★ 30

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"Alright, today's the last practice." Renjun said

"If I can get at least 3 laps in 1 minute , will you buy me an ice cream?" Jieun asks with puppy eyes

Renjun gave her a weird look. "Why should I?"

"You're my teacher, you should buy me an ice cream as an appreciation if I do well."

"That's just irrelevant, there's no such thing as that."

"Please?" Jieun pouts

Renjun rolled his eyes, setting his timer. "Sure, whatever."

Jieun smiled, taking a deep breath before riding her horse as fast as she could. Her pace is much more steadier than a few weeks ago, there's definitely an improvement.

She was about to finish her third lap, when suddenly Star stopped, making her body jolt backwards. Suddenly, she got thrown back, her body landing harshly on the ground. Fortunately for her, she's wearing a helemet. 

Jieun groaned in pain, trying to sit back up. Renjun walked towards her, helping her to sit.

"You okay?"

Jieun nods. "Yeah, thank god I have this helemet."

Renjun turned his head, seeing the same figure he saw that time- a male with an all black outfit staring at them from afar. The guy soon turned around, walking away.

"What's wrong with Star? She keeps on stopping—"

"It's not Star."

Jieun frowned, looking at his serious face. "What do you mean it's not Star?"

"Someone tried to hurt you, again."


"How's your last practice?" Haechan asks, drinking his banana milk

"Good, I guess. I'm nervous for tomorrow though." Jieun said

Jisung ruffled her hair, putting his arm on her shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll do well."

As usual, they're hanging out in the living room, and of course, Renjun is not there. Jieun sighs, he always spends his time alone, and for some reason she wanted to company him. 

"Where's Renjun? I thought he was here before?" Jeno asks, his eyes still fixed on his phone screen

"Renjun-hyung? I think he's upstairs with Jaemin-hyung." Chenle said

Jieun immedieately turned her head towards Chenle upon hearing his words.

"Where're Jaemin and Renjun?"

"Try looking for them in your indoor garden upstairs, Renjun said he wants to look at some type of flowers you have." Haechan said

Jieun nods as she stood up, walking towards the garden. And he's right, they're both there. They look like they're talking about some serious things, their facial expression showed that.

Jieun took a deep breath before entering the garden, walking towards them both. Jaemin turned his head towards her, and she just smiled in return.

"What are you two doing here?" She asks, smiling at them both

Jaemin smiled at his sister, ruffling her hair lightly. "Just looking at some flowers. Oh yeah, wait here, I need to take something."

Jaemin soon left them there- Jieun and Renjun.

The athmosphere began to get awkward as Jieun can't get her eyes off him. But Renjun doesn't even pay attention to her. Instead, he's busy looking at the flowers.

"You really like flowers do you?"

Renjun turned around, his eyes meeting her eyes. "I do."

"What's your favorite flower?"


Jieun smiled at him, picking up one anemone, handing it to him. Renjun took the flower from her hand, smiling lightly. Jieun widened her eyes, it's her first time seeing him smile like that- a sincere smile.

Renjun noticed her weird look, so he raised one of his eyebrows, staring at her with a confused look on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Did you just, smile?"

"Can't I smile?"

Jieun smiled at him, shaking her head. "Well you can apparently."

Renjun chuckled at her statement before looking around again.

"About the Olympics tomorrow," 

Jieun sighs, looking at Renjun with a worried look. "What if someone tried to use their power on me and try to hurt me again?"

Renjun stayed quiet. He walked closer towards her, standing right in front of her. His eyes now staring deeply into her orbs, making her feel butterflies flying around her stomach.

"That won't happen."

"How are you so sure of that?"

Renjun grabbed her hand, putting the small anemone she gave him earlier on her palm. He smiled lightly before looking back at her. "Because I'll make sure of that."

okayy so who's the bad guy;-;

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okayy so who's the bad guy;-;

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