★ 13

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"So Renjun, are you ready to be the next king?"

Renjun turned his head towards his grandfather. "I hope I'll be ready soon, grandfather."

His father laughed, staring at his son proudly. "Of course you'll be ready son, you're well prepared."

Renjun just nod his head, continueing to eat his food. Hades smiled at him, Renjun is clearly the most loved descendant, maybe because he's the only one to be the next king too.

"You're very mature for your age, I'm sure the Underworld will be in great hands." 

Renjun smiled lightly. This is not the life he wanted actually. He never fancies the shiny crowns, the majestic throne, or the expensive diamond rings.  All he ever wanted was a normal life with his friends and his loved ones. But he never knew what love is, even though his father is proud at him, he never showed him what love is.

He never even got the chance to meet his own mother. Her mother died giving birth to him, leaving him alone with his father. His father never thought of marrying another woman, that's why Renjun is missing one of the most important figures in life, a mother.

"How's the Olympics? You're joining again right?" Hades asks

"Yes, I am." 

His grandfather smiled at him. "Horse racing again? I heard you're the best horse racer in this generation."

Renjun's father chuckled bitterly, eyeing his son. "Not horse racing, swimming."

"What? Are you sure about that? What if you don't win?"

Renjun closes his eyes, trying to think of an answer. This is why he hates his life as the only descendant of the Underworld, his life is being controlled by both his father and his grandfather.

"Yes, I am. I want to try something new. I can't be just good at one thing, right grandfather? As the future king, I need to be good in everything." He said

Hades frowned, but his frown turned into a smile, hearing Renjun's words.

"You're right, you need to be good in everything. You're the only future king anyways."

Renjun nods, faking a smile. 


Renjun sighs, walking back towards his room. He loosened his necktie, sighing again as he opened the door to his room. 

He widened his eyes as soon as he saw a figure sitting on his bed- more like Jieun.

"Why the fuck are you still here?"

Jieun, who is currently playing with her phone, turned her head towards him. She immediately stood up, putting her phone back. 

She smiled at him. "Oh you're back, how's the dinner?"

Renjun scoffed, not believing what she just said. He walked closer to her, standing in front of her.

"I'm asking you, Na Jieun. Why are you still here?" He asks, trying his best to control his anger

"Look, I don't know how to teleport back, okay?"

Renjun chuckled coldly at her. "You teleported here, why can't you teleport yourself back?"

"I tried, it doesn't work. I don't even know how I managed to travel here in the first place."

Renjun sighs, closing his eyes. He's really trying his best to be patient at her because she's his best friend's sister.

He grabbed her hand, closing his eyes shut.

"W-wait!" Jieun said suddenly

Renjun opened his eyes, raising his eyebrow at her.

"Are you okay?" She said, staring deeply into his eyes

That question caught him off guard. He's having deja vu, this situation seemed to familiar to him.

Jieun looked deeper into his orbs. "Your eyes, they're filled with sadness."

"Are you okay?"

Renjun scoffed. "Why are you asking me that?"

"You can lie about not being okay, but your eyes are filled with sadness."

Renjun turned his head towards the girl, not knowing what to say. He just smiled lightly at her, and she rolled her eyes playfully at him.

"Don't smile at me like that."

Renjun playfully smiled at her. "Why not?"

"It makes me like you more." 

Renjun snapped back into the reality, staring back into Jieun's eyes. She's still waiting for his answer, but instead of giving her an answer, he closed his eyes shut, teleporting themselves back to her room.

Jieun opened her eyes, seeing a new surroundings, her room. She turned her head towards Renjun, she was about to say something but he cut her off.

"Stay away from me, you're no good to me and I'm clearly not good for you either."

With that, he teleported himself back to his place leaving her alone dumbfounded again.

With that, he teleported himself back to his place leaving her alone dumbfounded again

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hehe hello sorry for not updating for like idk 3 days?

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