laughs sounds phsychotic. Afterall, he's a psychopath anyways.

"My grandfather wants you to die, but he died instead. So I'll have fun torturing you before killing you." He said

Then she shots her eyes open, coming back to the reality. Jieun sits up from the bed as she closed her eyes, tears streaming down from her eyes. 


She opened her eyes upon hearing his voice- Huang Renjun.

She then looked around the room, realizing that it's not her room, it's his. She remembered going back to her room, but why is she here again?

"R-Renjun? Why am I here again?" She said, wiping the tears from her eyes

Renjun hesitantly walked closer to her, sitting on the edge of his bed. "You just had a bad dream do you?"

She nods, looking down. 

"Jieun, tell me what you saw in your dreams." He said

It doesn't sound like he wants to know, it sounds like he's demanding her to tell him.


Renjun took a deep breath, shutting his eyes. "If you have a bad dream and you woke up here in the Underworld it could only mean one thing,"

He opened his eyes again, this time he scooted closer to her, staring deeply into her eyes. 

"A soul possessed you. So please tell me what you saw in your dreams." He begged

"Someone wanted to kill me, I think it's the descendant of Kronos. I can't see his face clearly though. But it's dark and cold, it feels extremely cold and vivid as if it's really happening." She said, her voice cracking at the end as rain began to well up in her eyes again

Renjun sighs, pulling her body closer to his, hugging her. It took her off guard, but he accepted his touch, hugging him back. All she needed was this.

She sobbed into his chest, hugging him tighter. He patted her back, trying to give her as much comfort as possible. He's not the type of person to give any physical contact like this. But seeing her cry somehow made him weak, she looks so vulnerable.

"It's okay you can cry all you want, I'm here."

i guess it's a development from him smiling to him hugging her:)

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i guess it's a development from him smiling to him hugging her:)

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