★ 2

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Jieun sighs, walking back to her class. Yejin is busy talking about some things she loves in this school, but Jieun is not even paying attention to her.

Someone accidentally bumped on her, making her fall backwards. Thankfully, she didn't fall because there's someone behind her, preventing her from falling.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you fall." The girl said, even though she looks like she's not apologizing sincerely, more like she's doing it on purpose

Jieun rolled her eyes, fixing her position. She was about to turn around to say sorry to the to the guy when everyone around her suddenly gasps. Jieun frowned, clearly confused of why everyone around her gasps, including Yejin.

She turned around, her eyes meeting a pair of cold and beautiful eyes. It looks like his eyes holds the whole galaxy in it- shining in a cold way. It's him. The guy who caught her attention earlier.

She took a step backwards, eyes widening as everytime she took a step backwards he moved closer to her.

"You," he began

He tilted his head, eyeing her from head to toe. "Watch out."

Jieun stared at him with wide eyes, her mind completely blanking out. She never felt this way towards a boy before. This feeling- it's new to her. Renjun raised his eyebrow at her, and Jieun shook her head, finally getting her senses back.

"O-oh right, sorry." She said, moving away from him

He walked away from her, with 2 of his friends which Jieun assumed are the other members of the Dreamies. Jieun turned her head towards Yejin, still dumbfounded about what just happened.

Huang Renjun, the guy everyone wishes they'd never fall for him, but eventually will fall for him anyway.


"Seriously Jieun? You know, everyone was shocked because he didn't snapped at you. I heard earlier today he almost sent someone to the underworld because that poor guy pisses him off."

Jieun rolled her eyes, putting her head on the table. "I don't have a crush on him okay? He only caught my attention, that's all."

"Yeah right, you said that before but look at yourself, you're basically admiring him."

Jieun sighs, she never felt this way towards a guy before. But maybe it just her mind playing tricks on her because Renjun is super attracitive.

"I don't have a crush on him, Yejin."

Yejin snickered at her. "You better, he's not the kind of person you want to mess with or even deal with."

"And why is that? He's my brother's and my other best friend's close friend though." Jieun said

"He's going to be the king of Underworld, Jieun. He's known for his cold and ruthless personality. You don't want to mess with him. The reason why he didn't snapped at you earlier is probably because your brother is one of his best friends." Yejin said, not wanting her best friend deal with the Huang Renjun

Jieun nods. "Fair enough."

Not long after that, the school is finally over for today. Jieun packed her stuffs to her back, walking towards Jisung's table.

"Hey Sung, we're going home together today right?"

Jisung looked up at her, standing up from his seat. "Yeah, Jaemin-hyung said we'll all go home together."

Jieun frowned. "We all?"

"Oh right, with the rest of the dreamies hyungs. Jeno-hyung, Haechan-hyung, Mark-hyung, Jaemin-hyung, and Chenle," Jisung said

Jieun sighs in relief, thankfully he didn't mention Renjun. He reside in the Underworld anyways, not Mount Olympus like the rest of them.

Jisung snapped his fingers, suddenly remembering something. "Oh right, Renjun-hyung will join us too, we're going to hang out first and then he'll go home back to his place."

Well- shit.

Well- shit

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