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"Alright everyone, it's finally the d-day of the Olympics, I know you all prepared yourselves well for this tournament, so I wish you all good luck," 

All of the students gathered around the stadium, waiting for the tournament to start. Jieun is wearing her team uniform, matching with the rest of the dreamies.

"The first round will be pankration, marathon, and soccer. The second round will be archery, sword fight, and horse racing. For the last and final round will be swimming and basketball, which will be held in the basketball court and swimming pool." The principle explained

Jieun took a deep breath, she's extremely nervous. Although her part is still in the second round, she's scared if she'll do well or not.

Jaemin rubbed her back, trying to calm her down a bit. "Don't worry, you'll do well."

Jieun smiled lightly, glancing towards Renjun. He looks chill- way too chill. But his eyes looked different, as if he's worried about something. And as they say, the eyes never lie.

All of the teams are waiting on their own waiting room, and Haechan is the first one to go out. Haechan strecthed his body before taking his water bottle, drinking the water.

"Wish me luck." He said

The rest of the dreamies nods and Jeno patted his shoulder. Haechan walked towards the arena right in the middle of the stadium, and the students immediately cheered for him. He's fighting against Lee Felix, as usual.

Felix walked into the arena soon after him, smirking towards his opponent. "Nice to see you, Lee Haechan."

Haechan chuckled bitterly, rolling his eyes at him. "Yeah right, you better prepare yourself asshole."

"Alright, get ready. The first match will be Lee Haechan vs Lee Felix,"

"Three, two, one!"

As soon as the principle screamed the last number, Haechan run towards his opponent, directly punching him right in the face. Felix punched him back, but Haechan stopped him using his fast reflex, and Felix get kicked right on his stomach instead.

They continue to fight for 10 minutes before Felix finally gave up, face bruised and his body hurts way too much. He lied down on the ground, signalling that he's giving up.

The sound of the whistle began to be heard and the judge stated that Haechan is the official winner for this match. Haechan panted, his face is also bruised- although not as bad as Felix but he sure still have some bruises around his body too.

"Good job Haechan-hyung!" Jisung cheered

The crowds began to cheer for him too, chanting his name. Jieun swore she could feel the intense goosebumps. But well, the game had just started.


Jieun waited outside the waiting room, sitting on the side of the swimming pool again. For now this place is empty because everyone else is watching the tournament, but she needs to calm herself down for now so she went here.

Jaemin already finished his match and of course, he won. It's Jisung's turn now, the soccer match. After him, they would give an hour break before the second round starts, which is horse racing and archery.

She's nervous and she's doubting herself a little bit way too much. It's her first time doing something like this, not to mention horse race and sport in general is not her thing at all.

After sitting there for a while, she suddenly felt someone's presence beside her, resulting to her turning her head to check who's sitting beside her.


Renjun sits beside her, looking to the other way. Jieun's face began to heat up, realizing that her so called crush is now sitting beside her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'll ask you the same thing, what are you doing here?"

Jieun chuckled, staring into his eyes. His eyes are still flashing those looks- the look of someone who is worried. "Are you scared for your swimming?"

No response. 

Renjun sighed, looking at her but this time, he smiled lightly. "Yes, actually yes I am,"

Millions of memories about Eunha flashed through his mind. He used to love swimming, but after that day, it left him with a huge scar and a trauma. 

"It's been years since the last time I do this shit, I'm actually afraid. I don't even know why I'm telling you this." Renjun said

Jieun smiled at him. "Don't worry, you'll do well."

Renjun stayed quiet. It's not that he doesn't want to reply to her, it's just that he's out of words to say.

Renjun sighs, turning his head to look at her. "You too. If you're scared, just remember that I'll be here, cheering for you, even if you can't see it."

As those words came out from his mouth, Jieun smiled, nodding her head. 

"You too, I'll be cheering for you, I promise."

That was his first time saying something like that. Well, I guess you can say Jieun's existence really changed him.

 Well, I guess you can say Jieun's existence really changed him

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