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Renjun entered his house, feeling like all of his energy is drained out from his body. He felt like his whole world without Jieun is empty. He never felt so happy, but when he was with her he could smile so easily.

He walked back towards his room, but when he saw his grandfather he stopped. His grandfather smiled at him, at it's quite weird because he rarely smiles- almost never.

"Huang Renjun, follow me."

Renjun frowned, not understanding what he wants but he followed him anyways. His grandfather took him to his work room, his library. 

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Renjun asks

His grandfather motioned him to sit, so he did. He took a sit infront of him, looking at Renjun with a light smile. "You're in love with someone, right?"

Renjun stayed quiet. He didn't want to answer that question, but he couldn't lie to him either he'll directly know that's it's a lie just like Jeno.

Hades chuckled, looking at his reaction. "It's okay, it's normal. I was in love with someone too, it's not a sin, to be in love. But I must ask you something important."

"What is it?"

"Did you turn back the time?"

His question took him off guard as Renjun stared at his grandfather with a shocked look on his face. He then nods, looking down. "Yes, I did. I know it's very risky, but it's the only thing that could save her."

Hades nods, understanding what he meant. "It's all good now then, right? Or is there something that bothers you? You look like you're lifeless."

Renjun sighs, nodding his head. He rarely told anyone about how he's feeling, but this time it's too much for him to handle.

"Because I turned back the time, she doesn't remember anything about me- all of our memories together." 

Hades raised one of his eyebrows at him and weirdly, he's smiling. "Are you sure?"

Renjun looked up, Jieun's word ringed inside his mind. She asked him that before, when he said she didn't know him. 

Hades chuckled, sipping his coffee that's still warm. "She'll remember you, don't worry."

"How are you so sure about that?"

"You look surprised when I asked you if you're sure about her not remembering you, which means you doubt that she fully lost her memory, right?"

Renjun opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He doesn't know how to feel about all this.

"If you two are meant to be, she'll remember you again."

"How? If I turned back time, it's just the same as all those things never happened, how could she remember that?" Renjun asks

Hades smiled at him, putting his cup of coffee down. "The dreams will come to her, she'll remember everything."


"Until when are you going to continue on disturbing me?"

"Until you finally act nicer to me." 

"Right, just keep on dreaming."

"The sky is lonely, there's no stars or moon to company him."

"It's the Underworld, you can't expect sweet things like that here." 

"Alright, today's the last practice." 

"If I can get at least 3 laps in 1 minute , will you buy me an ice cream?" 

"Why should I?"

"You're my teacher, you should buy me an ice cream as an appreciation if I do well."

"Sure whatever."

"You were thinking of me, were you?"

"How do you know?"

"Because I was thinking of you too."

"What are you doing here?" He asks, not even bothering to look at the younger girl beside him

"Just wanted to see you."

"You know, I'm going to be the king of this place, you should call me your highness here."

"I like you, Huang Renjun, I really do."

"Cute, you're blushing,"

"Nothing bad happened Jieun, don't worry."

"But you're hurt, you got bruises everywhere and—"

Renjun cuts her off again. He kissed her.

"I'll try, but I won't hesitate to fight someone who hurts my girl."

"M-my girl?" 

"Yes, today's our day one."

"Na Jieun."


"I love you."

Jieun opened her eyes, waking up from her dream, drops of sweat dripping all over her face. Her tears began to fall, feeling so overwhelmed. She began to sob, her fingers clenching her blanket tightly.

She finally remember everything.

She finally remember everything

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aw that's nice

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